Another question what is it? is there communication between the dead and the living? the dead watching the lives of their loved ones? there can be restoration in the relationship of 2 people after the death of one? this question has 3 parts, A-OK know the answer too, that's why you will answer it, here you go, I will listen to you
the answer is very simple- the first one is it? the contact of the living and the dead, let's take the gospel, those who asked the question probably don't have a passage, the gospel says, the question is very important, they didn't read the gospel they have, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus- who converses with Abraham, this is not a sample that that we have that's the question no dead? yes, but 2 dead people are talking- a dead man does not speak to a living one? who says to warn others not to come/? here we see in the parable as it says very clearly 2 dead people talking, Abraham the holy the righteous with the rich sinner and convict, and they talk even though there is a huge gap, say in the parable, there is a gap between us and you, -gap mega supported, so that neither of us may come to you nor you come to us, to us to pass, this, of course, was done in the old testament, today things changed with the descent of our Christ into Hades, because god was also going to hell, but the so-called mega gap remains, and the gap because they are from hell -they cannot cross -those who are in paradise can cross over, and if god allows it, the contact of the living and the sleeping is with the memorials? in the divine liturgy where the commemoration of the names takes place? isn't the memorial for the repose of the sleeping a contact? According to the divine liturgy unites present and future life, the terrestrial and the heavenly currently heavenly =let's follow the questions that were raised and not the ones we want to give an answer. because the question is whether there is communication between the dead or not, no it's only those that god will allow it to happen. and there is communication with the dead through the liturgy, of the sacraments of thanksgiving where they are commemorated= living and sleeping, the second do the dead watch the lives of their loved ones?
another question which is the second part ,as long as god allows them- and the sleepers who have the holy spirit in them- they understand it and intervene -this is how the saints intervene, the saints are not omniscient but the holy spirit which they have within them ,allows them to know whatever concern them, for the saints are hastening and the Virgin herself
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