Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Δευτέρα 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

After death experience by Serbian Dousan -SUBTITLES


            JULY 1976 ... 

"In all my exhibitions I try to honestly present the events I lived through in the 48 years of my life. On July 11, 1976, just before 10 in the morning, I drove from Kragujevic to the Baths of Mataruska.  

Arriving at the Ibar bridge in Kraljevo, I turned left due to a collision that had blocked the road, taking direction to the monastery. 

This is how this shocking story begins 

On the way, he picks up two strangers in his car. A solemn monk and a revered nun. On his way they say everything about his life, even details. He is surprised… 

- Dusan, you are returning from the memorial in Kragujevic, aren't you? How did they know my name and where did I come from? They were completely unknown to me… 

- In fact. 

- And now you go to the Baths of Mataruska, while you do not bathe… 

- I do not dare, because the water is very hot. The monk has just stopped. The nun asks me.  

Where are you from Dushan? From Zakuta? Your father is Dimitri, your mother is Derinka,… They believe in God, but as soon as they get angry they curse him. Your brother, Milovan, is highly educated but an atheist. Great atheist ... 

He paused for a moment and continued; 

- And you Dushan, you believe deeply in God, despite your apostasy. 

You stopped and picked us up, while others passed by us and spat on us. 

I was trembling with fear. Through the driver's mirror I turned and hugged them. Horror seized me. Two large halos with dazzling light blinded me above their heads.

Really, I was not dealing with ordinary people… 

They continued talking to me about the prodigal life I was leading. Fear and shame had overwhelmed me. In the courtyard of the monastery I stopped to go down. I ran to open the doors for them. I pulled the knob and bent inside.

The seats were empty! 



Depressed, anxious, terrified, I arrive at my hotel. I lay down on the bed. A pain, like a stitch, pierced my chest, throwing me into a deep sleep.  

As if in a dream, the door of my room opened. The walls shine strangely, and a bright angel, the same ancient image, enters.  

He is talking to me;

- Shower, get up to walk. Do you know who you were transporting today? Agios Apostolos Petros, and Agia Petka (Friday) that your family honors very much σαμε We arrived at a mountain. We entered a cloud and began to rise in space, like in a fairy tale.  

The angel said to me; 

- Look down at the Earth. What do you see;

 The whole earth was like a sphere, but I recognized in spite of all the heights, faces of people, animals, etc. 

- Dushan, God supervised you to receive a small sample of the afterlife and the resurrection of the dead when Christ comes to judge the world. This is how it will happen then… 

Like in a movie, I saw bright Archangels trumpeting, tombs being opened all over the earth, and the dead coming out of them whole and whole. I saw men, women, children coming out of seas, lakes, fires, etc. as they had died.  

The strangest thing was that on everyone's forehead, as if on paper, many or a few words were written. 

The angel spoke; 

- Why do you admire Dusan? What you see written are the works of everyone, even their thoughts are written. Nothing is going to be hidden…. 

Among the dead I saw friends, relatives, acquaintances. They reached out, they talked, but I could not distinguish their words. Another multitude of shadowy creatures hovered in the air around us. Distinguished pure human characteristics. What were you?  

"These are human souls," the angel told me, deepening my thought. 

The soul that comes out of man contains sight, hearing, speech, memory, emotions. Without a soul man is but a mass of flesh. Without a soul there is no life.  

When the soul leaves the body (death) then, for 40 days it passes again all the life it lived and it is shown everything it did, the places it lived, but also the places where it sinned, which it benefited, etc. Then he ascends to heaven for judgment. 

You should know Dushan, that in hell there are sinners, but also the so-called "good" people, according to the measures of the world… They are the people who consciously did not want to hear anything about Christ and their salvation. They were indifferent thinking that the issue did not concern them !

We have traveled through space, but I am not in a position to describe details. We finally reached a place with endless huge walls. A gate in the shape of a Cross was shining ...

There were many souls, more or less bright, many angels, but also demons with monstrous forms, as in the hagiographies we see, who tried to prevent the souls from entering. We passed this gate and reached a second station, where the savagery of the demons to grab souls, filled you with horror.   

