and a missionary there in Africa he himself goes down for a few months and then stays in the monastery to do some
translations himself for our needs haha mission again and again in the
mission work I would like to thank him for his presence here for us is
a special blessing and an opportunity to hear first hand will we were talking about experiences that he himself has from this raston and the topic that
I had announced to you is about experiences from witchcraft in Africa from the echelons
of the orthodox mission, so let's ask him after he finishes his speech to accept some questions from you in order to let 's clarify some things,
so I'm just giving the reason so that we don't delay, first of all
, first of all, I want to thank God because he deserved me to be today on the
island of the saints, as it is called cyprus, terrain morphology and everything else
in order to work more systematically, these states Arada and Muruti are on the border east of Konko, below Kata is
Rwanda and below Rada is Muruti, these caddies are small, only about 26 27,000 km each slightly smaller than albania
albania has 28 km and both were until 1962 eh belgian colonies like
the congo and they have indeed the people went out with their things
i don't know where they went to sleep they don't care about you and they live like sparrows and sleep anywhere in the forests so that's life
and us one or two of them they cleansed them and took out the seals and they are seized and the consequences of people's relationship with magic is
destructive, they are harmful to you I say that I have lived down there because somewhere Africans are unhappy people to the utmost
unhappy there is neither trust nor love between them but only
suspicion suspicion fear running to escape each other once I was
on the rake farm of the collage where they cultivate the corn and one of them had a wooden idol i a little wooden man and
I say to him what does he have he says with this I protect myself and my family from
what of the magic of other families from other people except that every
man, in order to protect himself and his neighborhood, has his own magic wand and has based his hope, his faith,
his whole life, on this magical gift
now when baptisms are done our first job we have to check is magic and polygamy and so we ask the
catechists to restore their magic some of them don't they bring back because they have given all their hope to these magics and I will
tell you when the place where they lived it with the father worlds ago he had gone to a narrow village in the
he wanted, no faith, no faith, to return this little wooden man, this
little wooden man, to return it, and he wanted his turn to be baptized,
but still the pks comes to us no matter how much he dipped him in the water, he did not enter the water, another invisible demonic force of course threw him out
because he did not confess clearly and did not hand over his magic idol to the priest
and did not let himself submit completely to grace and providence and in faith to god our true god therefore
he was actually baptized but not actually baptized Sunday when he went to the church with others as usual
to officiate and to receive communion when in church the icon of the saints of the theologian to worship he fell down and as fast as a fish
the priest at light and the two catechists caught him and it was that m in he had the gift in his pocket and they said to him, haven't we said so many times that you will hand this over
to have the one you become Christ and he, if he could not understand this, believe it, finally went to hospitals here and there for 7-8 months
but without any treatment, having headaches, spasms in the body and other demonic consequences, how do you perceive, and finally he died
unrepentant, one of our catechists, this is what we live often many are baptized
even catechists I know who are teachers of others are demonized while
they are baptized because because at the passage of their life they want to
find an automatic solution for some of their problems, whether personal or family, and they leave the grace of God and trust in God and they run
to the magician again and one of our catechists came to us
on July together with others for lessons I live on Sunday when I was taking the
holy gifts honest gifts out at the great entrance he came to me and sparred he was taken out finally he confessed he said I went to a sorcerer for that so there
he was betrayed by the grace of God and it was proven that he was an accomplice in matters of
sorcery another catechist was possessed by the name of Nicholas he was possessed and when he returned to his village his fellow villagers chased him away
and called him I don't know you who are you now you are taking us another spirit different from the one you had before he went far in the woods when someone appears
possessed while before he had another I know balanced life and there his minds were ok they consider it r natural they accept it when someone appears with
another spirit, i.e. possessed, they banish it to the woods far away because they are afraid that it will bring a foreign spirit and the priest will cut off the
confession and and finally the demon relented and left but when he started
back again he agreed they didn't bind him because he has a different spirit now more
peaceful quieter but still they are afraid and I saw him in the forest because they saw that there is a change in his behavior and in and in
his thinking there, as I told you, the witch is terribly organized, every president of every
village is not only a magician, he is also a political leader and a judicial leader
and a military man for every issue, all the people of the village they run to the president to solve their every problem, if someone gets sick
