Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Πέμπτη 21 Οκτωβρίου 2021


 Let us pray to the Lord and all the Greeks of the world to truly know the Orthodox faith, and those of them who have been seduced by false-born false prophets and false to return to the eternal Body of Christ, letting God lead them away from heresies. Is a spiritual gift, someone to speak in unknown way of speaking believing at the same time, that this is a gift of holy spirit? is speaking in tongues nowadays a gift of the holy spirit? The apostles went to the nations that period of time, to spread the true gospel of Christ to all.Is nothing but phenomena of demonic fallacy, IT'S NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT.BUT SOME OTHER KIND OF SPIRIT.The Lord pointed out that there are charismatic ones, who, in the end, will not enter the kingdom of the heavens.IF SOMEONE HAS THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, LIKE SOME RECENT SAINT OF ORTHODOX, PAISIOS, =, PORPHYRIOS, THIS HOLY MEN OF ORTHODOXY, COULD UNDERSTAND SOMEONE WHO WAS SPEAKING ANOTHER LANGUAGE, BECAUSE THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS IN THEM = The fruit of the Spirit is self control = finito Who can know what the Pentecostal linguists say when using the various languages, known and unknown? = It is a curse in Jesus Christ = ONE VERY POSSIBLE REASON Speaking in tongues today is almost always a fake, imitation of the genuine gift of languages ​​from the Book of Acts. Speaking in languages ​​causes the brain to enter a state of passivity that resembles ecstasy which opens the door to demons. Demons have the ability to make us feel good if we let them. The Bible tells us to "test the spirits," which almost never happen today. The Bible says we can "give place to the devil" in our lives. Most of these "speakers of the language" have spirits of false tongues and false Jesus who dwell in them because they have paired the spirits without having first tested the spirit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control ... not lack of control. TSt. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians To justify the use of the languages, refer above all to St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians (CHS 12-14). But the Apostle Paul wrote this passage precisely because "tongues" had become a source of disorder in the Corinthian Church; And even when it does not prohibit them, which permanently minimizes their significance. This quote, instead of encouraging any modern revival of "languages", should instead discourage, especially when it is discovered (as Pentecosts themselves admit) that there are other sources speak in languages ​​other than the Holy Spirit! As Orthodox Christians we already know that tongues as a true gift of the Holy Spirit can not appear among those outside the Church of Christ

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