Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

The 23 Customs are 23 controls that the human soul undergoes after death for specific sins.


The 23 Customs are 23 controls that the human soul undergoes after death for specific sins.
in each test, you examine the soul for a specific sin. If he has not fallen into this sin, he proceeds to the next customs and if he succeeds and passes, the twenty-third customs arrive in front of the Gate of Paradise.
But if she has fallen into this sin, then the customs of this control seize her and lead her to the dark Hell, where she awaits the Final Judgment in the Second Coming of the Lord, to be led to Hell.

1. the customs of malice
2. the customs of insult
3. the customs of envy
4. the customs of lies
5. the customs of anger and rage
6. the customs of pride
7. the customs of blasphemy
8. the customs of gossip and foolishness
9. the customs of interest and deceit
10. the customs of laziness and sleep
11. the customs of avarice
12. the customs of intoxication
13. the customs of vengeance
14. the customs of magic and divination
15. the customs of greed
16.the customs of paganism
17. the customs of homosexuality
18. the customs of fornication
19. the customs of adultery
20. the customs of murder
21. the customs of theft
22. the customs of prostitution
23. the customs of ruthlessness

Let us see in detail how describes the way to the Gate of Paradise through the

vision of the monk Gregory … Awesome vision was seen by a monk named Gregory, who for a time was a disciple of St. Basil the young during the reign of King Leo the Wise in the 9th century.

Saint Basil the Younger was the spiritual Father of Saint Gregory, who also had many other spiritual children, among whom was a revered woman named Theodora who served Saint Basil throughout her life.

The time of her death came and she died within a few days. And I (Gregory) in question asked to know and disturbed the Saint to tell me if Theodora was saved and where she is. Saint Basil, after my many troubles, said to me: "My child Gregory, tonight I am walking towards Theodora and she came with me to see her." I kissed his right hand and went to sleep. And being in ecstasy I found myself in an uphill and narrow place, and there I see beautiful palaces twisting and knocking on the door two women showed up and told me. These palaces belong to Father Vassilios who just passed through here and went to see Theodora who is here. Hearing her name, Theodora ran to the door, hugged me and said: “Oh! My child Gregory! How did you get here? Did you die and come here? ” I replied: “I did not die but I am still in my body in that vain world. But the wishes of our spiritual Father Basil brought me here to see you where I longed and bothered him every day to find out where you are, and if you were saved. And please tell me about the separation of the soul from the body, how much pain it has and how you went through the terrible customs of the air, and the examinations of the evil demons. Because I, too, will soon and every person at the end of his life cross. ” And Theodora answered and said to him: “Ώ! My child Gregory, how can I tell you the fear and terror of that hour of separation of the soul from the body? How can I explain to you the pains and sufferings of the separation of the soul? I pretend to be my child, to put a naked man on coals and to disintegrate until his soul comes out. The pain of the separation of the soul of the sinner like me is so severe and unbearable, and I do not know of my just child Gregory. ” When I was in bed and struggling I saw the evil spirits of the demons around me, some like black dogs, barking, others like bulls roaring and tearing, turning their wild and ugly faces above me and bullying me. I did not turn my eyes to another place so as not to see their ugly form and the noise they made, but it was impossible, my child Gregory to avoid. And while I was in so much sorrow I suddenly saw two young starfish with golden hair, and they stood to the right of my bed, and one of them began to bully those terrible demons, saying: "this soul." They did not bear my sins what I did in my youth, either in words or in deeds, and they cried out all my sins, even what I did not do.

I do not fear and fear death unexpectedly and suddenly death came like a young fat and angry, like a lion, loaded with various tools and the Angels said to him; loosen the joints of the body and do not give her much pain because the sins it's a little; then it started from the feet and loosened the joints of my body, and then I felt that my body was dying, and finally that tyrant filled a glass with bitter contents, watered it for me and my soul came straight out of my body my, then the two Angels received it and I admired the products because I did not know that these things happen at the time of death to the suffering man. And the Angels looked at the good works I did in my life if I fasted, if I went to church and if I stood in fear of God if I fed the hungry if I visited the sick if I received strangers in my house if I set a good example to others if I endured insults if I avoided vows if I did not swear if I did not groom myself, and much more, they weighed these with my sins and the demons gritted their teeth at me and rushed to snatch me from the hands of the Angels, and to me throw to the ungrateful Aden.

