Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 16 Νοεμβρίου 2021

Homosexual confession, the time we to realize the truth

Constantine, who always used to sit in the last rows of the church, got up - with obvious hesitation at first - and walked up to old Anastasy. As he walked to the pulpit, he noticed that everyone was looking at him in a strange manner. He could see a vague look of wonder in the eyes of the churchgoers, while he was wondering why old Anastasy invited only him to stand by him, during the reading of the letter.
Something unusual was however prompting him, so, after a quick glance at his beloved Katerina, he asked old Anastasy to say a few words in memory of Crazy John. Old Anastasy intended that the letter be read first, then Constantine would have been asked to speak. But father Vassily intervened, saying:
"Let the boy speak first, Anastasy".
With his head lowered, Constantine approached the microphone.
"I regard and perceive myself as the worst miasma that has ever existed in mankind. I furthermore know that you all confront me as a miasma of society, on account of my prior sinful activity. You are absolutely right to do so. That is how I deserve to be confronted by you, because with the life I led, I not only harmed myself, but also those near me - that means you all - but also all those that I caught in the meshes of iniquity. So, I am taking the opportunity that mister Anastasy is giving me, to ask each one of you personally to forgive me. I don't even deserve your forgiveness, because I have harmed you more than you could ever imagine. I harmed our town, our district, our neighborhood. I harmed friends and acquaintances of mine, and parents and relatives, because with my lifestyle, I had brought the mire of debauchery into your everyday lives.
This downhill slide that I had taken was ended once and for all by Crazy John. The prayers of that fool released me from the clutches, not only of one demon, but of an entire legion that had lodged inside me.
I was a transvestite for almost ten years. I believed at the time that happiness could be found in the ephemeral pleasure that bodily contact can arouse. I dressed provocatively; I used to be furious with people. I confronted life as though it were a vessel for pleasures, which I had to make sure I filled, on a daily basis. I experienced the mire of Hell, more than a human mind could ever imagine. That is why I used to regularly change my place of residence, since society had rightly perceived me as an outcast. And that was essentially what I was.  I believed that quarrels, insults and disappointments were the best kind of defence, in my literally vehement obsession to pursue something that deviated from what was socially correct - from the ideals and the values of the Gospel. At the time, I had looked upon my illness as a human right, and was under the illusion that it was an outright normal thing - a thing that nowadays, even top-level leaders tend to advertise as a mere supposed "otherness".
So, there wasn't a single police station in Athens that didn't know me. There wasn't a single courtroom where I hadn't been a "customer" - either as an accused, for having offended virtuous behaviour, or as a witness for the defence or for the prosecution, in various, related cases. I was under the illusion that with my overall immoral activity, I was serving a silent revolution in favour of the acceptance of homosexuality. Hunted as I was, I arrived at your neighborhood too, and presented myself to the kindly, poor old lady Chrysoula, to ask her to let her one-room apartment to me.  That is where I saw Crazy John for the very first time; he had brought over some bread to the almost destitute old woman.
Unlike most other tenants, I wasn't asked too many things by old Chrysoula. She just mentioned that the 30.000 drachmas she was asking for was the only income she would have, to make ends meet; so she asked me to not delay my payments because she had to pay for the bills, the building maintenance, as well as to buy her other basic needs.
"Oh, my dear child Constantine, God must have sent you! The apartment hasn't been rented out for three months and I am living off the help I get from misterApostolis the baker and mister Pantelis the grocer here, who send me bread and provisions with this fool here", she said, pointing to Crazy John.
"But I never sent you any bread Chrysoula, as I wasn't aware of your situation" Apostolis spontaneously remarked.
"Nor have I ever sent you any provisions", Pantelis added.
"But that's what Crazy John told me!!" old Chrysoula replied, totally at a loss...
After this small and "endearing" intervention, Constantine continued:
"Crazy John always used to conceal his good deeds... He may have brought you food, my dear Chrysoula, but to me, he brought God".
Constantine's eyes became misty, and tears began to fall. Everyone was now becoming tearful, along with him. He took a deep breath and continued:
"Three days later, I moved into the apartment. Crazy John had helped me carry all my things. And when the transporter purposely dropped an innuendo because of my behaviour and the manner that I spoke, Crazy John stunned him, by pointing out to him that, as a person who systematically lived adulterously and behaved brutally towards his own two children, he had no right to make such remarks about me. The transporter was shocked by these revealing words, and he immediately stopped his sarcasm. I of course was under the impression that the two of them were acquainted, but was taken aback when the transporter turned towards Crazy John as he was leaving, and said:
"What are you anyway? Some kind of charmed one?"
"Yes George, I have been 'charmed' - by our Christ's love", the fool replied.
He even asked the transporter to stop sorrowing Christ, because, in spite of his overall behaviour, Christ had healed his daughter Theodora from a very serious ailment. George then departed, with his head lowered..... He is the gentleman who is sitting over there with his wife, and he can confirm the incident I just described.  I was impressed by that dialogue, but at the time I had dismissed it as the ravings of a fool.
So, on the evening of that same day, I dressed up in women's clothes as I normally did, and I went to a familiar transvestite haunt, on the main highway. You can imagine my surprise, when I spotted Crazy John watching me from the opposite corner of the block. The thought crossed my mind that he was seeking erotic companionship. But then, how did he find me?... The fool must have followed me (I thought to myself), and now he would go and tell what he saw to old Chrysoula... Oh well, I guess I will be searching for accommodation again... As all these thoughts were running through my mind, a prospective "customer" stopped in front of me. Just then, like a coiled spring, the fool jumped up and started to yell from across the road:
