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Τετάρτη 25 Μαρτίου 2020

Lorna Byrne seeing and talking with Angels of God?

We are being inundated with Unscriptural spiritual messages. This should be the work of the church, words of knowledge, prophecy,her message is deceptive. The angels she is communicating with is familiar spirits, they are not angels. claims to talk with Jesus and Mary regularly like other women who are demon underground,talks about pan-religion,This is what the devils want,she never mentions Jesus or sin or redemption.Her book "Stairways to Heaven". She claims that Archangel Michael showed her people with reincarnated souls?Ask God to lead you to the truth and not rely on any human guide who has not been instructed, through Jesus Christ, in a continuous line through His Apostles. Get to know Jesus through the gospels and ask him to lead you where you can meet him today. that will bring you back to the Church.The role of the Angels is to guard and guide us.On the other hand we have evil spirits that lead to distraction from the good things.  Why can't she see the evil spirits around her because they manifest into Angel's of God.  She has no discernment.We Must test the spirits all the time
The realm of this world is in control of Satan and his fallen angels.And if someone wishes to see an angel,he probably will see a dark angel manifest into one being of light like  that is coming from God coming but is not from him.The humble soul dont wishes to see Angels IN THIS LIFE,BUT AFTER DEATH

I was an atheist I died and went back to the morgue

I was an atheist and I cursed God a lot and terribly I lived in debauchery and fornication and I was dead on earth but the merciful God did ...