Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
Папство не является церковью. Так как это не церковь, это означает, что я не могу Я говорю о праздновании с этими людьми. Я праздную с тем, ...
I was an atheist and I cursed God a lot and terribly I lived in debauchery and fornication and I was dead on earth but the merciful God did ...
so we have the life of the Christian and the life of the world we have the injustice and suffering in the personal life of each person and w...
I remembered an experience of a certain man at the same time, I will not tell you his name, this man has fallen asleep, but so that you can ...
можете ли вы представить, что происходит, когда душа находится внутри нашего тела, как оно есть сейчас душа видит глазными яблоками слышит у...
The Turk had his own paradise, and it was different, not the one where Christ reigns. Those who are good, regardless of their religion, will...
we will stay on topic as the videos from syria showing summary executions and massacres of christian and alevi civilians by the jihadists ar...
Agios Paisios a dit que les Grecs auront très peur de ce qui se passera autour de nous. Nous n'avons pas encore trop peur. Quand vous éc...
because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...
Πέμπτη 21 Οκτωβρίου 2021
We honor the saints, we do not worship, as he says,.We honor... All these heresies will vanish soon and the glow of orthodoxy will be established
We honor the saints, WE do not worship, as he says, from your reactions we can understand, that you only for laugh. They are everywhere, This confusion, all over Cyprus, and overseas. They believe, that they are chosen by God? which of God ?. to deceive- = humanity, you are not going to heaven, just admit, you believe in Jesus? The devils believe too. The impression that you automatically saved and you going to paradise? , just saying that they will believe in Jesus, you are all far from the goal you, to inherit Paradise?. Humble yourself, interrupt the screening, and confess your sins, ITS the only way "we honor the saints and not worship. from their reactions, we can understand that you are only to Laugh. Heretics try to convince us that we are heretics, I don't blame you, they just do what your boss tells you to do, =the devil makes the Bible the book of all heretics. All heretics are in this report. Because it is difficult for any Christian to immediately realize the errors and misconceptions of heretics, they must be avoided at all costs. - Orthodox in our hymns speak of sin and ask for God's mercy, while Western and Western religiosity willing to "songs" that are soaked in self-justification. = Divisive man after a second order and resign "(Rev. Paul Titus. C10). , put in this shit-pride and lack of your distinctions, bring you to this shit
Pentecostal religion is wicked. And people are brainwashed/. we are not going to heaven, just acknowledging that we believe in Jesus. These are the Pentecostal illusions. The devils also believe and admit the same Satan’s favorite methods One of Satan’s favorite methods of attack is through religion. Satan loves religion and infuses his religion with, devil-inspired, man-made rules. Pentecostal religion When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Pentecostal religion. the discrimination we need to be holy-humble, and test every spirit, wherever, not to be deceived-the devil never praise the holy trinity. CHRIST WARNS FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS ALL These FALSE PROPHETS PREPARE THE CHRISTIANS FOR THE FALSE CHRIST. Satan nowadays is aiming at virgin Mary and the Saints, His purpose is to distract you from the truth There are false prophets prophesied by the Lord and apostles who would secretly bring in destructive heresies and doctrines of demons and to avoid them. Heresies help us know who is approved, but the words spoken by them are inspired by seducing spirits and they should be avoided whenever possible.Όπου δεν υπάρχει αληθινή ταπείνωση, εκεί δεν υπάρχουν γνήσιες πνευματικές εμπειρίες. Όπου υπάρχει υπεροψία, εκεί βασιλεύει το πνεύμα της πλάνης, όχι το πνεύμα της αληθείας (Ιακ. δ' 6. Α' Πέτρ. ε' 5). Το πνεύμα της πλάνης είναι υπερήφανο. Η ταπεινή ψυχή παρακαλεί τον Θεό να της δώσει κατάνυξη και συναίσθηση της αμαρτωλότητός της, ακόμη και εάν ο Κύριος την ανεβάζει καθημερινά και της δείχνει ποικιλοτρόπως την αγάπη Του.Η Ορθοδοξία είναι αυτή που φυλάσσει ανόθευτο το ευαγγέλιο του Θεού και αυτήν πρέπει να ασπαστείτε και να ακολουθήσετε.The blind driver leads the blind followers. Brethren, false teachers can only lead you wherever they go. If they are heading for the lake of fire, that is where they are leading you. Read the word of God, seek Jesus and let him lead you with His SpiritElder Paisios said it well ... The Pentecostals ... have WINE-SPIRIT / NOT HOLY SPIRIT ... Watching the prayer of the Pentecostals, I noticed that there was an attempt somewhere to reach ecstasy. Oh, guys, God does not come like that, the demon can
Pentecostal religion is wicked. And people are brainwashed.
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