"He's got AIDS!!  He's sick and he will pass it on to you!!  Go away!! Go away!!"
I was taken by surprise by the erratic behaviour of a man whom I hardly knew. Naturally the prospective customer left. Then I started to curse Crazy John... I became hysterical...This went on for almost a month. Until this day, I will never know how he managed to discover those illicit haunts. One evening I actually beat him, and in fact quite severely.
But just imagine my surprise, when, every night after I got home, I would find an envelope containing almost double the money that I used to earn from my filthy activities, and on it would be written: "A blessing, for the servant of God, Constantine".  I didn't know what to make of all those weird things I was witnessing. In the afternoons, I would go for a walk and whenever I'd see Crazy John, I would get angry. But he would say
"My dear Constantine, stop sorrowing Christ and our Holy Mother, Who are mourning incessantly for you".
I had even contemplated leaving the apartment, but something was holding me there. The other transvestites would ask me:
"Hey, could he by chance be in love with you, which is why he's acting so weird?"
"No", I'd reply, "he doesn't have any such intentions."
To make a long story short, I decided to invite Crazy John to my place, to put an end to all these things. I was hoping that someone had been putting him up to it purposely, just to drive me insane. Crazy John responded to my invitation affirmatively, despite having been humiliated by me so many times. I don't know what came over me that evening, but I cleaned the house, cooked something light, and sat down to do some reading. I was leafing through a magazine with assorted material, and an article caught my attention, about a certain Elder Porphyry who served in the chapel of a hospital in central Omonia square of Athens.
I hadn't finished reading the article, when I heard Crazy John knocking on my door. As soon as I opened the door, he said:
"Be blessed, my Constantine, in the present aeon and in the one to come".
It was the first time that I had ever heard such a greeting, but it was also the first time that I had ever heard a demonic voice speaking from inside me:
"Have you come to my house here as well, you crazy old man, to drive me out?  I'm not alone here - I have 365 other friends!  I don't intend to go away! You'd better be the one to leave, otherwise I'll kill you!" Crazy John then  pulled out a Crucifix from his coat and raised it in front of me, and began to say:
"In the name of the Holy and Homoousion Trinity...." but I didn't hear anything after that, because I lost consciousness...
When I recovered, I saw the old fool standing there, smiling at me. I felt really happy that he was there, but didn't know the reason I felt that way.
"I brought you a gift, my Constantine. It is the Book of Psalms - a book that was written by the king and Prophet, David."
"What's going on? What happened?" I asked.
"My Constantine, you have received an enormous blessing. Christ has chosen you. He is preparing you for very important feats. However, you must be prepared to put up a serious fight, because what you have inside you is not about to leave very easily."
If you could only have seen the way that Crazy John's face glowed, you would have understood why I was so terrified. I had always thought that all the talk about demons was sheer fiction. I believed that they were just an invention thought up by priests and religion, intended to scare people and to extract easy money from them, so that they would enjoy their own lives, get rich, etc..  And yet, there I was, a living witness of their insidious activity against humans. Crazy John became a brother and a friend from that day on. That very same night, I gathered all the women's clothes and shoes and cosmetics that I had, and threw them into the garbage can. The next day, I changed my phone number. With the help of that fool, I even secured a job in the Accounts department of a large company. The owner of the company was a friend of Crazy John; he actually hired me with a satisfactory salary. At the same time, I would go with Crazy John - on an almost daily basis - to a church high up on Hymettus Mountain, where the priest would read the benedictions of Saint Basil (exorcisms) over me, while Crazy John would read Psalms. I cannot describe what I went through. What I can now shout out, thanks to this experience, is that homosexuality (and prostitution in general) is not an "otherness" or an illness; it is a formidable demon, which infuriates the Almighty. What I also want to tell you, is that our holy Church possesses the weapons that are able to exterminate all those things that our modern society nowadays believes (as I used to believe) to be "nonsense".
The prayers of our neighborhood fool saved me. My acquaintance with him changed my entire life. What I experienced over these last few years in this blessed neighborhood constitute a true miracle of the Triadic and only true God. I escaped from the clutches of a true Hell, and I am now living in a world that I had never lived - not even in my wildest dreams.
With the constant support of this saintly man - who was anything but a fool - I came to understand my mistake; I realized various things and situations that comprise the foundations of our society; I became familiar with the love of Christ. I had been functioning like one who is addicted to a toxic substance; I couldn't be told apart from a drug addict; I was living in a nightmare, which that wonderful saint of God - Crazy John - put an end to.
But I don't want to tire you any further with my story. After all, I am only recording my entire story in detail, as old Anastasy asked me to.  I also apologize to you all, and to the innumerable victims that I had lured into the meshes of the iniquity that I was trapped in. I apologize to my beloved Katerina, who has opened her embrace to the most sinful person in the universe; who shut her ears to all the unfavorable comments and the justified criticism, and has accepted my marriage proposal to her.  She has accepted to live with a zero, with an outcast, a moron.  This holy man, Crazy John, had invested in this marriage with his prayers and his tears.
Constantine's last words were lost in his sobs. Also crying with him was Father Vassily, who had run up to hug him, as did all the other churchgoers.
"Father Vassily, I'm thinking of moving out of the neighborhood - not for me, but for Katerina", Constantine murmured falteringly, with difficulty.
Father Vassily then spoke up, and said:
"Dear brethren, Constantine has just expressed the desire to leave our neighborhood. What do you say? Are we going to leave the living testimony of a miracle by our departed brother John - Constantine - but also our own Katerina, to leave?"
"No! No!" they all shouted.....

