Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
Πώς η μεθοδευμένη διαφημιστική εκστρατεία μπορεί να μετατρέψει ένα ισχυρότατο δηλητήριο, το φθόριο, σε στοιχείο που όλοι θέλουν να έχου...
Εφ 'όσον ζούμε σε έναν πεσμένο κόσμο, ο πνευματικός της παραχάραξης θα υπάρχει. Θα υπάρχει πάντα κάποιος που, για προσωπικό όφελος, θα χ...
Η απάντηση στον καρκίνο έχει γίνει γνωστό εδώ και πολλά χρόνια! Η βιταμίνη Β17 ήταν το αντικείμενο μεγάλης διαμάχης πάνω από 20 χρό...
in a series of books entitled "True Life in God" and titled "Dialogues with Jesus", "reveals" herself. Ther...
Многие искушения случаются из-за того, что мы согрешили, и потому приходит рука, чтобы дать удар. Бывают искушения, которые происходят не по...
Someone will say to me, “What are you talking about, my lord? We didn't know that at the time, we were wrong. This is remorse. I have an...
Σήμερα λοιπόν έχουμε άλλη μία τρανταχτή απόδειξη της διαστρέβλωσης των θρησκειών από μισανθρώπους ώστε αυτές να συνηγορούν στις εγκ...
this priest, not very old, came out on this channel and said the following one day in his church there in his parish where he was a woman ap...
Τρίτη 25 Μαΐου 2021
ELDER OF CRETE=I saw Christ giving order to Archangel Michael,The order was to clean the planet from the sin.I saw tonight one shining man sitting on a throne-on a throne awesome he was holding a small ball, something like germs started growing on the ball,when i came to my senses i started begging God to reveal to me what i just saw?I Was informed that the man sitting on the throne was Jesus Our Lord Jesus Christ,The little ball he was holding is the universe.It is no grain of sand in his immaculate hands.We humans are the ones who took pride in the universe.our selfishness inflates and we think we are towering.Of course we are great because we are children of God,And the whole universe was created for us,in order to feel that way we must be nothing in front of our lord.And between us, not to raise ourselfs.And to sprout and think we are god's without him.I then asked to see the earth, I saw him holding it again like a ball but I saw that he had around something that smells bad,It was more like transparent membrane,she was fat and scheming,and God said-Michael, draw with your sword. we were disgusted by their stench with their mouth orgies,their ingenuity, their sodomy, and all their wicked works then please make it lighter,your country has a alot from this sin-for the sake of my Mother the virgin will be done gently,Then i came to my senses
he was holding a small ball, something like germs started growing on the ball,when i came to my senses i started begging God to reveal to me what i just saw?I Was informed that the man sitting on the throne was Jesus Our Lord Jesus Christ,The little ball he was holding is the universe.It is no grain of sand in his immaculate hands.We humans are the ones who took pride in the universe.our selfishness inflates and we think we are towering.Of course we are great because we are children of God,And the whole universe was created for us,in order to feel that way we must be nothing in front of our lord.And between us, not to raise ourselfs.And to sprout and think we are god's without him.I then asked to see the earth, I saw him holding it again like a ball but I saw that he had around something that smells bad,It was more like transparent membrane,she was fat and scheming,and God said-Michael, draw with your sword. we were disgusted by their stench with their mouth orgies,their ingenuity, their sodomy, and all their wicked works then please make it lighter,your country has a alot from this sin-for the sake of my Mother the virgin will be done gently,Then i came to my senses
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