Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 27 Απριλίου 2021

information from other lives


Demon spirits can cause delusions that contain information from other lives.

A person who has hallucinations thinks it is a real experience. A demonic illusion using information from someone else's life really seems. Reincarnation is a logical explanation for these experiences, false, but nevertheless logical.

"Wait a minute! You said these last life experiences can't be explained as delusions!"

There are several types of hallucinations. One is caused by the chemistry of the body, the disease, etc. The other is by a changed state of consciousness, which came from things like:

-Oriental religion types of meditation
Various drugs
Some types of electrical stimulation applied to the brain
"Going into an ecstasy" to act as an average spirit
"Medium" (a term used by UFO researchers. The activity involved is the same average practice.)
"Remote view" (a term used by the U.S. military to describe the same activity as a means of channeling or practice.)
Communication with "spiritual guides"
Typical activities in a medium of one session
"Visualization" techniques
Any kind of occult activity invites spirits to come in contact, such as Ouija paintings, Tarot, astrology, consultations with a "psychic".

"Why bother Satan with a big lie about reincarnation? What's the point?"

Mankind has an innate desire to communicate with God. It is in our nature because God placed it there. Satan will use every means at his disposal to lead people away from God. We must not make people believe that there is no god, it is just to get them to disbelieve in the God of Christians. One simple way to do this is with false religious experiences, such as "reincarnation past-life."

God will judge us by our faith and our actions. If we do not believe in Jesus and receive His gift of justification by faith, we will be doomed. We cannot process our salvation by good deeds, lest any man boast. But that's exactly what reincarnation teaches-if it's a screw this time around, we just have to do it again and again until you do it right. The disastrous lie here is that man dies and discovers too late that he has no other chance.

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