Speaking in tongues today is almost always a false,

 Speaking in tongues today is almost always a false, counterfeit of the genuine gift of tongues from the Book of Acts. Speaking in tongues causes the brain to enter into a trance-like state of passivity which opens the door to demons. Demons have the ability to make us "feel good" if we let them. Scripture tells us to "test the spirits", which almost never happens today. The Bible says that we can "give place to the devil" in our lives. Most all of these "tongue speakers" have spirits of false tongues and a false Jesus dwelling inside of them because they have yielded themselves to spirits without having tested the spirit first. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control....not lack of control.

Spirits out of the orthodox

It is not always that the Creator Praise does not have the Spirit of the Creator - 2 - I believe all this Charismatic nonsense and the Pentecostal Word of Faith Movement has its roots in Mysticism.3 - I would recommend all Pentecostals or Charismatic persuasion that is filtered In other dogmas, listen to them. Stop trusting your heart (your feelings, feelings, etc.) for "the heart is deceptive above all things." 4 The problem I see in Pentecostalism is the Continuationist conviction, and it is confirmed by what we find today - all this eccentric nonsense that is so far out of the Biblical parameters because they are based on his own thoughts, feelings, emotions, ecstatic expressions and experiences, which must be controlled by the Word of God, and most of which s not the test. If you do not "test all things," how do we know if it really is from God? .5-.You can not be saved until you humble yourself. You must pray every day..6-most people want to keep on sinning, doing evil. Love at all costs, forgive everyone who has hurt you. Humble So that God can use you. 7 - The Catholic Church has always been a tool of Satan to deceive people, as we can see even nowadays. 8 -In the 5 centuries that passed Luther to this day, the Orthodox Church has been justified. Protestantism was broken down into thousands of different, and often opposing (dogmatic) groups. However, each group insists that it escapes the doctrine of the Bible and accepts only what the Bible says, nothing less and nothing more.