or someone dies, his relatives will definitely go to the group, they consider it an unwritten law, they will go there to ask him why
my child got sick, why was he paralyzed my daughter because the taris died and now the wizard
will say what the devil tells him isn't it he must never tell him the truth and below the magic as I said organized because they have both
black magic and white magic you will not have heard of these terms black and white magic I will tell you in more detail so you can understand what
is happening one afternoon I had left the magic of clay and was going to the monastery
we have there is a monastery of Saint Nectarius with some apprentices and girls under food and there is a Congolese monks of the view go with
the car we see on the right a girl of 12-13 years old completely naked with a demonic form
with a cap on her head and with a lot of people looking at her I tell the priest to my driver
I tell him what it means over here he tells me this girl is a witch she came she says far away 1.000 km from the central congo from kasai and it got down here but how
did you get to him he says you don't know he says how I don't know and so listen what's going on with these black people of black magic the devil she the devil in order to
obey and carry out the wishes of a sorcerer the devil asks him
asks the sorcerer for blood and the sorcerer is a loyal instrument of satan so he has
a partner with him face to face so they talk face to face no by imagination
as a spirit when the devil does not appear in front and chats the black man chats with the devil towards the face not with a devil there are
devils and now I will tell you what happens with black magic that the
black magic wizard grabs a small child
I know from some neighboring village he judges his mouth and leads him to the forest at midnight he lights fires the wizard can be one or two and
three may be and alone he lights fires at midnight 12 at night after fires he undresses turns on the fire and calls the evil spirits have the evil
spirits come the demons and who tell him what he will do now with his case the baby of the child that he has ordered does not kill him
but tears his heart and tears his chest over here and his he pulls out the heart and the heart beats again the caria in his hands he drinks raw blood
he eats raw meat because that's what the devil tells him to do the rest excess blood he draws it with a whistle and puts it on a sugar cane the
sugar cane hangs it on you ties it here on the belly and then the magician becomes erect he flies like an airplane and goes long distances
4,000 km anywhere but these only happen at night and where does he go where
he has been called by his clients, mean people, wicked people, and and and and misanthropes, so they go where
they like him and of course they have paid him handsomely to do their errands, which errands are people who want their neighbor out of hatred or
if he wants them to go to the sorcerer he says I want you to kill this neighbor said the sorcerer goes and finds his neighbor and she kills him magically
magically it's weird but I've seen dead victims of magic and I'm going to kill
her so this little girl will too he accepted over there a sometimes sometimes what
happens this battle when he flies at night like in a plane he is sometimes down he has fallen down and he has been killed had
the pope found such a magician and told us what happens to them that the devil you know not only does the devil hate the soul of man, he also hates
his body, and he is also a soul, as he is an eyewitness, that is why the devil kills both his victims and the his own not only the victims but
also his own their organs the blacks his evil devil kills them too that's why many of them get some who are killed
so the others who find such a corpse say that he ran out of gas so the they explain that the petrol didn't run out, but the satan's magic
power, which was throwing him into the air, ended, so to speak, that is, the devil stopped strengthens with his own satanic power now the victims of
black magic spells now ask for redemption they ask where to take refuge to mourn and run to the black man of white magic the black man of white
magic appears as a monster and a healer of the victims of black and he says
that I do no harm, I am a good person, a good doctor, and I am and
I am, and I am, let's say, deaconess, let's say that's how I am servant of the
white god I am a worker of the white god while the other is a worker of the black god this is how they explain it essentially they are talking about the same about the two
demons and so one demon cannot see the other demon now when all the victims of the black of magic they ask for litchi and healing on the black of the
white who uses them gives them some syrups either from greens
greens rocks the bottom like this, etc. and people also feel an improvement
in black magic, of course the magician will promote this too if they have
money, people are men, they will give corn, they will give a goat, a piglet, a chicken, greens, anything to be done their work
people are providers so what does this wizard of wish magic do he brings out a bigger demon and leaves and leaves a smaller one inside the
man so the man has an e improvement i.e. where he had
100% pain, he has 50% less pain or where he had strong convulsions, he has less convulsions, he was in bed, now he can get up and walk
with crutches, this exact difference is visible to the wizard of good magic and
he man rejoices he tells you that I found a cure but I told you
it's a comedy and their two wizards never work together they're not enemies to each other and they look at light grabbing from the victims of witchcraft,
both of them, as I told you, every president is
also a magician
. this a
territorial district that may have 10 or 20 villages so this whole district
