muslims were born around developed around the 7th century and
this was the finger of the cousin of muhammed's wife who was a jew
and he was a jew and they wanted to hit christianity they always
did that and they came in with this thing and of course they had the order by diabolical
prompting to exterminate the christians those who say against the
christians by fire and action to exterminate them this they have done even more now
in the events of Syria and all these things and they have in mind to do
to us here now they brought us the illegal immigrants obviously with a wicked purpose
obviously with one reason to harm us but we will tell them
that they will not succeed because the events are developing and coming
quickly and when Turkey disappears be careful the illegal immigrants cannot act
at this juncture that they were of course promoted by other
powers great powers or a great power to make us great I remind you
but why I have to be clear what Kissinger said against us
some years ago we will hit them in the language we will hit them in the culture
we will hit them in the faith these are followed and we have these
events of course here we must note in order to tell the truth
understand that with the cooperation of the mother
janissaries our era resembles the era of the so-called byzantium in
decline shortly before the defeat, since there had been an attempt to unify
Ferrara, Florence, at that time there were two currents,
the fildisenia,
you realize when the friends of the union with the Europeans are
fewer in our time, there are again the same attitudes, the fildire of the
antinotites, please, so it is all those who
studied in the west and became friends of the west, the destructive movements
that are being made against the church of orthodoxy and even from the
love ones the supposed orthodox and at the political level from the
politicians who have betrayed and sold out the country they will stop says
the holy world they will still tax your hens with taxes but they won't
catch up they won't catch up because the events will happen in our country unfortunately
the anti-Greeks who have been cultivated both in politics and
in the ecclesiastical power because they followed the orders of the political
power and unfortunately they became c they will be set aside and I
certainly wish that God will give them repentance because it is a shame that so many years
in the church have reached this state of great betrayal that
exists today God never aner it is centuries now since the fourth century
that he has given these prophecies and that today we see this developing
because things are close but we do not know a date of course so
we have not been given a date but it is close and I believe those younger than
me and also me I believe that if God allows me to survive for a while,
I will live, so you should know that we are very close, of course there is
a lot of confusion in the world, others are infidels, many of us are not interested in this,
each one of you does what he wants, the events that are coming
and are close, the last of the prophets was our modern saint
Paisius, I ask someone who tells us this prophecy, I ask the
old man who will it is the developments regarding
turkey he answers me look look look see the turks will make only one challenge
in greece and it will have a relation that will be related to the angel tida zone and
we will get hungry greece will starve and because this
bora will last for some time it will be months we will say the bread
[music] bun then i ask old man how will
i understand that we will be close to the war when he says you will listen to the
television to become an issue about the apples for the extension of the apples from 6 to 12
miles then the war is coming from behind what are we going to do the
Greek army will take part in this war no the government will make
a decision not to send an army it means in the big war because whoever takes
part in this big one between the states that is lost then because in
Greece the people will be very afraid they will turn to the church to the
god and they will repent because there will be repentance we Greeks will not be harmed
god will have pity on greece because the world will turn to the
church to monasticism and they will start praying and
many turks will be baptized who as i mentioned at the beginning are very
crypto christian the turks will hit us but greece will not suffer
much damage as we said there are others tendencies but they are now
known of the saint, I mean Paisius, so there is no need, we cannot know
the exact time when the world-historical events will happen because it
has not been given to us, nor is it right to give absolute faith in the
dates because when people repent, God suspends
his decisions as it happens in the case of the new,
but the opinion of many who follow the signs of the times is that we are
very close to the days that will begin to these
shocking events that are mentioned in the prophecies of the holy fathers of
our orthodox church are taking place now I will tell you I will mention to you and finish the rite the
prophetic of Saint Porphyry the great saint who of course does not deal with
prophecies but in a meeting
he mentioned that God will save us through calamity one night when we had
entrusted him with our sadness and our distress for what they were happening
around us, our time was revealed to us, our time is like the time of Christ, so it
was in a state of insignificance, then and today, in our days, and then the world
had reached a miserable state, but God took pity on us and now
we must not despair, I see a very great man of God appearing through the calamity,
watch out, who will raise up and unite the
world for your good, I wish you good repentance, my brothers, calmness
we turn to the lord who can, as I said, give us grace to keep us
in the tribulations of the days and for us to be optimistic that God does not make
mistakes and protects us both on a personal level and on a family
level and on a national level and of course I wish the best for
our brothers in the diaspora where they are located America Australia Europe and
the rest may you all be well good repentance and God be with
us h