Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 15 Οκτωβρίου 2022



   On October 8, 2022, blasphemers who blasphemed the last royal family died on the Crimean bridge that exploded.
   They have already filmed 6 episodes of their vile film, in which they vomited on the royal witnesses.
   On October 8, they got into a car to go to the Crimea and shoot there the last, 7th episode of their blasphemous series.
   They did not reach the Crimea. God's retribution overtook them at the Crimean bridge.
   Only 4 people died in the accident on the Crimean bridge.
   They were two blasphemous drivers and people who somehow maintained friendly relations with them. They were all in the same car.
   No one else was injured.
   Truly, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, and standeth not in the way of sinners, and sitteth not in the assembly of the corrupt" (Psalm 1:1).
   A very instructive story.
   There are amazing words in the Psalms that illustrate this.
   These words reveal the wrong attitude of sinful people toward God's longsuffering:
   “You did and I was speechless. you thought i was the same as you I will rebuke you and present [your sins] before your eyes” (Ps. 49:21).
   Truly, God is merciful: He endured 6 episodes and waited for the repentance of these blasphemers.
   But they did not give up their evil plans.
   Therefore, the road to shooting the 7th series of the film against the family of royal martyrs turned out to be a one-way road for them.
   Source: https://www.spb.kp.ru/daily/27455.5/4659…
   POSTSCRIPT. It turned out that the deceased driver was, moreover, a Protestant pastor who founded the "Hosanna Evangelical Christian Church" in 2003.
   And 26-year-old gymnast Gleb Orgetkin, who was traveling with some drivers, turned out, according to revelations that have spread on the Internet, to be a sodomite.

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