The soul after death-Father Seraphim Rose

Many patients in hospitals reported seeing beautiful fields and "havens" and are either unconscious or "clinically dead" before recovery. These visions are often accompanied by experiences of beautiful light and a creature approaching them with "love". In contrast, some reports in this "other world" are dark, which may indicate a foretaste of hell. Other visions include people "floats" over their bodies while unconscious and seeing doctors and loved ones around them. Some even experience speaking of "angelic beings" of various kinds and adjacencies familiar with themselves while they were still alive. Despite all the speculation about this mysterious realm, Fr. Seraphim confirms that it is a sphere of existence between the physical earth and heaven and hell inhabited by demons / fallen angels. He notes that mystical occult adepts are able to travel in this sphere, as seen in the writings of Emmanuel Swedenborg (seventeenth century Swede) and 19th-century theosophists and spiritualists. These visions caused by demons trying to deceive souls is disembodied, before moving onto the 'houses of the toll. "The toll houses were peculiar to more" after death "experiences recorded in human and occult literature, but it is known if Orthodox Christian sources, such as the lives of the saints and various patristic texts.
The demons accuse the soul of evil deeds, but angels sent from God to try to offset the demons from bringing righteous deeds and faith of the soul to Christ. If the soul of the individual has more demonic weight then throws in hell waiting for the Last Judgment, while those passing through the demons ascend into heaven to be with God. Orthodox literature confirms the existence of the toll houses of the teaching of the Apostle Paul in a "fighting not against flesh, but against authorities, etc." The air sphere is where the demons are doomed to tempt human souls before they turn sent to hell, the final judgment. The demons are of course invisible to the human senses, but the fruits of their actions appear to human misery, chaos, and sin around the world. Even though both demons and angels are beyond the perception of human sense, still belong to the realm of creation and so "to this world." In addition, these spirits have clear forms and are finite in their moves (any quality of infinity that belongs only to God), so, therefore, can be said to have "bodies" in a way similar to the way people do, if not those natural. Fr. Seraphim pays special emphasis, citing too many prominent Orthodox Fathers and spiritual writers, to pray for the dead after because your prayers help some souls reach heaven, calling God's mercy with fervor.

we live in the midst of the unseen spiritual world of the devils

 we live in the midst of the unseen spiritual world of the devils

when they tell you. about previous lives under hypnosis, the devil's can interfere with your subconscious mind, because under hypnosis it's not you in control, devils do have.

abduction of aliens=abduction of devils,-πνευματική οδηγοί=

δαιμονικά όντα-spiritual guides =

demonic beings.-----The people who deal with black magic, they are the first ones, who will see their black fellows=devils on the other side- People who say to you, I see angels of God, when asking for their presence, one thing is for sure. The devils play with them, and say to them a bunch of bullshit=The Angels of God, can interfere in someone's life,=After you pray for help if you are in a difficult situation, and you might not even understand it. Sometimes can be seen only by others. Their purpose is to help you and not the show of if Christ accepted the reincarnation will not cure the blind, but that would leave him now to pay off the debt of the sins of his past life and the next to be born in the best condition! Those from the Bible, can not be called Christianos' AND AT THE SAME TIME to believe in Hindu beliefs ... Right of reincarnation fans to believe whatever they want. They may not, however, misrepresent the Bible to support their theory. The Bible in every part negates reincarnation. If that were the reincarnation, the tangible growth of Elijah is not justified in the sky, after the body has no value nor the appearance of the transformation, as perfect as had to be lost in DIVINE Moses, how he appeared; He had reincarnated over the 1,250 years since ap'to death ostin time of Christ; People believe in reincarnation of his tricks, devils.


 Μην περιμένεις οι ¨πολλοί¨ να αποδεχτούν τις απόψεις σου, μάλιστα να αρχίσεις ανησυχείς όταν οι περισσότεροι συμφωνούν μαζί σου. Οι πολλοί ποτέ δεν είχαν δίκιο, ποτέ δεν ακολούθησαν το σωστό μονοπάτι, ήταν και είναι πρόβατα κλεισμένα σε μεγάλα μαντριά.

Don't wait for it

Don't expect "many" to accept your opinions, rather start worrying when most people agree with you. Many were never right, never followed the right path, they were and are sheep covered in large sheds.

 The pre-tribulation rapture is the devil's doctrine, it gives Christians false hope because THE GREAT FALLING AWAY is those who are not ready for the affliction and persecution they will face, so they will give in to Satan and will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST to save their FLESH.

