Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
Папство не является церковью. Так как это не церковь, это означает, что я не могу Я говорю о праздновании с этими людьми. Я праздную с тем, ...
I was an atheist and I cursed God a lot and terribly I lived in debauchery and fornication and I was dead on earth but the merciful God did ...
so we have the life of the Christian and the life of the world we have the injustice and suffering in the personal life of each person and w...
I remembered an experience of a certain man at the same time, I will not tell you his name, this man has fallen asleep, but so that you can ...
можете ли вы представить, что происходит, когда душа находится внутри нашего тела, как оно есть сейчас душа видит глазными яблоками слышит у...
The Turk had his own paradise, and it was different, not the one where Christ reigns. Those who are good, regardless of their religion, will...
we will stay on topic as the videos from syria showing summary executions and massacres of christian and alevi civilians by the jihadists ar...
Agios Paisios a dit que les Grecs auront très peur de ce qui se passera autour de nous. Nous n'avons pas encore trop peur. Quand vous éc...
because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...
Κυριακή 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2023
Near-death experience of a Cypriot woman=Toll houses evil spirits, Reali...
Τρίτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2023
Monk Gennadios at the end of the 19th century,
Σάββατο 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2023
Elder Galactia! Bartholomeo will have a martyr's end
Σάββατο 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2023
Πέμπτη 16 Νοεμβρίου 2023
Τρίτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2023
in revelation
In Revelation, St. John the Theologian sees the war of the 200 million cavalries, which kills a third of the people, take place. Evil affects souls and bodies (like a motorized army). (Rev. 9:16). After this war, the 2nd Presence of the Lord does not take place, because John manages to tell us that people did not repent, that is, life was extended to humanity, but few took advantage of it to be saved. Father Athanasios Mytilineos also explains this. With a miraculous intervention of God, the evil spirits (who led the people into war) are bound to pacify the earth, and to spread the Gospel unadulterated throughout the world, as Revelation writes in chapter 10: 10-1 And I saw another angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and the rainbow upon his head, and his face like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire, 10-2 and has a book open in his hand. He
set his right foot on the sea and his left on the earth ... This powerful Angel helps the unstable (like the sea) unbelievers with more power, symbolically using his right foot and with less power (indicated by the left) those (who like the earth) are more stable in faith. 10-5 And the angel, which I saw standing on the sea and on the earth, raised his right hand to heaven 10-6 and swore to Him who lives in the ages to come, who built the heavens and all that exists. in him, and the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, that time no longer exists. That is, there will be no further extension for repentance. The Son is the most trustworthy to swear by the Father because, as we say in the Creed, through Him "all things were made" (by which all things were made), and space and time. And because even the angels in Heaven do not know the day of the Second Coming, as the Lord declared: "And of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matt. (24:36). Revelation: 10-11 And they say unto me, (The holy angels which were with the mighty angel). You must again prophesy to peoples and nations and languages and to many kings. Therefore, John, the great Theologian of the Church, assumes the responsibility of the dogmatically unadulterated preaching of the word of God throughout the world in the peaceful period after the War. For, according to the word of the Lord to Peter, John abideth in the earth until the second coming: it follows me ". (John 21:22). That is, if I want him (John) to stay until I come, what do you care? You follow Me; The two prophets Elijah and Enoch are physically present on earth because they did not die, and they will obviously control the Antichrist. John, who also appears in the hagiography, after his metastasis (which the Church celebrates on September 26) is spiritually present and thus will not be killed by the Antichrist, like the two prophets. Because there is not much time left until the Synteleia after the catastrophic war, John's sermon will be very short, as indicated by the "booklet", ie a very small book that symbolically contains it and was given to him by the "Powerful Angel". Definitely, then, the Gospel will be preached again, and in fact unadulterated by ecumenical and other delusions, and this is guaranteed by the Theologian John, who was called to his new mission with the words: "You must prophesy again" ... For our time, before the world war, says Saint Paisios: Now it will be a downpour, a small possession of the antichrist Satan. He will then eat a cuff from Christ, all nations will be shaken and peace will come