is governed by a senior president who is called a mayor at the time us the clocks mayor there is called sultan arabic word that means
sultan so leader like mayor so this president went to a mayor to a sultan over there to solve some problem he had
personal you know what the sultan said this big magician tells him no may
to help you go to the one who baptized you he is a bigger
wizard than me I can't mess with him drink him only he can help you here we understand what great power orthodoxy has down another
time they came from the from the black quarter of the town of Lizi two parents
and they said here and they said to us come help us a little magician aged 12 years old he did magic and he is ready to kill two
of our children, he gave their children something to eat and so on, he magically put dust under their beds, passed other things, and so did we with
father Iakovos or below, then this happened to us in 1991, he went and found
him magicians a little boy 12 x 13 had been made a magician by his grandfather there magic goes in succession the grandfather to the son son to son from here on or the
grandfather to the grandson directly and the patriarch of the little one tells him
how will you do your magic and he says I have such power that if I lay my hand on the garment of the one I want to to give him
my power or to give him my spirit just by touching him he says with
my hand on him he says immediately I will do what I want he tells him where he is going iakovos con colerea means he says to him if he touches and you will also on me
in my clothes you will do what you want listen to what the little one said if he says touch on you he says I will burn you says oxo fall all fire came
magician's confession and something another, this little boy had such a big demon that
father Jacob told us that he saw women and other witches in the city from a distance of 10 m the little demons do penance and the little wizards the little
witches do penance in the big ear and then they are recognized you know now he knows these my p p p iakovos that the little wizards the little
witches now know that this young man the little one is a big wizard and they put penance on it, they also worship it all over our church from
the mega kino of ecumenism, so of
course you know what it means ecumenicalism equates that all churches are the same and every church possesses m grace and is part
of the heresy clop listen now understand believe that there is no grace in Catholicism the popes there is no grace we live
these and let any factors, whether theological or bishops, that they are the same sister churches, we don't care about anything, everywhere
salvation exists, so there is nothing in papal church there is no grace we live these things with examples and I will now tell you
a few Father Joseph with whom we worked together when I was new in Sasha because he was born there he told us the following he told me the
following a Belgian priest left Europe and came down down and he had
his own church and started apostolic work across from him a sorcerer made his own workshop and every day he brought people the drums were beating
he had a lot of wooden magic idols that were dancing hand in hand and jumping like this all the idols in front all jump and danced and the whole world was full of
drink and everyone was dancing together big other and noise the priest says to the magician please he tells him leave me you don't leave me alone from the come the evening
let me do my services and my work the magician tells him and I have mine and I have my own jobs over here and
my own ceremonies he left me and you often they didn't find them so and after a few days the priest got clean and went from where the wooden
ones were dancing dollar bigger the wooden man and he grabbed for to throw him this stuck in his palm here he tried to get it out where to go c
this this was nailed with demonic strength, he had to do a practical operation to cut it with a knife, so
he had the dart for two or three days . Well, the
father was so shocked and outraged that on the first flight he found the jar and disappeared in Europe, I'm asking you now
if he had this papal priest grace could not based on exoticism would not moshe put an anvil on him the other rows not to do
anything other than cases another demon possessed went to a papal priest
to read calculus to him and not only not only did he not put the demon but he called him the devil of the day bro cappuccino that's how he found him curse at you, I will listen,
come at you, I will listen, mad capuchin, so the demon cursed him and a another incident that happens below a deomen went to read him
papa papa and the demon entered the papal priest inside yes understand
that there is no grace and also many incidents many papal and protestant people come so who are demon raton i
either with demons possessed or with other passions, however, definitely victims of witchcraft and we call them and not when the priests say we went and they don't
do anything to us they can't do anything to us and so we over there and we give them some catechism we read the equipment of our saints
holy Christ of the great kingdom and you see that the demons leave even the my orthodox the demons leave because they are afraid of the divine grace
the power the power of grace which exists in our church and now another comrade event that I experienced
myself which I have never experienced and I didn't even
believe it even if you told me I would believe it because I saw it but I will tell you this and so and so you will believe it even if you didn't see it
coffin to tear down houses I had gone one before I had gone one morning outside the clay 3-4 km to buy
I went every morning and bought greens from a house one morning when I went I found
huge hole in a wall of the house .
