Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Δευτέρα 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Saint Paisios said that Jesus will give a slap to the system we currentl...

This is a text, Known from the books published, from the elder Paisios, Holy Paisios, of Mount Athos, reasons B- spiritual awakening, issue of a sacred sanctuary, Agios Ioannis strait Thessaloniki, on 188 pages,-Hear, ask a nun to the then living father Paisios, an elder in these difficult years will Christ intervene? the same question that John asked the same question was asked before 1994 before his death. that is before thirty years. And then they saw that the years were difficult. can you imagine them to live at our times, the old man tells him I repeat=in these difficult years Christ will intervene? and listening to the Paisius the vision was having. Prophet-he had a prophetic gift=he also had a gift for interpretation=this is difficult-yes here you see a wronged one who is in a good mood because he is entitled to divine help occur many times the Saints the Virgin Mary the Christ to save him, how much more today, that the poor world is in such a difficult situation, now a storm is listening; now a storm is...a small possession of the Antichrist Satan. A big slap from christ comes after all nations will be shaken, and there will be peace in the world for many years. this time Christ will give an opportunity to save his creature. will christ leave us alone?to the impasse of men, to save them from the hands of the Antichrist=THEY WILL RETURN TO CHRIST AND THERE WILL BE A SPIRITUAL PEACE FOR MANY YEARS. Listen to what we are waiting for, this is for our generation, before thirty years I repeat, there will be a breeze of peace throughout the universe, for many years, will precede though=jolt of all nations-will shock all nations. And you see that now the problems are not local-does not impress you are not local=global problems. pay attention to this some combine this with the second coming of Christ. I can not say..look how discreet the saint was- my calculus tells me that it will not be the second coming of Christ that will come like judge=an intervention of Christ because there are so many events that have not yet taken place=means the facts of the apocalypse, so now we can not talk about Antichrist and the second presence=that some filled the internet with false prophecies=wrong interpretation is what they write. Christ will intervene and give a slap to this whole system=I will crush all evil and turn it into good. and some last details=everyone will want to know about Christ. That is why my dear lady, there is the internet=to preach the gospel to all the universe, now is the beginning we still have work to do..and then Christ will come as a judge to judge the world. another crisis and another intervention of Christ to help the world, now we will have surgery in many ways the Christ can intervene, do your patience now, be patient now do not rush to seal with vaccines=who have so much insecurity

upcoming events

You have a base to rely on on-after the second coronaviruses, The great earthquake that is coming-and the hunger that is coming we will see your power and how tough you are,
each one of you=That we will begin to accuse Christ and the Virgin Mary. why it made an earthquake, but why it allowed it to become deadly, why to be at war beware, what did I say to you at the beginning about my family, we had a big one why god get my brother at 24 years I had to find holy father iakovos to explain to me the reason why=he said to me that my brother was going to take us to Israel, and there you and your brother were about to lose your souls and to protect him god has taken him close to him at the age of 24, he took him to paradise and YOU will become priests you will commemorate him in every divine liturgy and your mother will be happy because her children are close to God. You see God arranging his plan-philanthropic for each one, and what I told you earthquakes and sinkings are not punishment-for our sins no, is a benefit, so that an operation can be done, and let our nose fall and be humiliated, those who will become humbled. And Saint Paisios said something very nice=where it will separate the wheat from the barley, the hot on the track from the unbelievers there will be no chrysalis=so and so-there will be no lukewarm=you will be a believer or nothing we passed with the lukewarm so far. expect worse you said recently, what is this worse that is coming? you know what it means to go through a superpower disaster USA will feed the whole world but will be in hunger FROM THE COMING DISASTER

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...