Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Παρασκευή 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Return from the other life

(taken from Russia)


Ustyuzhina Klavdiya Nikitishna.


I was an atheist and cursed God a lot and terribly. I lived in shame and fornication and was dead to the earth. But the merciful God did not let me perish but led me to repentance.


In 1961 I fell ill with cancer and was ill for three years. I did not lie down but worked and treated doctors, hoping to find a cure. In the last six months, I had become completely emaciated, so much so that I could not even drink water. As soon as I drank it, I immediately threw up. Then they took me to the hospital and because I was very energetic they called a professor from Moscow and decided to operate on me.


As soon as they opened my abdomen, I died immediately. My soul came out of the body and was standing between two doctors and I was looking at my illness with great fear and terror. My entire stomach and intestines were cancerous. I was standing there thinking why are there two of us? I had no idea there was a soul. The communists were inflating us and teaching us that the soul and God do not exist, that this is only an invention of the priests to deceive the people and keep them in fear of something that does not exist.


I see myself standing and I see him again in the operating room. They took out all my innards and were looking for the duodenum. But there was only pus, everything was damaged and spoiled, and nothing was healthy. The doctors then said: "she has nothing to live with". I saw everything with great fear and terror and again thought: “How and where are we two? Am I standing and lying down at the same time? "The doctors then returned my entrails as-as they said my body should be given to the young medical specialists for teaching and they took it to the mortuary and I went to them and was more and more puzzled and thought how and where we are two. There they left me lying naked, covered up to chest height with a sheet. After that, I see that my brother came and brought my little son. He was six years old and his name was Andruska (Andrei). My son approached my body and kissed his head. He began to cry and say: "Mother, mother, why did you die? I am still young, how can I live without you? I have no father and you are dead! I then hugged him and kissed him, but he did not feel it either. he did not see it nor notice me but was looking at my dead body.


I also saw how my brother chose. After that, I suddenly found myself at home. My mother-in-law from my first marriage came, my mother and my sister. I left my first husband because he believed in God. Then the distribution of my things began. I lived richly and luxuriously, and all this I obtained by injustice and by fornication. My sister began to remove the nicest of my things, while the mother-in-law asked to leave something for my son. My sister did not leave anything, but in addition, she began to scold the mother-in-law saying: "this child is not your son's and you are nothing to him." After that, they went out and closed the house. My sister also took a big bag of things with her. While they were arguing about my things I saw devils dancing and rejoicing around us.


Suddenly I found myself in the air and I see as if I am flying in a plane. I feel that someone is holding me and that I am rising higher and higher. I found myself above the city of Barnaul. Then I see that the city is gone. It got dark. After that light began to come again and at last it became completely illuminated and the light was so strong that I could not look at it. They placed me on a six-foot black slab. I saw trees with very thick trunks and beautiful variegated foliage. Among the trees, there were houses, all new, but I did not see who lived in them. In this valley, I saw rich green grass and I thought: where am I now? If I am on earth then why are there no businesses, factories or other buildings here, why are there no roads or transport? What is this place without people and who lives here anyway? A little further on I saw walking a fine tall woman in regal gowns beneath which her toes were visible. He walked so lightly that not even the grass was bent by his feet. Next to her was a young man who was as tall as her shoulders. He had his face hidden with his hands, and for something, he was crying very bitterly and begging, but for what reason, I could not hear. I thought that he is her son and protested to myself why she does not feel sorry for him and fulfilled his request. He cried and mourned and she did not fulfill his request. (Note: From everything, it appears that this young man was a guardian angel of this dead woman. It also appears how much the holy angels care about us and our souls, but we do not see it. Further, it appears that their request is also unfulfilled if death finds us sinners and impenitent). When they came near me, the young man fell at her feet and began to beg her more loudly and to wail and ask her for something. She answered him something, but I couldn't make out what. (Note: I had the opportunity from other sources to know how and how bitterly the guardian angel weeps when the one given to him for protection does not obey the holy Church and the holy faith, losing his soul forever). When they approached me I wanted to ask her: "where am I?" At that moment this woman crossed her arms on her chest, raised her eyes to heaven, and said: "Lord, where will she go like this?" I then trembled and only now understood that I had died, that my soul was in heaven and the body remained on earth. Then I began to weep and wail, and I heard a voice saying: "return her to the earth for the good deeds of her father." Another voice replied: "I'm tired of her sinful and corrupt life. I wanted to wipe her off the face of the earth without repentance, but her father begged me for her. Show her the place she deserved."