house because it was broken down, the beast came to Thero and knocked it down before I buried another house broken down, I ask why it
came to you broken down the coffin oh my god what's happening what's happening the coffin came and what happened I also ask others over here everyone like that I ask everyone the
orthodox Christians and they tell me that inside when someone dies now I will tell the story that has another story e outside the clay 32 km the
mission has a farm that grows carambola in the farm there is also a
village who work there alki of them about 65 people were possessed and baptized, a church was also built, but three of them, one
an agriculturist in charge of the farm, the second one, we made him a catechist of the catechized
because we didn't know that he was a sorcerer and the third one was a guardian of the village, so these three were sorcerers before
they were baptized they also attended and at the same time attended classes I lived without we don't know anything before they were baptized on the eve will you tell me where
you know, one of the three, after the bad thing happened, they killed a man, he came and confessed to us, but the demons were there, so before
they were baptized, the demons came and told them, he doesn't look like us, we don't mind if he is baptized, just don't, don't beat us to the pope meletio m don't say anything about
this relationship we have together and the help you offer, you have a complaint from us, our saki he is called for help, we are not coming, so don't
tell the poor man there, and we don't mind if he is baptized, so they were baptized without confession, without confessing anything, they later learned that
both before and before they were baptized, they had killed a woman with two children from the village, it turned out that he killed after the their baptism
after what years does the ecstasy occur
one by one the guardian that we have and for the spartan machinery and the
huts over there at night he saw the agriculturist the three-light first wizard with one
of the three go at night with the tin take oil out of the tractor prevent the madness prevent the oil sell him and the
watchman he saw and chased him like a cat to the pameret, for this act of his,
the agriculturist together with the other two decided to
kill him, I did magic at night aneta on a hill called the termite hill
where there are the termites the ants the big ones which they come out every May and every October and the kids come out everywhere and collect them
and eat them these big memes are like bees yes very much they also have wings and the kids go and collect them they eat these are called
plumes they are called candles they are tall 3-5 m and inside are the apartment buildings of the healthy, so everything is hollow inside. underground and they make
these hills very far down these n termers there at the top so these three had done their magic when the time came for
this guard to die which is the protestant named toka listen what he did he tore me from the from the from the palm from the hand he
tore the skin the skin and drew blood and signed a pact with the devil and told him hell, if I die naturally, we will say that this is how
God wanted it, but if I am killed by people whom I do not know who are killing me, I want you to reveal to my relatives those who are killing me
now, a person or a state of physical anesthesia and his church, death and so on in favor of you with his blood may the devil reveal after
his death who really killed him, so he died with some honor and is, let's say, the lady there they don't cry they sing as you know it's
typical for people to sing about the dead with nice songs yes so after theirs ended let's say the obituary they
took the dead with about 500 people and started towards the forest where they called the dead cemeteries bury them in the woods far from the villages
km and now because they are afraid of the spirits lest they come back and harm them because we believe very much in the spirits of of their ancestors so they arrived there
in the forest far away and when they were about to take the coffin off their backs
listen what happens the coffin acquires a demonic power it reaps upon them and turns them back again and the four carriers and
now takes them wherever it wants backwards one of the magicians from the agriculturist
in the trifone you know of the devil placed a fish net
across so at the same time they were coming way back losing them
back to the coffin with speed he put a trial along to prevent the
passage of the coffin thing brought it when it got there on the net it couldn't pass and it goes sideways from the edge and he sped past and
took his four carriers to the village where god was taking them I
couldn't leave them nailed all these nailed with vibrational force 300 m before them in the village the coffin stood upright and there they dug under it and
found a bucket with magic various magics then it goes up bring it up you will tell me why the cheros didn't leave they can't leave they are bound with
invisible shackles where to go no p they move, he climbs on the back again and now takes them to the village with the kites and demolishes a house and overturns it Remy
and the coffin falls in and he sits on the bed so when he was in
bed the dead man started to struggle inside he said oh oh it wasn't him the
dead man had died but it was the devil now his children who were near him thought he was alive the father is asking for revenge for this and he is fighting and
they called him father tell us where who killed you we are near you we are now asking
for revenge from those who they killed you then bring it bring it now he goes up to the transporters and again he looks at another house and knocks down the door together with the case
and it reaches the floor the second one this wizard realized that he would know everything and disappeared and entered another hut far away he runs the Bring the
speed and the second murderer finds him and throws him, I catch him too and from there the coffin goes devil is he so
he reveals them now freely then he went and hit third house at that
