Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 22 Ιανουαρίου 2022

Careful all of you


Careful all of you

Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa, Ontario, right, holds a bottle of holy water while blessing a crowd of people during a prayer vigil outside The Koven nightclub in Ottawa, prior to a satanic black mass on Aug. 17, 2019. About 200 people held the prayer vigil as a satanic black mass occurred Aug. 17 at a heavy metal club in the Canadian capital. (Credit: John Pacheco/The Catholic Register via CNS.)

Orthodoxy is the Church founded by Christ for the salvation of mankind, and therefore we should guard with our life the purity of its teaching and our own faithfulness to it

Careful all of you. The Vatican Church is NOT the Catholic Church but is run by a LIBERAL, MASONIC, and ILLUMINATI JEWISH SECT practicing witchcraft, black masses behind closed doors, and worshipping LUCIFER! Through the NEW IDEOLOGY of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY promoted by the Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo Communists & Zionists Popes, THEY ARE GETTING ALL READY FOR THE ONE WORLD RELIGION OF THE ANTICHRIST, the so-called messiah awaited by those Jews who still reject Jesus-Christ as The True Messiah. the only true and real religion accepted by the real god of the Christians-IS THE ORTHODOX CHURCH. COME AND BE A PART OF THE ONLY TRUTH. GOD HAS SHOWN TO US MANY TIMES, AS WE CAN SEE IT...=BY THE HOLY LIGHT......IN JERUSALEM
Black Mass will often include priestly vestments and the recitation of Latin prayers, altering the Latin to be focused on Satan instead of God.
Other rituals included in a Black Mass are sexual in nature and include various perverse sexual acts.
The goal of a Black Mass is the exact opposite of a Catholic Mass. Jesus instituted the Eucharistic celebration to strengthen our communion with God and other people, while the satanic mass sows division and confusion.

Ever since his fall from heaven, Satan has been influencing humans in a negative way and tries to put a wedge between them and God. The Black Mass is one of the ultimate ways that Satan has devised to create in an individual a particular hatred of God, convincing them to desecrate a host that Catholics believe possesses his Real Presence

The Masonry is a religion and is based mainly on the ancient pagan myste...

Ελευθεροτέκτονες είναι καθαρός σατανισμός Ο Illuminati είναι πραγματικός και επιδιώκουν τον έλεγχο του κόσμου. Παρακολουθήστε τους τύπους που βλέπουν ό, τι κάνετε, πήραν τον έλεγχο πάνω στην τράπεζα / χρήματα και τους νόμους, επίσης, την αστυνομία και το στρατό είμαστε ποντίκια σε ένα κλουβί Αρχιτέκτονα Διοικητή Lucifer. Μην ακούτε τους Δασκάλους που είναι Χριστιανοί; επειδή δεν μπορείτε να υπηρετήσετε δύο Masters. Είναι βασιλιάδες εξαπάτησης. Πιστεύουν ότι κάνουν καλό, Αλλά η πραγματικότητα είναι ότι είναι υποτρόφων πεσμένων αγγέλων = Τεκτονισμός είναι ο Τεκτονισμός είναι ένα από τα σχέδια του εχθρού, του Δούρειου ίππου, και είναι καλό. Ωστόσο, ο εχθρός δεν είναι ο ίδιος ο Mason. είναι ο Σατανάς (Lucifer), ο «άγγελος του φωτός» και ο δαιμονικός του ο οποίος τον βοηθά. Οι Χριστιανοί πρέπει να αγαπούν όλους τους ανθρώπους, αλλά πρέπει να εκθέτουμε τα έργα του σκότους (Εφεσίους 5:11), να υπερασπιστούμε την πίστη (Ιούδα 2) και καλέστε όλους τους ανθρώπους σε μετάνοια και πίστη στον Κύριο Ιησού Χριστό (Πράξεις 20:21). Αυτοί είναι οι στόχοι μου! The Masons now believe in their own impersonal God who called M.A.T.S., that Great Architect of the Universe. The galleries will not be a semi cross or image of Christ. The Son and Word of God, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, these are for one simple secret, much like Pythagoras, Buddha and others. The Scottish Masonic doctrine created in 1804 includes 3 initiations and 33 degrees. The third degree is a ceremony around the murderous death of Master Hiram and search for relics. Indeed the Old Testament speaks of a Hiram of Tyre who was invited by King Solomon to help build the Temple in Jerusalem. The only outside but on the murder, recover the relics, etc. is totally imaginary and mythical. The Masonry, as it is known today, is not simple charity and philosophical organization, as its advocates claim. It is a yperthriskeia with syncretistic nature. Is that the teachers' evidence of idolatry and mystic Jews and Christians. Masons believe that they are a global fraternity. Brother call each one belonging to them, be it Muslim or Buddhist or whatever, while the non-Masons call it sacrilegious, even if he is Christian. The Masonry is a religion and is based mainly on the ancient pagan mysteries. Temple has to call it arcade, where there are various ceremonies: Adoption lykideos (something similar to Christian baptism), marriage, memorial and more. They have degrees officials yielding their ceremonies, dressed in special uniforms, such as the Venerable, the Reverend, the Master, 

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...