οι πρώτοι πυρήνες της πεντηκοστιανής κακοδοξίας εμφανίστηκαν στην Αμερική και τη Βρετανία μεταξύ των ετών 1904 και 1910, κάτι που δείχνει όχι μόνο τη χασματώδη χρονική διαφορά που χωρίζει το υπερφυές και έκτακτο γεγονός της Πεντηκοστής από την ίδρυση της αιρέσεώς στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα, αλλά παρουσιάζει κατά τρόπο εξαιρετικά εύγλωτο και το μέγεθος του ψεύδους και της πλάνης, στην οποία εξακολουθούν να βρίσκονται.
α) να απορρίπτουν την ύπαρξη και να καταπολεμούν λυσσαλέα το έργο και την αποστολή της Εκκλησίας, αποκαλώντας την «Βαβυλώνα» και «πόρνη», καθώς οι οπαδοί καθεμιάς από τις πεντηκοστιανές ομάδες πιστεύουν πως η κίνησή τους αποτελεί τη «γνήσια εσχατολογική εκκλησία», η οποία έχει ως σκοπό να αποτελέσει τη βάση για την ένωση «των χριστιανικών εκκλησιών»,
β) να αρνούνται (μερικές από τις κινήσεις τους) την πίστη στην Αγ. Τριάδα,
γ) να μην αποδέχονται την Ιερά Εκκλησιαστική Παράδοση,
δ)να θεωρούν εσφαλμένως ότι μόνον εκείνοι, λόγω των «πνευματικών τους χαρισμάτων», ερμηνεύουν θεόπνευστα την Αγ. Γραφή,
ε) να απορρίπτουν στην πραγματικότητα όλα τα Ιερά Μυστήρια,
στ) να πιστεύουν, όπως και οι Ιεχωβάδες, στην ψευδώς λεγόμενη «χιλιετή βασιλεία του Χριστού»,
ζ) να διδάσκουν «την αρπαγή της εκκλησίας»,
η) να μην τιμούν το σταυρό του Χριστού,
θ) να μην αποδέχονται την τιμή των αγίων και της Θεοτόκου, της οποίας απορρίπτουν και την αειπαρθενία,
ι) να υβρίζουν το πρόσωπο του Χριστού με τη διδασκαλία ότι είχε και άλλα σαρκικά αδέλφια,
ια) να αποδοκιμάζουν τις Ιερές Εικόνες και να χαρακτηρίζουν την τιμή τους ως ειδωλολατρεία και
ιβ) να απορρίπτουν ασεβώς τα μνημόσυνα υπέρ των κεκοιμημένων.
Αυτα εν ολιγοις, επισης καταντα ΕΚΝΕΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΟ οταν ομιλουν για ΛΑΤΡΕΙΑ εικονων, αγιων, Τιμιου Σταυρού- ενω εχει ξεκαθαριστει οτι η Εκκλησια εχει την απλη ΤΙΜΗ .
the first cores of Pentecost malice appeared in America and Britain between the years 1904 and 1910, which shows not only the dull time difference that separates the superstition and extraordinary event of Pentecost from the foundation early 20th century, but presents in a way extremely elusive and the size of the lie and delusion that they still exist.
not yet:
a) to reject existence and fight the work and mission of the Church, calling it "Babylona" and "sporn", as fans of each of the Pentecost groups believe their move is the "pure eschatologist" church", which aims to be the basis for the union of "Christian churches",
b) to deny (some of their movements) faith in the Holy. Trinity,
c) not to accept the Holy Church Tradition,
d) to be mistakenly considered that only they, because of their "spiritual qualities", interpret the Holy Spirit in the holy spirit. Writing,
e) reject in reality all Holy Mysteries,
s) to believe, as Jehovahs, in the falsely so-called "millennial kingdom of Christ",
z) to teach "the taking of the church",
or) not to honor the cross of Christ,
θ) not to accept the honor of the saints and the Virgin Mary, whom they reject and insatiableness,
ι) to abuse the face of Christ by teaching that he had other carnal brothers,
ia) to defy the Holy Images and characterize their honor as idolatry and
hiv) shamefully reject the memorials in favor of the inmates.

These, in a few, were very informative when they talk about WORSHIP of virtual, saints, Holy Cross - while it is clear that the Church has the simple HONOR.