to the world for many years. This time Christ will give an opportunity to save His creature. Will Christ leave His creature? He will appear at the impasse of the people, to save them from the hands of the (then) antichrist. They will return to Christ and spiritual peace will come throughout the universe for many years. Some associate with this intervention of Christ the Second Coming. I can not say. My reasoning tells me that it will not be the Second Coming of Christ when He comes as Judge, but an intervention of Christ, because there are so many events that have not yet taken place. Christ will intervene, give a cuff to this whole system, crush all evil, and bring it to good in the end. The streets will be filled with shrines. Outside the buses will have pictures. All people will believe. They will pull you to tell them about Christ! Thus the Gospel will be preached throughout the Universe and then (when this period is completed) Christ will come as Judge to judge the world. Another Crisis, another intervention of Christ, to help His creature! (REASONS II "Spiritual Awakening")
Πέμπτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2023
Τρίτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2023
О супружеской чистоте Митрополит Неофит Морфуский
Geopolitics=countries that will get involed
Κυριακή 5 Νοεμβρίου 2023
Τρίτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Δευτέρα 23 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Σάββατο 21 Οκτωβρίου 2023
"Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures...He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred..." (1 Corinthians 15:3-6).
"Says Jesus: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes near the Father except through me."
Emotions change, but God's word remains unchanged. So as a Christian, learn to live life trusting in God and His word.
Let us love humility, that we may see the glory of God, for where humility drips, there God's glory gushes forth. Without light, all is darkness. And without humility, there is nothing in man but darkness.
Man, as has the flesh, like with a lit candle. Such as wax is destined to melt, so the man dies. The soul, however, is immortal, so we must pay more for the soul than for the body
What is true for the mind is also true for the senses. Everything begins here, on earth: both the paradise and the hell of man.
Every thought and every sense gradually leads the soul either to heaven or to hell.
Anthony the Great
People are wrongly called reasonable. It is not reasonable for Those who learned merely words and books of ancient sages, but those who have the rational soul and can discern what the good and what is bad and avoid evil and harmful to the soul, and the goods and psychedelic, the acquire willingly to the study and applied with many thanks to God. This alone should be called truly rational people.
If we isolate one man and one chimpanzee, for 100 years, and we go after to see and check both of them, we will see in the case of the man, that he has improved in all areas. in case 2 of the monkey-we will see that the monkey is at the same level of consciousness, he doesn't have this something given from God LIKE MAN HAS.
The instinct of the simple Orthodox Christian is sound when it reacts with disgust to the "sophisticated" fashionable view that man descended from an ape or any other lower creature,
On the earth (God) formed his body, and with His Breath, gave him a reasonable soul and understanding, eventually we say is the divine image... The body and the soul were formed at the same time - not one before and the other after, as they want to say the ravings of Origen
Children's humiliation of wisdom is self-reproach, non-confidence in the opinion of our mind, and hatred of our own will. Because through them, man may meet, and return to his natural state, purifying himself through Christ's command saints
Only God
We know that people can not create something from nothing. we can build things, invent things, assemble things, they make it work, but - with all our wisdom - will never bring them into existence zero
Glyphosate (Roundup) should be outright banned for all use in any food crops of any kind!
Faith without works is dead True faith cannot exist without works. Whoever truly believes, will certainly do good works.
When the final Antichrist appears, he will say: "I am the Imam (expected by the Muslims), I am the fifth Buddha (for the Buddhists), I am the Christ (expected by the Christians), I am the one expected by the Jehovah's Witnesses, I am the Messiah of the Jews"!
In the 5 centuries that have passed from Luther to the present day, the Orthodox Church has been vindicated. Protestantism was fragmented into thousands of different, and often opposing (doctrinally) each other, groups. And yet, each group insists that it does not stray from the doctrine of the Bible and that it accepts only what the Bible says, nothing less, and nothing more.
The Pentecostals of "Liberty" falsely teach that the "rapture" of Christians will take place before the coming of the Antichrist, and therefore leaves people unprepared for those hard days to take them by surprise, even leading them to accept the Antichrist instead of the Lord Jesus Christ, as they will be waiting for the Lord, not the lawless one.
Τρίτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Σάββατο 14 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Metropolitan Neophytos Morfou
"A nice nun called me. It's Thursday (October 5, 2023), and she must have called me on Monday. In Greece, this nun is in a good monastery. It rained very much there too and this nun was responsible for her elder to take care of the goats and feed the animals of the monastery. We had, she says, a few chickens and about twenty goats. And the Mother Superior said to her, "Sister we should sell some goats, that's a lot, a convent now needs twenty goats? Since you don't have time to feed them" and we
think she said to give them to different people who help th
e convent from time to time and keep only 2-3 for milk. And
it was the end of a vigil we were holding. I went to sleep for 2-3 hours but I found the animals, the time 5:30 a.m. before we entered the service, going to feed them. Well, I set the clock to 5:30 a.m. I was on my way. I went to the barn and got hay and feed to take to the chickens and especially the goats. Well, we didn't realize because of the vigil that there was so much rain. There was a water runoff the lane we were going down to the corral was full of mud and to slip was dangerous and to step in and not get out of the mud. Whoa, he says,
how am I going to go to the goats now? The old woman and I agreed not to keep anything good, but to slaughter them and give them away.
And immediately,
he says, I feel at a distance of 2-3 meters the presence of a woman. who was standing three feet above the ground? I turn around and see her. Who are you, she says? While she was dressed like a nun, she had a bright robe over her, all
white, shining!"
- "I am the Holy Elder Galact
ia. Don't you understand me?
- "Elder, but how did
you get dressed like that?" he says, "You've been in black all your life".
- "So we are
e up here in the Glory of God. Listen, my daughter, go feed
the goats."
- "But how am I to go, Elder? Can't you see the rain what mud has fallen?".
- "Where'
s the mud?".
- "Behold, see thou not that
thou art a saint, and standest in the air. I cannot stand in the air, I
have a body."
- "My child, in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," she crossed the room and, with her hand, she pushed away the mud in one movement.
- "And the mud
went right and left as if it were Moses who opened the Red Sea."
- "Come in, daughter. Haven't you learned to call on us yet? Why are we and the Holy Angels in heaven together? You call upon us constantly, even in your youngest to
help you."
of Morphou: "I was moved, he says."
"Thank you, Elder. Shall I tell you what happened to
- "Not only in your monastery, you'll find a few that the
whole dunya listens to and you can tell them to
say it."
of Morphou: "And now I obey! Well, the
little sister got excited with Grandma and said to her:"
- "And we who are thinking of slaughtering some goats and
donating others?"
- "Not only will you not
slaughter the twenty goats, but those who have twenty will make forty. Those who have two will make four. Those who have four you will double
them to make eight."
- "But what are you saying, Elder? I can't make twenty and I'll make forty
- "And now how are you going to
catch up? Who chased away the dirt and mud? You? You will
call me."
- "Well, Elder, will you
come down from Heaven? And will you clean
for me every day?".
- "Yes, my child, it i
s enough to call me and others with an open heart. Not only me. Because from now on, my daughter, people have hitherto given money, edibles, fruit, cheese, whatever everyone produced, to the monasteries out of piety: 'to go to the monastery to St. Nicholas with whatever I produce'. From now on no one will bring you. Nobody. For some time you will eat only what you have. What you produce. There will be no electricity, no fuel."
- "But what are you
saying, Elder?".
- "That's why you
have to raise the goats and tell those who are talking to say it and let
everyone take responsibility."
tan of Morphou: "he says to her "Wel
l, Elder..." I liked that nun very much, she had spiritual courage!".
- "...You say that well from Heaven, but do you know
how difficult it is to raise forty goats?".
- "I know, but do you know how easy it is to raise them with our help?
- "Yes, Elder, you will help us with the chores and the mud. When I go to the barn to get hay a
nd haylage...".
Metropolitan of Morphou: "So he said to me, I was surprised
sed, he told me in plural".
