Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Πέμπτη 20 Ιανουαρίου 2022


 "We honor the saints, do not worship, as he says, from your reactions we can understand, that you are only for laugh. They are everywhere, this confusion, Cyprus, and overseas. They believe, that they are chosen by God; which God?. deceive- NAIVE PEOPLE, you are not going to heaven, just admit, that you believe, the devils believe too, the impression that the that saved you? just saying, that you believe in Jesus, you are all away from your goal, to inherit paradise.HUMBLE yourself, stop projecting, and confess your sins, ITS the only way "-We don't worship the saints,  by the reactions, we can tell that you are only to laugh. the heretics try to convince, that we are heretics, I do not blame you, just do what your boss tells you to do, the devil = Bible the book of all heretics = because it can not be interpreted correctly as an eschatological orientation of Pentecostal prophecy is directly linked to another oppressive psychological manifestation, which is the rapture of the church of Christ before the coming of the Antichrist, according to their claims. By serum church, it certainly means the same. Here I must add that there are a large number of Pentecostal groups, claiming exactly the opposite, namely that the rapture will take place after the coming of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation which will follow Anyone who tells us about Christ or is kept in the hands of the Bible is not sure or certain that they believe in Christ as we believe It is truly tragic and terrible constitute the Bible the book of all heretics. All the heretics in this report. Because it is difficult for any Christian to immediately realize the errors and malpractices of heretics should be avoided at all costs. Roman Catholics and Protestants have not fully tasted God's grace, so it's not surprising that they can't discern demonic imitation- Orthodox in our hymns talk about sin and ask for God's mercy, while Western and Westernized religiosity are eager to "sing songs" that are steeped in self-righteousness. = Divisive man after a second admonition and give up" (Rev. Paul Titus. C10) .you have demonic stupidity, and your boss = devil,  = devil-your pride and lack of discrimination, you put on this bullshit-pride and your lack of discrimination, to bring you to this shit

LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT THEM=έχουν να κάνουν με το διάβολο




Τεκτόνων, έχουν να κάνουν με το διάβολο

Fidel Castro to look here with his eyes, looking up as Jesus and pointing down at the god of the Freemasons, the children of Lucifer. are the "children of light" or, in fact, "the children of the-demons. Masters. Only five percent know-Masters, have to do with the devil. = To achieve their goal, to deliver the whole of humanity. , with the devil. Then the first leader comes = all of you will be unloaded, idiots because you won't need it anymore. The Masons now believe in their own impersonal God called MATS, that = the Great Architect of the Universe. The Son and Word of God, your Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ, These are for a simple secret, just like Pythagoras, Buddha, and others. A builder is not obliged to change his faith The Christian can still be a Christian and Muslim, along with Masonic property. The dilemma is, can he be a Christian builder?

Φιντέλ Κάστρο να δούμε εδώ με τα μάτια του, κοιτάζοντας προς τα πάνω σαν τον Ιησού και δείχνει προς τα κάτω στο θεό των Ελευθεροτεκτόνων τη διατήρηση διαβολοu.lΤα παιδιά της Lucifer, η λέξη «Λούσιφερ» σημαίνει "ΦΩΣ στον ΚΟΜΙΣΤΉ, έτσι ώστε η Τέκτονες είναι τα "παιδιά του φωτός "ή, στην πραγματικότητα," τα παιδιά των-δαιμονίων .Τεκτόνων .μόνο πέντε τοις εκατό ξέρετε -Τεκτόνων, έχουν να κάνουν με το διάβολο.= για την επίτευξη του στόχου τους, να παραδώσει το σύνολο της ανθρωπότητας, με το διάβολο.Στη συνέχεια πρώτος ηγέτης έρχεται =θα ξεφορτωθεί όλους εσάς, ηλίθιοι γιατί δεν θα σαs χρειάζεστε άλλο .Οι Τέκτονες πιστεύουν πλέον στο δικό τους απρόσωπο Θεό που ονομάζεται ΜΑΤΣ, ότι =Μέγας Αρχιτέκτων του Σύμπαντος. Ο Υιός και Λόγος του Θεού, ο Κύριός σου και Σωτήρα Ιησού Χριστό, Αυτά είναι για έναν απλό μυστικό, όπως και ο Πυθαγόρας, ο Βούδας και άλλοι.ένας κτίστης δεν είναι υποχρεωμένος να αλλάξει την πίστη του Ο Χριστιανός μπορεί ακόμα να είναι χριστιανos και μουσουλμάνος, μαζί με την μασονική ιδιότητα .δίλημμα είναι, μπορεί να είναι ένας κτίστης Χριστιανός?

Freemasons are pure satanism Illuminati is real and they seek control of the world. Watch out guys they see everything you do they got control over the bank/money and laws also the police and the army we are rats in a cage
 Chief Commander Lucifer. Do not listen to Masters who are Christians??? because you can not serve two Masters. They are kings of deception. They do believe that they do good, But the reality is that they are fellows of fallen angels
Fidel Castro to see here with his eyes, looking up as Jesus and pointing down to the god of the Liberators of conserving the devil. "Lucifer's children, the word" Lucifer "means" LIGHT to COMISTER so that the Masons are the "children of light" or, in fact, "the children of the demons

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...