Immediately I found myself in Hades. Then terrible glowing snakes with long tongues spewing fire and other disgusting filth began to creep up to me. The stench was unbearable. These snakes coiled themselves around me, and at the same time from somewhere appeared worms as thick as a finger with tails ending in needles and hooks. These were getting into all my open parts, ears, eyes, nose, etc. and so they tortured me and I screamed no with my voice. But there was no help from anywhere, no mercy from anyone. There I saw how the woman who died from an abortion presented herself and began to beg the Lord for mercy. HE answered her: "you on earth did not recognize me, you killed the children in your womb, and moreover you told people: you should not give birth to children, children are unnecessary". To me there are none, there are no unnecessary things. In me, there is everything and enough for everyone.


To me, the Lord said: "I gave you the disease so that you would repent, but you cursed Me until the end of your life and did not recognize Me and for this reason, I do not recognize you either!" As you lived on earth without the Lord God, so you will live here too!


Suddenly everything changed and I flew somewhere. The stench disappeared, the loud howling also disappeared and I suddenly saw my church where I was playing. The gate opened and a priest dressed in white came out. He was standing with his head bowed and a voice asked me: "who is he?". I answered: "our priest." "You said he is a swindler, he is not a swindler, but a real shepherd, he is not a mercenary.


He knew that even though he is a small, ordinary priest, he serves Me, know even this: if he does not read you the wish of confession, I will not forgive you"! Then I began to plead: "Lord, bring me back to earth, I have a little son." The Lord said: "I know you have a little son, it is a pity for him". "Too bad," I replied. Then He answered: "I pity you all and three times I pity you. I expect you all, when will you wake up from the sinful dream, repent and come to your senses?''


Here now the Mother of God appeared again, whom earlier I called her a woman and I took the courage to ask her: "Is there a paradise here for you?". Instead of an answer after those words, I found myself back in Hell in Hades. Now it was worse than last time. Demons ran around me with lists and pointed out my sins and shouted: "you served us when you were on earth"! I began to read my sins, all my deeds written in large letters, and I felt terrible fear. Fire came out of their mouths. The demons were beating on my head. Glowing sparks of fire were falling on me and sticking and burning me. Around me, there was a great wailing and crying of many people.


When the fire got stronger I could see everything around me. The souls had a terrible appearance, they were crippled with stretched necks and swollen eyes. They told me that you are a comrade (it seems that they were communists) and you are obliged to live with us. Like you, we too when we were on earth did not recognize God, we cursed him and did every evil, fornication, pride, and others and we never repented. Those who sinned but repented went to church, prayed to God, showed mercy to the poor, and helped those in need and misfortune, they are up there. (Note: that is, in heaven, which they here did not even want to mention).


I was terribly frightened by these words, it seemed to me that I was already here in Hades my whole life and they tell me that I will live with them forever.


After that, the Mother of God appeared again and there was light, the demons fled and the souls tormented in hell began to cry out and beg her for mercy: "Heavenly Queen, do not leave us here" they cried. "We are burning Mother of God and there is not even a drop of water"! She was crying and through the crying, she was saying: "While you lived on earth you did not recognize me and did not repent of your sins to My Son and your God and I cannot help you now, I only help those for whom the relatives beg and for whom the holy church prays for". After that we started to rise and from below there was a loud cry of voices: "Mother of God doesn't leave us".


Again there was darkness and I found myself in the same place. Crossing her hands on her chest, the Mother of God raised her eyes to heaven and began to pray to say: "what shall I do with her, where shall I put her? A voice answered: "leave her by the hair on the earth." "But is she cut?" The voice said again, "Grab her by the hair." Then the Mother of God quietly left, her door half open so that behind her I could see nothing. Then she came back holding my hair in her hands and out of nowhere 12 wheelless carriages appeared, they were moving slowly and I was following them. The Mother of God gave me the hair, but I did not realize that she touched me. I only listened when he said the twelfth carriage has no bottom. I was afraid to sit on it, but the Mother of God pushed me to the ground from it.


