Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Δευτέρα 6 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Πατήρ Γεώργιος Αλευράς

Tα Νησιά θά είναι η Κρήτη δυστυχώς και η Σάμος


Tα Νησιά θά είναι η Κρήτη δυστυχώς και η Σάμος

You want us to discuss a number of points that I know so that we don’t get distracted by unrelated topics? Then let’s use our time wisely. So, what I personally believe will happen through the prophetic word of the saints who are already in the triumphant Church, as well as some holy people living today. After all, the Church continues to give birth to saints, and the holiness of people like Saint Paisios and Porphyrios has not ended. We still have saints who can see the future. Let’s pay attention to what they say. According to their prophecies, significant events will occur in the next year that we are currently living in. One of the first will be a major earthquake in Greece. This will be a literal geophysical earthquake, and it will be on a large scale. Already, numerous minor earthquakes are occurring in the Aegean Sea and Greece, and I hope that this is due to the prayers of the Theotokos, who distributes the power of the large earthquake into many smaller ones. This aligns with God’s providence, especially through the prayers of the saints and ourselves. The Theotokos said to one of the righteous: “I pray that this earthquake does not happen, because My Son and Lord told Me: ‘Mother, I also do not want people to suffer, but when you come to Me, your hands are empty. They are not filled with the prayers of the believers; their prayers are cold.’” This tragic reality shows how important our fervent prayers and repentance are. If we discuss this, it is only to activate our prayers and warm them. Christians should pray, rather than wait for something to happen before starting to pray. When we see signs – the increase of earthquakes, famine, migration, social inequality, corruption, and depravity – we must understand that all of this is forewarnings. As for Turkey, prophecies say that they will start with an attack on a small island and then move on to a larger one. This is related to their claims about six miles of territorial waters. Saint Paisios explained that this is not about a geographical point, but about the territorial waters that Turkey will attempt to dispute, using the abrogation of the Lausanne Treaty in their arguments. These events will last only three days. Although this will instill fear in people, it will pass quickly. As for Cyprus, Saint Porphyrios said that Turkey will make an attempt at intimidation, but this will not lead to occupation. They will create a threat from the sea, which the saints have also foretold. All this tension will lead Greeks to repentance. This fear and repentance will pave the way for further events, resulting in Greece and Cyprus becoming safe countries while elsewhere – in Western Europe, America, Russia, and the East – a world war begins. According to the saints, Russia will enter into war with Turkey. It will be a destructive but short-term war. After all these events, Turkey will humble itself, and many of its inhabitants will embrace Orthodoxy and become missionaries

Christ Himself said this, so that we may inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

so we have the life of the Christian and the life of the world we have the injustice and suffering in the personal life of each person and w...