Through the gate, however, a powerful, crystal clear light, which no human being like him saw, illuminated everything. Houses, rivers, trees, flowers, and Churches with chants, shone indescribably….

The ground of Paradise was like glass, I would say crystal, while huge green fragrant gardens covered the surrounding areas. Hymns and Praises to Christ filled the air.

Also, from a great distance, on a hill, I saw a huge Cross and on it Christ, while a blinding light was springing around him. Angels and saints were beside him.  

- Dushan, here is the throne of God… You are not worthy to go further. Take care to take advantage of the little life you have left, to be baptized, and to be saved by fasting and prayer, keeping every commandment of God…

Watch out! 





".... We came out of Paradise like a dream and were transported to a place, like an abyss, dark No earthly darkness can be like this. A terrible stench, the stench of Hell, was drowning me.  

I felt like we were facing something unknown, something terrible, but I did not know what it could be The angel-guide directed me ... 

In the background, a vast sea was seen, from the surface of which was boiling huge fires. I realized that we are in front of an endless wall while a few meters beyond our feet the water was boiling like a volcano.  

These words do not describe! ...

Woe to those who will go to hell, and who will burn in this place for endless years. Woe to those whom Satan deceives and tells them that the devil and Hell are fairy tales of the priests, and throws them into prostitution, adultery, suicide, drugs, homosexuality, abortions, etc. , and reassures them by telling them;

"Do not be afraid, God is good ..." 

He still tells them,

"And where will everyone fit in Hell ..." 

 When they land in these places forever and the doors close behind them, then they will realize their fatal mistake. 

I saw innumerable terrible animals, huge snakes, with many heads, twisting, standing up, and squeezing the sinners, dragging them to the depths of the fiery sea ... 

And when the mouths of the monstrous animals devoured the sinners, then these bodies were made again as before, so that the same cycle of torments could begin again ...   

"Do not be afraid, Dushan," said the angel. The serpents and the animals that swim in this boiling water, God made them so that they will not be destroyed ... They will bite forever and all together they will boil and roast in this fire, but they will never boil, nor will they be cooked completely…

This will be their punishment ...



The sight of torture was unbearable. I closed my eyes several times, but when I turned them in the dark, then there I was greeted by black monsters, with fiery eyes, screaming and flying around us.  

I was scared… 

- Do not disturb Dusan. They are demons that we bother them with. Many people today do not believe in demons.    

He considers them fairy tales and laughs. But the time will come if they do not repent, if they do not confess sincerely, and do not communicate regularly, who will live in these places, and then they will believe… Remember this Dushan! 

Here they will live, whether they like it or not! ...

 Only a change of life can save them, before of course death overtakes them ... 

With these words the angel took me out of hell and its darkness. 

Returning to Earth, he crucified me and disappeared. 


Since then, the evolution of my life into repentance and life change has been rapid. Today, close to Christ and His mysteries, I feel insured against the other life so much that no Human Life Insurance Company can offer. I hope, how many people will think so, and how this real story needed to be made public…

This vision, translated from a Serbian text, was made public for information only).  

Commenting on this, some people talked about a symbolic vision of allegorical significance that has nothing to do with reality ...

Who of us however, either patriarch or archbishop or spiritual, can responsibly say that he knows well what he meant when Christ talked about Hell?  

Of course no one! ...

Others laughed ironically, calling the description "a true tale ..."

What if it is not so?

But if one in a thousand , things are there ... as described above, then what happens?       

But we are free to judge and decide ... 

The soul after physical death=subs

According to the teachings of the Church, the particular judgment of souls by God is preceded by their torments, or rather a series of tests; these take place in the regions of the air, where the evil spirits have their domain (Eph. 6. 12). They detain the souls and declare and make manifest all the sins that these souls perpetrated during their lives. We know about these torments in great detail because they were revealed to Gregory, the disciple of the holy monk St. Basil the New, who lived in the first half of the Tenth century. Gregory in his vision learned about the hour of death and the passing through torments of a woman known as the Blessed Theodora.

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...