moment one was leaving his house to escape he realized it and hits him in the chest together and the hut and looks at them down and hut fell
down hut lasso hut like that no hut with a curtain so I catch these three then the ferret climbs up to the mihara stands upright
over there they dig underneath they found magic and from there everything became black smoke so the devil revealed them afterwards on the bring and stands in the plain
below and next to him nailed the three magicians listen to what happens below
now the relatives of the three magicians should bring to the victims to the relatives of the dead compensation that we say and brought there beyond the relatives of the magicians, that
they had, I know, a tape recorder, a hen, a goat, I know that they had
blankets poverty that their poverty had I carried them next to the coffin and now they were waiting for the coffin to become light because the coffin is put down the f down
the coffin and when will the coffin be lifted when will it be light when when
the devil is satisfied let's say that what
the relatives of the three magicians brought as compensation is
enough thero comes so the desk eats for sewing at that time
the case stops over there and two cyclists come in the cluz then me in the kezo the member was away in another parish far away they call me father we are
at a way out I say what is going on guys come with us and see what's going on I took a
car with two priests with holy water with holy relics we had eliminated the holy asylum from here and
down with images and we went today we got there over there he saw a bunch of people standing around it and the three wizards down
with their eyes red like demonic eyes I'm telling you
honestly the first time I saw it and I'm asking what it means over here guys no one
was talking tell me I say why over here are you all gathered together one of
them says this and that and this is happening to us I say to the rs put on a clavicle let's
start tiago and we read the exiles of the holy goldsmith and the great kingdom, then psalms with some absolutes from the world of worship and
the benedictions, then the coffin was opened, the lid, Pope James threw in
sprinkled and sprinkled the people who were around who when he saw the priest sprinkles them, they put it on their feet because they were afraid that we are
magicians and we came with our magic already bewitched them and the people happened to be spared don't bring it you are not magicians nothing they
left after all this happened I say when I was down I didn't know that these three are
the killers of the dead I didn't know I personally say and our colleagues,
one an agronomist, the other a professor looked like a professor, and the third was a keeper of the garden . ear they looked at me like that about me something eyes
red they can't get up get up I say nothing I ask then who is the end of the church he says we go four five young people grab the god
come close indeed then there the great miracle happened everyone was surprised because the
coffin immediately became light, we grabbed it, put it in the car and went to the funeral, then everyone was saying say say say how how we succeeded, these priests
, the orthodox, and he lied and spilled, they succeeded, how in what way are these streets sorcerers, they said about us,
others who heard the news said about us, so they went over there to bury it together, they wanted the whole village to come to see what we are going to do bring it he will go into gear he will
turn back again finally they came far 10 k on foot 15 people and they said now we will see what the priests will do, the papists, the orthodox, will they put
the coffin in or will it leave them again like yesterday, in the end, everything turned out well, we sprinkled it on this year, we chant the funeral utars, we didn't do a mystery, don't be
scandalized, a little one, a few wishes, we said so because
heretics are forbidden a sacrament, as you know, so we sprinkled it, chanted tropes, and crucified it there then we put the coffin in the coffin and
cover it we also put a cross and a cross because over there a cross is always put in according to the Christian influence that is everywhere down there and we left
and reached the bath at night at 11:00 and that's how this ended story the other day the meletius went to call the magicians one had disappeared the
other had surrendered to the police and we caught the third who told us that listen he says yes we scott did this and this and this and this and
he revealed to us that before they were baptized the demons came and told them not to say anything in the study, we will work together with you again, but we don't
want him to testify against us, so from what we heard, a very
important conclusion is drawn, you know what conclusion, that demons are afraid of one thing, they are not afraid of communion, nor prayer, nor
church or anything they are afraid of the day of confession therefore one who does not actually confess is subject to the demons
and will go to hell so those who did you hear this, he gives the conclusion, there is a terrible magician in Macedonia, the fathers know about it, the names
are useful in the village of Gazoro, who has built a church in his house and
people go in droves on buses and so on to get an answer and solve the problems you know them says this user who is
called christ do you know what he says love god go to church have love among yourselves respect your parents, pray
and receive communion, but he will never tell them to go to confession because only in this
sacrament does the devil break his legs, as we say, and there the forces of Satan are crushed because all the vices and all the tricks are revealed inside
the snares that the devil prepares to show us in every sin when we know within us calculations which have a notorious
power each calculus can lead us to any sin and that is why man cannot be saved when he stops confessing clearly
in his life now ah oh a question does magic catch the
orthodox tell me I am asking yes or no no there are orthodox who
do not believe that there are demons, listen to them, they exist here in Greece, they once told us that I don't believe that there are demons,
