The realm of this world, both above and below, is full of demonic beings. So, the beings of light that people see when they die are demons, especially when they ask silly questions. God knows everything about you. A real God wouldn't be laughing or asking questions about your life. These creatures are devils, and we should not trust near-death experiences as a reality of the afterlife. There are many cases of this kind of deception by the devil. Wake up, people. No real God would ever ask you silly questions or start laughing. The real problem here is that people believe that when they die, they will face the same blissful feelings. The realm of this world, both above and below, is full of demonic beings. So, the beings of light that people see when they die are demons, especially when they ask silly questions. God knows everything about you. A real God wouldn't be laughing or asking questions about your life. These creatures are devils, and we should not trust near-death experiences as a reality of the afterlife. There are many cases of this kind of deception by the devil. Wake up, people. No real God would ever ask you silly questions or start laughing. The real problem here is that people believe that when they die, they will face the same blissful feelings.
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