Suddenly my spiritual Father Basil came and said to the Angels: My lords because this soul has served me in my life, I begged the Lord to forgive her and save her from the hands of the demons, and the Angels immediately flew up to heaven in the east. , and going up we met:

1. The customs of katalalia
Here there was a gathering of blacks, and they stopped us, and tearing like dogs they asked to snatch me from the hands of the Angels. And my witness, my Lord child Gregory, revealed to me those whom I criticized in my life and not only the truth but they slandered me and told many lies against me. And the angels despised them and cast their wings up into heaven.

2. Customs of insults
And going up a little we met the customs of insults, and here the Angels, competing with the wishes of our Father Basil, departed and the Angels spoke; this soul really benefited greatly from the Holy Kingdom.

3. Customs of envy
And ascending we came to the customs of envy, and having nothing, the demons against me passed undisturbed; .

4. Customs of lies
And going up to a very high place we reached the customs of lies where there were many demons with ugly faces running at me, screaming and tearing, they brought a lot of evidence, and they had written many silly words that I said in my childhood until and the persons I was talking to and apologizing to the Angels. And the
Angels who paid from the Holy Kingdom left.

5. The customs of anger and rage
And as we ascended we reached the customs of anger and rage, where a multitude of blacks, tearing like dogs, bit each other and devoured each other like wild boars rushing against me, making the shapes and make-up that I did when I was angry and when I held hatred and resentment with anyone;

6. Customs of Pride

And going up a little the Angels we reached the customs of pride and after searching a lot the demons found nothing to accuse me of because I was poor and passing unmolested we reached the customs of blasphemy.

7. Customs of blasphemy

And ascending we came to the customs of blasphemy, and as soon as the demons saw us they ran at us gnashing their teeth and cursing, I trembled with fear and was told that I had cursed three times in my youth; Angels brought proof that I had confessed and we left leaving the demons inactive.

8. Customs of gossip and jokes
And as we went up we reached the customs of jokes and gossip and the demons asked me to apologize for the obscenities, jokes, and obscene songs I said in my youth and I wondered how they remembered them, while I for a long time · And paying the Angels we left.

9. Customs of interest and deceit
And ascending we arrived at the customs of interest and deceit which examines usurers and swindlers, and without finding anything the demons to prove we left.

10. Customs of laziness and sleep

And going up we came to the customs of laziness where the demons examined me if I slept too much and I was bored to get up to pray or go to church or if I could do any good and neglect; and without finding anything we left undisturbed.

11. Customs of avarice
And ascending we came to the customs of the awning where there was much darkness and fog; and examining the demons and finding nothing because I was poor, we left unmolested.

12. Customs of intoxication

And as we ascended we reached the customs of intoxication, and the demons rushed like wolves on us, examining the wine that I drank all my life; and they accused me of drinking so many glasses in that house, you got drunk and what they told me was true; and when we paid the Angels we departed and ascended the Angels said to each other: "The soul is in great danger until it passes the impure customs of the air", and I say to them: "Yes, my lords, and I think that none of the living people would know what happens after the separation of the soul from the demons of the air, and woe to the negligent what awaits them. ", and the Angels responded and said: the afflicted people darkened by the luxury, food and pleasures of the world, are blinded and do not believe that they will die and do not care to do good deeds for their souls; and woe to the negligent because they are seized by the demons and thrown into the dark Aden until the judgment, when they will be judged and each one will enjoy what he has done. ”

13. Customs of vengeance
And going up we came to the customs of vengeance which examines those who have hatred, and do not forgive their brothers. And the demons rushed upon me, examining their storehouses, to find no fault of their own to seize me; of the people, and the Angels answered me: “You do not know that after baptism every Christian receives an Angel as a guardian to guard him, and to lead him to good, and to write his good works; likewise a devil follows him. and he writes his evil deeds and announces them to every customs office where sin belongs and for which the demons know, and when the soul separates from the body and ascends to the heavens it is examined by demons at every customs office and this is done only to the Orthodox Christians, and to the unbelievers and the ungodly there is no examination. ”

