Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Time to wake up

Time to wake up

It is here, taken over the whole world, and control all media and entertainment and telecommunications to you can not find other Human nations and organize it could. ATT, Verizon, T Mobile, Comcast, Dish TV, TV, all TV networks, movie studios all, oles of Tainies As Google, Yahoo and all the Internet belongs Jews. All Telecom is owned and controlled by the Jews, so You will never understand the truth. And since banks elenchonte by the Jews and the Jewish Banking Laws allow them Jews to make money by lending money or money is their debt It also has the highest educational system and all banks lend money for higher education and the fact that the debt is money in banking world $ 1 trillion in student loan debt is actually 100 trillion in new money for the Hebrew Jewish banks. But stupid people, you try to find out who is the richest man every time. After a few years, they will possess your soul, with the Coming fucking Antichrist, and will not have no fucking idea what is happening. 


Simple Solution:



 Who owns the FED?

What do they do with the money they steal from us?

The ILLUMINATI are responsible for starting ALL MAJOR WARS.

They (Rothschild) OWN the FEDERAL RESERVE.

They are worth $500 Trillion.

They OWN EVERYTHING (Media, Banks, Governments, Oil, Elect.,Entertainment...)

And use OUR MONEY to CONTROL US through the Official News.

We the People should own the Federal Reserve and collect the interest. Not the Rothschild Empire!

Satanists cannot ascend to Heaven where desires manifest because they Lack Compassion.

And they want to keep US here with them.With the devils-SAY NO TO THEM

The criminal global elite

The criminal global elite have decided there are too many of us, especially since they have realizes that we are waking up to their criminal activities. The reduction of humanity is what sustainable development is really all about. Sustainable development is a cover for AGENDA 21. If you do not know what Agenda 21 is about I suggest for your family's safety you find out.👀Many have not yet understood the dynamics of the new world order that will be introduced into our minds and will know exactly what they are thinking, something systematic experiments for decades. Besides, it is obvious that there is no longer sufficient administrative supervision and includes direct control of thought and opinion, as we know, thoughts are being made and "world expectancy wants to be sure it will never fall"

Lucifer, the Light! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, son of breakfast! Is he who brings the Light and with its brilliance unacceptable, includes weak, sensual or selfish souls? Do not doubt it! The tectons from the first start, which are the first degree, are called to "illuminate" the Light! The average Mason constantly says he "seeks the Light" and spends all his life "moving to the Light". People who have not studied this issue will assume that this "Light" is the revelation of the God of the Bible. This statement continues to try to convince us that the Masonry is Christian. , Albert Pike says Lucifer is the one who bears the Light of Freemasonry

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...