- "...the hay will only be for the
e ten, the other thirty will go hungry. But no one will bring us anything. There'll be no cars, no electricity, no running water. How will we feed them? How much hay are we going to feed these animals with?
Metropolitan of Morphou: "And what
did the Elder say to her?".
- "Listen, daughter, you w
I'll have four bales of hay in the barn. You will go one day and catch one, and you will feed your animals. On the second day, you will take another ball, feed the rest, and just when you start thinking 'We're going to run out of hay and the aahs are going to die' you and
our angels will make the
Τετάρτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2023
[Fr. Nektarios]: Can I receive Communion, even though I live with my partner but we are not married.
(translator’s note: She probably means that they have lived together for a long time and do not plan to marry whatsoever.)
[Morphou]: If you are a spiritual child of Morphou, no.
Otherwise, what is the point of marriage? Why do we call it marriage? Because it permits the sexual act.
(translator’s note: uses the accurate Greek linguistic term for “sexual act”, which, however, has come to be considered inappropriate in the public dialogue.)
These are the [right] words, my child. The Greek language of the wise is accurate.
The sexual act inside a marriage is a blessed act. Did you hear that?
Outside marriage, it’s not a blessed act.
Unfortunately, you, today’s Cypriot parents are victims of your own parents.
As soon as they [Cypriot parents of the old] engaged them [their children], it’s allowed.
Excuse me, why do we wear a white wedding dress? Have you ever thought about it?
Why do we say, “O Lord, our God, crown them with glory and honor.” [from the Service of Marriage].
What honor? Is there any honor left? It applies to both of them, man and woman, not just the woman.
Do you know how many young people have realized these things?
Not by you, the parents. Unfortunately, the parents don’t speak on these things, only a few of you do.
You will answer to God for not teaching purity to your children.
And then, they ask, “Why are my children like this?”
Let alone, your sexuality as secret as it is, defines your children. The desires are hereditary and transmissible.
What does it mean, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled;?” [Hebrews 13:4].
You see some people who worry about the Antichrist and live as antichrists inside their homes.
In the past, I dared say something about homosexuals and a bishop came out, [one] in America and [one in] Cyprus, and said,
“We do not enter the bedroom of the couple.”
I found the bishop and I told him, “God enters not [just] all bedrooms, [but even] all bathrooms [as] He is omnipresent.”
“Either you invite Him or not, God is with you.”
Especially, if you are baptized and chrismated as an Orthodox, He is inside you.
He is inside you, in “the deep heart”. [Psalm 63]
Apostle Paul says, “[the] Spirit who dwells in you” [Romans 8:11].
The Holy Spirit is our “housemate.”
However, if we do not strive to repent. Let’s say that I got used to this life, to this way.
If you get used, fight to lessen the bad habit. Isn’t it so? Fight.
No, the church has to legalize everything [instead].
And you have some archpriests come out, I will name him, the one [must be the Metropolitan] of Nea Ionia, Greece. What did the poor man say!
He said, “If there are a few, who by nature have a same-sex desire and inclination, it’s a desire that God puts in them.”
Some bishop to meet!
A layman said, “These people became bishops to rip off the Gospel.”
I told him, “Those are not bishops of Orthodoxy but of the Pope. Of the Pope. With a special mission.”
Our bishop [from Cyprus], told me, “We should not enter the bedroom of the couple.”
I answered him, “Excuse me, why do we enter the kitchen?”
“Where do we enter?” he asked.
Sometimes, since I speak a lot of strong words, I use jokes as well. But they [the strong words] are true. And with a bit of a joke, they become more digestible. They are ingested more easily.
I told him, “My brother, does the church talk about fast? Does it talk about food?”
[Morphou asks a girl from the crowd]: Do you know that tomorrow it’s a fast?
See, you don’t know it. It’s okay, the girl is honest about it.
Others don’t know it, but pretend they do.
The church tells us from [the feast] of All Saints until the [feast] of the Holy Apostles it is a fast, we do not eat meat, we eat fish, except for Wednesday and Friday.