Ἡ Ἁγία Γραφή μᾶς προειδοποιεῖ,

Ἡ Ἁγία Γραφή μᾶς προειδοποιεῖ, ὅτι ὁ σατανᾶς «μετασχηματίζεται καί εἰς ἄγγελον φωτός» διά νά πλανήσῃ. Τά περιστατικά εἰς τά ὁποῖα χριστιανοί, ἀκόμη καί μοναχοί, ἔπεσον θύματα ἀπατηλῶν δαιμονικῶν ἐμφανίσεων ἀποτυπώνονται πλήρως εἰς τό ἐκδιδόμενον ὑπό τῆς Ἱ.Μ. Ὁσίου Νικοδήμου «Γεροντικόν περί ὀνείρων καί ὁραμάτων».
Γνωρίζομεν ἀκόμη ἐκ τῆς Ἁγίας Γραφῆς, ὅτι καί ἄν «ἄγγελος ἐξ οὐρανοῦ εὐαγγελίζεται ἡμῖν, παρ' ὅ παρελάβομεν»«ἀνάθεμα ἔστω». Διά τοῦτο κάθε εὐαγγελιζομένη ἕνωσις ἡ ὁποία παραβλάπτει τήν σώζουσαν Ἀλήθειαν τῆς Ἐκκλησίας δέν μπορεῖ νά εἶναι ἀποδεκτή, ὡς πρόξενος συγχύσεως καί ἀπωλείας, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ὅταν αὕτη βασίζεται κατά τό πνεῦμα τῆς ἐποχῆς μας, πού ἐπιζητεῖ θεάματα, ὄχι εἰς τά «ἠχεῖα τοῦ Πνεύματος», τούς Ἁγίους Πατέρας, ἀλλά εἰς ὁράματα ἁπλοϊκῶν Χριστιανῶν, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἀνακηρύσσουν τούς ἑαυτούς των Προφήτας. ἀπό τούς Ἁγίους Ἀποστόλους.
Ἡ Holy Scripture warns us, that Satan is "transforming and using an angel of light" around the world. The incidents of many Christians, as well as monks, victims of demonic doubts are completely printed on the one who is betrayed by the one who is alone. M. Saint Nikodimos "Geronicon of Dreams and Things".
We know even the Holy Grafus, that even an "angel is proclaimed by us, but we do not go away" "cursed by us". For every angelic knowledge that violates the salvation of the Church cannot be accepted, the plague of confession and sale, most probably it was based on the spirit of our Lord, where you seek shows, not shows They "have the Spirit", the Holy Father, but they have the hands of them Christians, the ones who proclaim the sins of the prophets. From the Holy Apostles

Satanic death is what you will get at the end=Illuminati-Freemason-and the rest

One thing that Satanists (Laveyithans) use to attract members who may feel a bit uncomfortable with the word "satanist" is to say they are not Satanists at all and don't even believe in satan. It's called Atheistic Satanism aka "the church of satan." We must remember that demons and satan speak in riddles and say the opposite of what the truth is, even backward speaking as in playing recordings backward and hearing what the demon's message really is. Their unholy hour is 3am the opposite of the death of Christ which was 3pm as an insult to Jesus. They also perform rituals saying the Lord's Prayer backward. So the BS about not believing in Satan is exactly the opposite of what they really do, and atheistic is a total contradiction because they 1) have a church with weekly (or more) services (rituals) 2) They have unholy rituals to hail Satan and other demons, and dogma to follow. So it's all a front to hide what they really do which is everything that would be selfish, ultra materialistic, and an abomination to Christ/God. Orgies, pedophilia, blood-drinking, black magic, homosexuality is a requirement at least bi-sexuality, and promoting all the hedonistic desires as a good thing while denying God who they feel is a big meanie for not allowing it, so suddenly he doesn't exist, oh but his failed creation satan does. It makes no sense but these types of sociopaths don't care about logistics, it's just about embracing their sins any way they can, and materialism.