14. Customs of magic and charm
Going up we arrived at the customs of magic and charm. Here the demons were like wild animals; some had the form of a dog, some like oxen, some like snakes, in ugly form, but with divine grace when they examined me they found nothing and ascending I asked the Angels how they could get out of the store of the demons the sins of men, and the Angels answered me: “The sins are forgiven when man repents and confesses to the spiritual and no rule they set then the sins are removed from the stores of the demons, and the demons tear for throwing them into new sins. That is why confession and repentance become reasons for people to be forgiven and to pass air customs freely. But many people say that they confess them to God, and still, others seek to find spiritual condescension in order to avoid the rule; And as in the disease of the body we choose the best doctor, so much more in the disease of the immortal soul to choose the God-fearing and strictly spiritual, and to have him for the rest of his life; otherwise people err and cannot pass the customs of the air. ” 15. Customs of gluttony and gluttony These as they told me we reached the customs of gluttony and gluttony, where the demons were very fat like pigs, strong and wild, and ran over me, barking, and revealed to me the gluttons I made a young age until I was old, and that I did not fast on Wednesdays and Fridays until I was 40 without restraint; and the Angels bringing my good works for payment we departed. 16. Customs of paganism And we arrived at the customs of paganism and various sects, and without finding anything the demons left. 17. Customs of the male-domination And as we ascended we reached the customs of the male-domination; And because he found nothing against me, we departed, and the Angels told me that many reaches here unhindered, and for this infamous act, they fall into the dark and ungrateful Hades. 18. Customs of colored persons And speaking we arrived at the customs which examines men and women, who beautify their faces with different colors, and spices and are not pleased with the beauty that God has given them. I had been painted twice in my life and the demons were trying to keep me, but the Angels came with a lot of effort, bringing my good deeds, and winning we left. 19. Customs of adultery Going up we come to the customs of adultery which examines adulterers and adulterers; that is, married people who go to foreign women and contaminate their crown. Also here at these

customs, the unnatural perpetrators with their wives are examined. 
But because I was not responsible for them, we left without any problems. 20. Customs of murder and abortion And ascending we came to the chiefs of murder who examine the murderers, even the women who expel infants from their wombs and even those who avoid procreation; and from here by the grace of God we departed without a problem. 21. Customs of the theft And going up a little we reached the customs of the theft that examines the thieves and examining carefully the demons did not find anything and we left unhindered. 22. Customs of prostitution. And going up very high we reached the gate of Heaven, where are the customs which examines the prostitutes. Their leader sat on a high throne and wore a dress sprinkled with foam and blood of every filth that was flooded, which was done by the impurities of prostitution. And the demons rushed upon me, accusing me and telling many lies, and daring to snatch me from the hands of the Angels and throw me into the ungrateful Hades. And the Angels objected to them, that I had confessed and I gave up for a long time. And by lying the demons said that I did not confess them nor did I receive a rule from a spiritual being, and the Angels departed, the unclean demons gnashing their teeth. And as I go on, the Angels tell me that very few go through these customs. Most people who come here fall into the dark and ugly Aden. 23. Customs of ruthlessness. And going up a little we reached the customs of ruthlessness, which examines the hard-hearted and ruthless and examining with the demons and without finding me ruthless because I had mercy on the poor, and the demons disgraced, we departed from them. The gate of HeavenAnd ascending happily we reached the gate of Heaven, which radiated and shone like pure gold and they had the supernatural beauty, which no human tongue can narrate. The porter was a lightning-shaped young man with golden hair and welcomed us happily praising God because we passed the aerial customs of demons. And passing by the gate of heaven we saw a multitude of lightning-young men, shining as the sun, rejoicing and rejoicing in my salvation; And we saw clouds, not like the usual ones that set aside to pass. And we saw another white and golden cloud from which lightning came out and set it aside like the others and passing by we felt the sweetest fragrance from the throne of the invisible God. And we saw at the immediate height of lightning the throne of the Almighty God. There is the joy of the righteous and the Eternal rejoicing. And we saw there an infinite number of lightning-shaped young people, who wore precious dresses with gold belts…

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...