Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Πέμπτη 16 Ιουνίου 2022


something: That
every phenomenon that precedes the presence

of the Antichrist as a preparation, needs
its own time to mature and impose itself naturally;

as a preparation time, we would need many

Is that not so?

-No, he did, shaking his head negatively.

The closer we get to there, then things will get
faster and faster until they end up evolving

at lightning speed.

Television will not have time to announce
new events to people.

And all this will then be seen as a triumph
of evil and the Antichrist, whereas in reality,

Christ will allow this development by providing
for His own children and shortening their

time of suffering.


-How much time will they take?-I asked him.

But I will catch up with them, won't I?"

I asked to clarify.

-Yes, the Elder did, shaking his head affirmatively.

You will make it and you will live to see

Old Paisios made a very useful clarification:
-When the Antichrist comes, he will not try

to deceive people to sneak 666 through.

The Antichrist will be Satan's vehicle and
Satan knows nothing of the concept of freedom

or personal rights.

When he takes power from Christ, he will rule
as a tyrant: the most horrible one that mankind

has ever known.

He will demand that you acknowledge him as
a god and worship him.

And he won't care if you want that and if
you agree.

Everything will then be filled with oppression
and terror because the devil will personally

and consciously demand Christ's denial and
his own acceptance.

Neutrality will not suffice for him and there
will be no evasions.

Either you accept him and suffer the abandonment
of grace or you deny him and are marginalized

with all the consequences that it says in
Revelation: that they will not be able to

sell or buy anything, because they will not
have the mark of the Antichrist.

-"And what will happen to them?

Will they starve to death?

-Hey, no, bless you.

People will have their bread, flour, olives,

But woe to those who are disciples of a rich

For them, bread and olives will not be enough
and the dilemma will be a difficult one.

Since well-educated and well-educated Christians
have invented the 'crypto-Christian ideology',

I think it has become clear that such a possibility
does not exist.

What Jesus said in the Gospel will be applied
here: "either you confess me before the rulers

and I accept you into My Kingdom, or you deny
I and I reject you".

Excerpt from the book "Old Paisios - SIGNS
OF THE TIMES" - Testimonies of Monks and Pilgrims

(Carthusian Cards, Sealing, Sealing, Engraving,
Antichrist), Alexandroupolis 2011

Said St. Paisios.

The present time resembles the early Christian

... He warned us, and with this, I want to
close, that we will have difficult years,

he says, they will try to seal us.

We live in the 
time of the Antichrist and we sleep with the


He was telling us about a global electronic
dictatorship coming and he was telling us

that the antichrist is behind all this and
the purpose is to seal us.

As Revelation says.

He was also telling us about this characteristic.

They will abolish money and replace it with
plastic cards.

When they put all the cards together into
one, that is, the passport, the bank booklet,

the ID card, the driver's license, when they
make all these into one, one card, then it

says you have to react because that will
be the previous step from the sealing, the


The next step 
will be the chipping.

Christ will help His creature, great miracles
will be done.

There will be difficult years ahead he warned

He didn't want us to 

get hysterical and afraid either, because
that's a sign of short-sightedness, but on

On the other hand, He didn't want us to be indifferent,
to close our eyes, to pretend that nothing

was wrong.

He wanted the middle way.

Neither to close our eyes nor to be afraid.

And He was saying, Christ will help His creature
through these difficult years.

And you're gonna say, "How can I live if I
can't buy and sell?

There will be great miracles He was telling

at that time and you will 

a bottle of oil and you won't run out, a 

can of flour, and you won't run out.

He says those who can go on a diet will go

a diet.

Those who are used to having ten kinds of
cheese on their table, they will struggle...

...He was telling us, he was not hiding the
danger, he was telling us that these are difficult

years, we will 


a difficult time, we will be tested, and as
I told 

in the beginning, he considered the best
preparation to be the spiritual life.

Turkish elderly woman

One day an elderly Turkish woman was found on the island of Lesvos and specifically in Mantamado.

 At first glance, one would say that she was a tourist like those who fill the island from the opposite side of the Archipelago Sea.

 But she had something different.

 He asked and asked again.

 Where is BLACK?

 The locals, as they told me, did not get tired of thinking, because BLACK for them is their famous Brigadier in the eponymous Holy Monastery in Mantamado.

 It is called BLACK because of the black hue of the only sculpture in Orthodoxy that depicts the Archangel Michael created from dust and the blood of the martyred monks of the area in the hands of the Saracens - agaric pirates.

 However, they were impressed that Turkala knew this special nickname of Taxiarchis.

 And that was the reason they asked her.

 She did not find it difficult to describe to them the reason why she was in their place.

 She confessed to them in her simplicity that her son was a pilot of the Turkish Air Force from the opposite air base….,And everytime the pilot was passing above the island her son  could see him,scarering him,sometimes had problem with his aeroplane

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...