The Church does not oblige you [too fast], it offers it for your own good, for the detoxication of your soul and your body.
The Church cares for the whole man, both his soul and body.
Thus, as we have an opinion on what food we eat during each festive period…
... not us, but the saints [themselves] have an opinion on how we live before marriage and how we live after marriage.
And if we fail to follow these, glory to God, there is repentance.
We repent, we confess. Do you think that the people that come to me are saints? Alas!
The one icon I have in the Metropolis is a gift by homosexuals. The holy icon of St. Mary of Egypt.
Why did these children [the homosexuals] gift it to me?
Because they found help, not by me, but by the things, the saints of God I met, told me.
Others managed to eliminate this pathology [homosexuality] and others to constrain it. This [latter] is also an achievement.
How will God judge us, only God [knows]. We are not the ones to judge.
But we have to declare what the healthy, what the natural, what the ecclesiastical is …
Today, everyone is non-catechized. This can’t go on.
When we follow the anti-Christian life on all levels, psychological, bodily, and spiritual, the Holy Spirit which dwells in our hearts contracts.
It’s humble since it is God.
It contracts, it silences, it does not inform us, it does not enlighten us.
Who arrives then? Nature is afraid of the void. The demonic spirits arrive and dwell inside us, inside us.
May God show mercy.
Love the Divine Liturgy, love the fast, and make sure to have a spiritual father who leads you to find the Holy Spirit.
This is why he is called a spiritual father, not for acting as a guru.
“To buy a car or to buy a house?” [is what people often ask their spiritual fathers].
This is not our job. Our job is, first of all, we, ourselves, to activate the Holy Spirit we acquired ever since we got baptized and were chrismated. That is for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us.
And in turn, whoever comes to us, to help him. Whatever we experienced, for them to experience too.
Yes, my child.
[Fr. Nektarios]: Next question, Maria from Nicosia. Is it a sin for women to wear pants in church?
[Morphou]: No.
Since you want [to hear] something more [on this]. Wear a garment that does not provoke. It does not scream, “Look at me.”
Whatever screams, “Look at me” and distracts the attention from what’s going on [in the church], that is [distracts] from Christ,
be it a huge, long dress or a halter top [as long as both can turn out to be distracting, they are both inappropriate].
Thus, there must be inside us this disposition, “Nobody to look at me, nobody!”
This is our criterion. It does not apply just to women. In our days, men, themselves, have such an attire or attitude that they too provoke, narcissism.
Let us have this concern.
[Fr. Nektarios]: Can women chant in church?
[Morphou]: I already answered this, my child, in the “Lightening the Light of the Saints” [video series which is published on the YouTube channel of the Metropolis].
Yes, the church of Cyprus took a decision.
Since men no longer approach the chant stand because they are embarrassed. They prefer to go hunting instead and don’t say it.
We gave a blessing to women [to chant]. They only have to learn [how to chant] seriously and have the parish priest's permission.
And the priest to inform in turn his bishop. In the Metropolis of Morphou, we have settled this and it is really helpful for the priests, especially, on weekdays.
[Fr. Nektarios]: A guy from Larnaca asks, “Erdogan did not leave with a natural death. Should we expect his removal before the events in the Aegean Sea start? Will we, in Cyprus, have incidents?
[Morphou]: Just Larnaca.
See, the Cypriot guy is crafty. He starts from Erdogan, goes to the Aegean, then Cyprus, then Larnaca.
The only place he should have asked to know about was his neighborhood.
Δευτέρα 9 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Morphou Neophytos Saint Paisios said that Christ will put an end to the ...
Father Elpidios prophecy
Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...

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Η απάντηση στον καρκίνο έχει γίνει γνωστό εδώ και πολλά χρόνια! Η βιταμίνη Β17 ήταν το αντικείμενο μεγάλης διαμάχης πάνω από 20 χρό...
Πώς η μεθοδευμένη διαφημιστική εκστρατεία μπορεί να μετατρέψει ένα ισχυρότατο δηλητήριο, το φθόριο, σε στοιχείο που όλοι θέλουν να έχου...