Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
Папство не является церковью. Так как это не церковь, это означает, что я не могу Я говорю о праздновании с этими людьми. Я праздную с тем, ...
I was an atheist and I cursed God a lot and terribly I lived in debauchery and fornication and I was dead on earth but the merciful God did ...
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I remembered an experience of a certain man at the same time, I will not tell you his name, this man has fallen asleep, but so that you can ...
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Τρίτη 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021
100% the beings of light in NDE are demonic, READ MY SUBS IN VIDEO
This humility is largely absent from modern NDE accounts.
Also missing from today's NDE stories is the cruelty of Saint Niphon, whose skeptical attitude once sent a bad spirit. The demon appeared to the Saint in the form of a holy angel and said that Niphon would be given the power to perform miracles, as a reward from God. Nifon was not fooled. He recognized this vision as a deception and a call for pride. "Wait a minute," he said to the demon, "and I will do a miracle for you." He turned to a nearby stone and told him to move to another location. The rock was submerged. "A lot for your gift," said St. Niphon, and he came to his senses. Then the Saint prayed to God and the demon disappeared.
Remember the wisdom of these two saints in relation to the NDE phenomenon. They are models for dealing with misleading, non-Orthodox "visions" of the afterlife. Only the enlightened, cautious, and well-informed soul is able to clearly see the demonic illusion involved in the NDE. and as each year passes, the need for clear thinking about the NDE and what it represents - the emerging religion of the Antichrist - increases. Just as a demon in an NDE (or comparable vision) can disguise himself as Christ, the Antichrist will one day appear as the Messiah. Thus, the NDE provides a preview of the false belief that the Antichrist will trap the world.
Evidently, the modern-day NDE phenomenon is part of what St. Paul described in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4: itchy ears; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and they will turn into myths. "
Will the faithful believe in the doctrines of the New Age NDE when they are told the truth about these false visions? In most cases, probably not. But because few can hear and respond, we Orthodox Christians must offer a clear and unequivocal testimony to the lies and dangers of the NDE phenomenon. Indeed, we can partly judge how clearly we are delivering this warning. what is false here is the being of light, and what is talking about, other experiences don't have the conversation with that creature and does not mention that creature exclude that these things whenever this creature is the picture of the experiences, for me are demonic and are trying to confuse the reality of the afterlife
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