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Σάββατο 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

The law of attraction is actually white magic-SUBTITLES

hello I have done in the past video about
the law of attraction, but because it was live, not

many people understood about, neither they
had the patience to watch such a video. for

For those who are watching the first time, I want to
say that I was in a new era for 3 years,

but some events that happened in my life made
I understand that it was all a demonic illusion

and become orthodox again.
This video is for people who have been involved

before and now. for this, I will analyze deep
topics such as magic. unfortunately, I have

to talk about these issues. for the world to
know about what is he dealing with

for those of you who have been watching my
videos for quite some time of the new era, we

are going slowly for new era things because
are too many we have many issues to discuss

what is 

the law of attraction from where it came from
and how science overthrows them

how is it related to magic? the negative effects
that may have, and my own experiences.

let's get started What is the law of attraction? Suppose
there is something we can attract to our lives

if we think about it constantly and a lot. what
you have inside you is how you think

then materialize or become your own reality. they
say that if our vibration was at high levels

then, we easily magnetized what we desire. and
higher vibrations in a human occur when we

are in a peaceful situation, through its first
supporters were Charles Kane where he wrote

the book
the master key system, which explains the law

of attraction. back in 1916 where he explains
the law of attraction, in our era, was translated

and distributed in 2006 by the book the secret
and become bestseller more than 30 million. The

book and the movie together have earned more
than 300 million. all this fame come by the

Oprah Winfrey, but as we said from the beginning
the law of attraction has started from the

Luciferian Blavatsky
Today it is taught in many self-improvements

how science overthrows him=Newton's laws=gravitational

strong nuclear weak nuclear. as you know i

am not a scientist, All my sources are in the

none of those of power can be affected, neither
by your thought nor by your power,.according

the science the law of attraction cannot be
done, then how is working? can work in man with

the illusion that it works, and secondly with
spells.if someone is dealing with the law

of attraction and wins, the lottery will believe
that my positive thinking works. if someone

else who does not believe will say I was lucky. both
cases would have won. usually, the people trying

to implement. such objectives are not superficially
addressed. usually, some methods are evolving

...have deep in these things..-have made laws
for activation and spells

the great diapause is done by alchemist magicians
negative impact.

all the people I know in my life who are in
new era are not but people,..they just see

the world in an unrealistic way
There is a mentality=you think only of material

it is like giving a magic lamp and tell you

that you can get that you can get everything
in your life just by asking that, and you become

selfish thinking all the time the good way
of living, you are doing nothing else by thinking

the good prosperity of life how to get access
to this man or woman or car or whatever else. but

this is not the meaning of life, is not everything
to be good in your life, does not allow you

to express your feelings freely. because if
you think negatively you may be accomplishing

something bad. this leaves you outside the

for instance, if you have some problems with
a friend of yours...

you have to cry to take it out of you...now
if you are dealing with the law of attraction, and

your brain-wash with this theory, then you
afraid to do it because you might attract

something negative in your life. Try to deceive
yourself that everything was fine nothing

bad has happened. AND YOU KEEP THIS NEGATIVE
FEELING INSIDE YOU.better to be free

the best mentality is to have them well inside
you=This is what I had read in the book of

Agios Paisios.I understood from a young age
that our will doesn't help us, doesn't allow

you to be free united with Christ. You love

Christ but with your own desires, when he sacrificed

for Christ, it gives you better joy, than you
enjoy everything.

if the person wants to have them well inside

man must trust god and don't have a strong desire
inside him.About magic

as I mentioned at the beginning this theory
comes from occultism. and in the bible these

theories belong to magic. any situation according to
your will. energy therapy crystal therapy challenging

therapy belongs to magic. because the person
is trying to achieve something in a supernatural

way. and to catch some-the prayer we do to
god is not the same thing.in holy bible says=God

does not listen to sinners-but only those
who are doing the will of God


that interest him for the salvation of his
soul. you ask for something and you do not

receive it. You are asking for it with a bad
intention. because you are looking to squander

your pleasures,.God is not a helpless mechanical
prefecture. God made man in imitation

MAN IS AN IMAGE OF CHRIST, but assimilation
become when I reach holiness, I am the way

the truth and life Jesus says, If someone believes
in him and his teaching imitate his 

the course then he can enter into his father house.no
one comes to the father but through myself. These

techniques give access to devils. of the infidelity
of pride-of the vanity of idolatry, because

when you believe in flowers on stones that
they by themselves, that these will help you

in your life especially if you are new era
you give permission 

to devils to access your life, meditation spiritual
guides-tarot magic in general. they asked me

about white magic. white magic is when we
use the energy of flowers or stones to access

something in your life
what is the relationship between spells with

the law of attraction? is nothing else than
a vision board. you write in the universe for

implementation. Do not listen to witches that can
lead you to ugly roads. I am promoting this

video to help people. I will share with you
2 of my experiences..I will tell you something

that has to do with implementation. I always
liked to paint. You can paint what you want

I wanted to approach a person in life by my own standards. I wish I could show you the

painting, but I cant its personal things
you can accomplish 

something but these things are dangerous. please
stay away from these things

prophecies about Greece, Russia, Turkey= CYPRUS WILL BE FREE

The ascetic monk Paisios, who became Saint Paisios by the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church in January, was known for his prophecies and predictions. One of them was that Istanbul, once the capital of the Byzantine Empire Constantinople, will become Greek again.
Specifically, Paisios wrote: “Events will start that will culminate with us taking back Constantinople. Constantinople will be given to us. There will be war between Russia and Turkey. In the beginning, the Turks will believe they are winning, but this will lead to their destruction. The Russians, eventually, will win and take over Constantinople. After that, it will be ours. They will be forced to give it to us.”
The text reads further, “(The Turks) will be destroyed. They will be eradicated because they are a nation that was built without God’s blessing. One-third of the Turks will go back to where they came from, the depths of Turkey. One-third will be saved because they will become Christians, and the other third will be killed in this war.” This is based on the Saint Kosmas prophecy.
Saint Paisios was reposed on July 12, 1994. One of the things he wrote was, “I wanted nothing else but God to keep me alive for a few more years so I could see my country expand. And it will expand…”
“Turkey will be dissected. This will be to our benefit as a nation. This way our villages will be liberated, our enslaved homelands. Constantinople will be liberated, will become Greek again. Hagia Sophia will open again,” the text reads.
“Turkey will be dissected in 3 or 4 parts. The countdown has begun. We will take the lands that belong to us, the Armenians will take theirs, and the Kurds their own. The Kurdish issue is at the works,” the text continues.
Paisios wrote further: “As long as there is faith and hope in God, a lot of people will rejoice. All that will happen in these years. The time has come.”

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...