Don't buy into the deception, these things will ruin your life eventually because the satanic church owns you once you join. Once you are owned you have lost your soul, and yes spirit/souls are real. The whole setup is a farce to lure ignorant people to join, and rogue atheists as well. Sex addicts particularly enjoy that lifestyle and psychopathic narcissists love it. Suddenly they can be "gods!" What a joke. They totally fell for it.
Yeah, it's all fun and games to them until the moment of their death, and many have been very afraid at that time, even asking forgiveness from God. It's too late then sadly but wasn't the money, drugs, and sex worth the trade-off? Satanic death is forever, we are on Earth but a short time to be tested and learn. Satanists are like spoiled children who refuse proper meals and just want candy and cookies for every meal. There is always a huge price to pay for that short time of pleasure though eventually isn't there?
This insanity leads one to understand Satanism itself is completely illogical and self-destructive, any selfish fool could be an atheist or satanist that's easy, evil is easy. However being righteous and holy is not an easy road but a challenge, it's very hard in these times with stresses and temptations at every turn, but the rewards are immense if you can hang in there, and you can get help if you ask.
To be immortal is a promise from God, satan being only an angel cannot give immortality, so those who choose the left-hand path are sent to be with satan at death, who hates traitors and all humans, so they receive the most exquisite torture of all for his pleasure, because Satanists ARE still humans, and it behooves satan to prove to God humans are not worthy, then their soul is destroyed. There is no party, no promotion, no reincarnation, you are just gone in a poof of fire.

Learn The truth

 The word "sleep", which characterizes death, does not refer to the soul, but to the body. At Matthew 27:52, we read that many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. The final decision will take place regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ, a strong belief of the Church recorded in the Creed that "He (Jesus Christ) will come again in glory to judge the fast and the dead." The time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is not known and, according to Revelation, can not be guessed by any means. in heaven we do not go to paradise simply by acknowledging that we believe in Jesus. This is the Pentecostal illusion. The devils also believe and admit the same. Wake up and learn the truth from Orthodox

The reality

 Antichrist evil spirit

Antichrist evil spirit todayadays, knowing that the final time for Antichrist and his devils is close, he is doing everything possible to deceive man, by many manifestations, Aiming Virgin Mary and Saints of God.

God of Freemasons

 Mason-Illuminati are enlightened - they have taken care of everything Jesus is the only way - they will not save any ancient "protection" - only Jesus.  Today, The eye of God, = is the eye of the devil "Lucifer" means "LIGHT IN THE COMMISSION, so that the Masons are the children of light" or, in fact, "the children of demons" The gift of "discernment of spirits"  is a powerful tool in liberation.  is like "Spiritual X-Ray Vision" and allows us to recognize demons and their activity so they can be expelled.

 When God pulls the veil back from our spiritual eyes, the powers of darkness have nowhere to hide, and the kingdom of God is proceeding.

 "No one can serve 2 Masters

 Many Freemasons in the lower ranks are really very pleased to be members.  It's a tangled "sense-owned" and you'll learn some secrets of this universe, not taught at school.  A Deluge said, "Besides my husband, Freemasonry is the most important thing in my life ..." His wife, by the way, should never know anything about what her husband does in society, two Masters, because He will hate one and  love the other .. (Matt 6:24)

 "Neither do you call Masters, for one is your Lord, even Christ" (Matthew 23:10).  The only gentleman

 is JESUS ​​CHRIST AND No one else is going to be held! People who have not studied this subject would assume that this "Light" is the revelation of the God of the Bible.  This statement is continuously held up to try to convince us that Masonry is Christian.  , Albert Pike is saying that Lucifer is the One who bears the Light of Freemasonry.  The sentence immediately preceding confirms not only that Lucifer is the Light-bearer, but that Masons of previous degrees have been led to believe that the opposite was true.We are controlled by secret societies = Satan himself is behind all this chaos

 We are controlled by secret societies

 their evil actions speak louder than words

 that it is in their nature to remain hidden

 while destroying beautiful Gods

 worlds Freemasons pull the strings

 believing that Lucifer is the angel of light

 the whole world will be theirs if they follow his example

 and you will not notice what is hidden in a common view

 and who is the leading figure in all this secrecy

 which has a title up to thirty occult agenda

 Satan himself is behind all this clutter

 but I believe in Jesus and will not be delivered

 who "use the war on his bad agenda

 to remove any leader he just won "to submit

 debt control and corruption

 they will crush every power that opposes their politics

 and have purchased almost all forms of media

 to promote propaganda to brainwash the masses

 and they are manipulation things that our children learn

 as they are trained to comply with their lessons

 I believe in Jesus, King of the Kings

 with his heel, He will crush the head of the snakes

 He returns to bring truth and justice

 and that the occult agenda can go to hell and stay dead

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...