I don't it does nothing to me and yet inside is the devil selfishness and pride inside is when someone says I don't believe in demons the
devil is all inside him and he hides so beautifully and doesn't reveal himself in any way this is the night of the devil when
he manages to convince us that there is no such yes the victory of the devil and then the
devil does to us then what he wants before I leave for for for it we still have a little
time and 20 I'm five minutes will finish why are you tired before I left for
the Congo years ago I passed a house of a Greek family in Athens the
girl's husband is from my village and my friend but the woman has had a demon for 17 years her concubines did magic on her and caught the
magic because because I told you before I asked you the magic catches the
orthodox I answer yes they catch them but who those who don't have they make a clean confession if everything is confessed a righteous stranger
and ki a sin with grace a woman conceals a deduction let's say it is a grave sin or a man conceals a good one micha I know a harlot
grave sins she will conceal on purpose eh so when she wants to the devil the black man
may afflict him with sickness and suffering and death he may send demon to give oil to make it bad because there is this
paradaki, this tangible sin that was not confessed and from there the devil can come in and mix up the hell that we
now call the family that I had gone to in Athens one day we went to visit a house, the driver in front, her husband
next to me, and behind that girl in the car, the demon catches her and makes turns like that, her head did eight turns like this at
speed and he starts cursing me in front and he says and says to me oh what
did you do to me what do I say what did I do to you because to what you torture me I say I am not torturing you
if someone tortures you it is the power of Jesus Christ I say me you he says to me, sinner, if I had the power, he would tear you apart, he says, he said to the devil
, and I tell him and I tell him why he is tearing me away from you, I am next to you, day by day Ezekia I can't I can't by the power of God I can't he says
wish you well we arrived at the house where I had been for a visit like this I had
in my hands a book by Father Dimitrios U Stathe of a holy married priest from Larissa from the trikalas and the photo inside and
in the teaching I say the girl you see wickedness she is a holy man kiss his form to get grace the demon takes hold of her somewhere she
starts and curses me and many more now the anvil starts and her mouth speaks I start now and I ask I exorcise you in the name of the holy trinity
tell me why you entered him in this plan of god inside and says the
demon about him and she saw her husband who you had swallowed until then about him,
about him, the man, now the man is of course a believer, again I say I am exorcising you
with the mouth of the saint, tell me, tell me, do you believe in God, says the
demon, I believe, since I say you believe, and he doesn't repent, I should repent, says the
demon, yes, you, but I too say that I am a sinful man, I say, and I believe in
God, God's place, just like you and I, if I am a sinful man, let me live in hell, I say to the devil, the devil says, shut me up, you killed me, he tells me that
your humiliation burns me, I tell him, I don't do it, tangible humiliation, I honestly tell you that I am a great sinner and unworthy of eternal life, I deserve a life
in hell mek your humiliation shut up i also got an experience means humiliation there the devil i got a nice experience after eh I tell him if you don't repent you will
go to hell and he says the devil says I know I will go to hell
but I will take it with me for the whole world because I am in the world the ruler of the world I tell him you are lying how many people believe in God how many
confess how many are baptized how many they repent before their death all this l you do not know and began to growl against Christ ah what is
this Nazarene doing to me and so we had this dialogue we had this dialogue with the devil that night then we started to invoke various
saints whom we define as healers of such demonic ailments finally I came to my senses and I say father James father eccles like some modern
saint I say go Philotheo come and heal your slave and immediately the demon
left and she came to her senses we caught the girl she was suffering from the demon for a while we caught her and lifted her up she was dripping with tears she was paralyzed I said to her my child,
Maria, where are you ? the whole time we put her
in a cat she couldn't sit she had fallen all the way down you don't tell me I tell her the demon how did she leave she says to me when you said the name father Jacob father
philotheos the father philotheos came over my head he blessed me and the demon left I tell her the demon left no she says inside me where is it I tell her it is
a small ball that circulates all over my body wherever the ball stands I have severe pain listen I have pain explicitly ears and it goes everywhere to the
head to the legs to the secret organs wherever it goes my ball is
in pain lemme tau you don't tell me what I say when the demon comes out and talks from your mouth you watch it he tells me everything I hear
what he says but I can't stop it because he has grabbed my mouth and my tongue and is saying what he wants to hear what did the girl tell me and then she told me
other things, the Holy Friday appeared to her three times and
said to her Mary, my child, he tells her when you are in the branches like this don't be upset we have prepared a glorious place in heaven but the demon will not leave he said
to her god grants and gives you the strength to come because many people are saved through the devil yes god
loves you so much that he allows you to have demons in people men because the girl is a manly girl a holy girl with fasts and prayers and so on a holy
soul and she can bear it demon never does it has no prayer oh god let the demon go he never says sir your subject is born and he said to her as a
preparation it will not come out the demon will remain but you will go to heaven with the saints but the demon this will remain because solo