when evil or demonic sin is practiced by men, in one area, The angels go away, Do you listen? The Angels have the main work at the time of the divine liturgy, look up there where we drew them, The heavenly liturgy, I told you this before, we are not alone, never all the baptized, the perfumed, and even the unbaptized good people have a guardian angel, some even have 2 Angels, because they are so good that they want 2 advise them, kindness does not overtake them, imagine that some people have 2 devils? to hire them into wickedness, in a mysterious way that we cannot give to much explanation-if you read revelation the last book of holy scripture which was written by Saint John the Theologian, was written in a greek place in Patmos, pay attention in the first half where is there all these terrible things the mysterious locusts' deadly things, one-third of the earth's forests will burn
before the antichrist comes,
a third of the sea will disappear, one-third of mankind will be lost, such despair will be the disappointment of the people who will say the living to the dead come out and the dead let us go into the tombs, they would want to die the people but cannot because they will have on them the chip the mark of the beast, for this reason, because they gave their will their desire to the Antichrist. so the angels cannot help people and will only blaspheme that Thos himself says that the angel who watches the waters of the Euphrates, even those bad things written in most of
the interpreters they didn't notice, let the angel go and the whole Euphrates will dry up.
so in every physical place whether it is water or it is fire, whether it is a city protection of a village
Forrest, there is a guardian, Angel, if the despot neophyte goes to sin in impenitence-sinners are not the problem=
the unrepentant sinners-the unrepentant whores the unrepentant magicians=who have it and pride
Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
Πώς η μεθοδευμένη διαφημιστική εκστρατεία μπορεί να μετατρέψει ένα ισχυρότατο δηλητήριο, το φθόριο, σε στοιχείο που όλοι θέλουν να έχου...
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in a series of books entitled "True Life in God" and titled "Dialogues with Jesus", "reveals" herself. Ther...
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Σχόλια ανάρτησης (Atom)
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