Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2022


in Los Angeles was an Orthodox priest

and or in a community he did with the morning mass in communion he and he communion and the faithful and so on. when he was leaving to you a lady she says to him I said I'm talking to him. with Christ. I'm talking to the Virgin Mary. He knew right away what it was about. and because people, if we admit that too. they don't say it. Treasure, you say, where he's hidden it. treasure? As if you have hidden your treasure. your pounds? You don't say these things how You open your mouth and say you're talking to the Christ, you understand? So he says to him. He says, "Excuse me. I have an appointment and the car's waiting for me. I have to run to work. I'm sorry. Start. I speak foreign languages. I speak. So she started it. speaking in a foreign language. Father didn't only know Greek. And English. And a little French. she spoke in a language she didn't know, and she cursed him? Was he telling him? Was he blessing God? What happened? He didn't know. Another next door. Another next door. He began to cross himself. Forgive us, Jesus. Forgive us, Jesus. Forgive us, Jesus. She kept going. Speaking in tongues. Just in case the storm had passed. For they're possessed when you see them . See how the others do it, you'll see how they do it They're possessed When the storm is over and it's calm and quiet This other one goes to the father and says My father Do you know what he was saying? He says no, I don't know. I'm in Syria. He says. And he spoke in Syriac. And he was blaspheming your Christ. He was blaspheming your mother, Father. In Syriac, the one who spoke foreign languages. languages Do you understand? The world is possessed today. of Satan, I can't tell you how far they've gone. Other The witchcraft Whose magic is it? Black magic Whose magic is it today? Go out to Attica and see. There is none. A house that isn't bound by magic These are all the works of Satan. They're doing something to you. The one at the witch did something to you. The other one did not take the daughter to the witch. He did not become a witch. You are bound And they are bound. And you are simple. that you have bound the others Thou hast bound the others and the devil hath bound them. thee and the others The spell is a terror It means you do And how can anyone can defend themselves? If He's on good terms with Christ. He can't. The devil's got him. The spell catches people who They have nothing to do with the church. have nothing to do with the sacraments. They don't confess. they don't take communion, they don't fast, and they don't join the army. they're the ones who get the spell. people cooperate with the devil and they destroy the existence of another human being. St. Justine. read two holy Cyprian magicians scientist magician Not from them. the funny ones that exist today. and of Saint Justine and you will see that he did not succeed the holy Justine to bewitch her to get them and that became the cause of the . that he is not omnipotent but he exists. someone more than him who has power. greater if he can't put it on. in his own hand.

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...