After that, I came to my senses and consciously stood and watched. It was half past one in the afternoon. After that light, I saw there everything on earth looked bad to me and I didn't like being on earth but what to do. Now I said to my soul alone: "go to the body"! Then I was back at the hospital and we went to the refrigerator where the bodies were kept. This was closed, but I entered without hindrance and saw my dead body: My head was turned a little to one side, while my waist was pressed by dead men. As soon as my soul entered the body, I immediately felt a strong chill. Somehow I freed my tight waist, bent over, and clasped my knees with my hands. At that moment they put in the dead body of some man and when they turned on the light they saw me bent over, whereas they usually put all the dead face up. Seeing me like this the nurses were afraid and from fear they scattered. They returned with two doctors, who immediately ordered my brain to be heated with lamps. There were eight incisions on my body (they learned about it): three on the chest and the rest on the abdomen. Two hours after warming my head I opened my eyes and only after 12 days I spoke.


In the morning they brought me pancakes with butter and coffee for breakfast (it was a fasting day), but I didn't want to eat and told them I wouldn't eat. The nurses left again and everyone in the hospital started paying attention to me. The doctors came and asked me why I don't want to eat. I answered them: "Sit down and I will tell you what my soul has seen. Whoever does not fast on the days of fasting, will eat foul and disgusting things. That's why today I won't eat, just like in all the fasts I won't gain weight". The doctors the surprise, one turned red and the other turned yellow and the patients listened to me carefully. Then many doctors gathered and I told them that nothing hurts me anymore. Then people began to come to me, a lot of them, and I told everyone and showed them the wounds. The police started to chase people away and I was taken to another hospital. There I recovered completely and begged the doctors to heal me as soon as possible of the incisions they made on me while learning about me. Then they put me back on the operating table and when the doctors opened my abdomen they said: "Why did they operate on a perfectly healthy person?". I then asked them: "What is my disease?" They answered me: "Your entrails are healthy and clean like a child's." I told them that I was blindfolded during the operation, but that I could still see my insides in the ceiling mirror. The doctors who performed the operation also came and when they approached they said: “Where is her illness? her entrails were all disintegrated and affected by cancer, and now she is perfectly healthy." I answered them: the LORD GOD has shown his mercy to me a sinner, that I may even live and testify to others what I saw and what happened to me. HE, the LORD GOD took what was broken in me and gave me healthy, I will tell everyone about it until I die. Then I said to the doctor, "See how you laughed?" and he replied that "nothing was sound in you." "What do you think now?" I asked him. He answered: "the Highest has regenerated you!" Then I answered him: "If you believe in him, make your cross and get married in the church." The doctor blushed because he was a Jew. I also added: be pleasing to the Lord GOD.


I then left the hospital, called the priest I was playing with earlier, and attacked him, calling him a scumbag. I told him everything that happened to me, and I confessed and received the holy mysteries of Christ. I called him and he blessed my house, because until now sin, pettiness, drunkenness, taunting, and fighting reigned in it.


Now I, the sinful CLAUDIA, who am 40 years old, with the help of God and the Heavenly Queen, live a Christian life. I regularly go to the church, the temple of God and the Lord helps me. People visit me from all parts of the world and I tell everyone what happened to me, what I saw and what I heard. With God's help, I accept them all, I tell everyone what I was before, what happened to me now and why I am now a believer.



May the Lord God be glorified! I advise all of them to be careful how they live, because indeed there is another world and another life and that each one will give an account for his earthly works and that according to them he will have a fully just reward or punishment and even eternal. May you all live Christianly and according to GOD. AMEN.


Ustyuzhina Klavdiya Nikitishna.


Τετάρτη 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Morphou, Cyprus Mr. Neophytos After the great events we will be called t...

We the Orthodox Christians not we are simply fans of prophets and prophecies. Must we manage things? Neither do we are scared round from all that's all where are finalized maybe us catch and us none sphere. It can do not us catch sphere to us catch earthquake, yes us catch a hunger. I mean, some effects I will we have and we. Therefore needs management and internal management. No to fill up the refrigerators us, once they will be empty ...
There is something nice in the Second to Corinthians Letter of Apostle Paul that says: " outside fight, from within fears ". Out are made battles, inside my are made fears. Humans, it's natural, but the other Apostle John the Theologian _ says: "the complete stop love outside puts the fear ". So the problem for us is the full-stop love _
The full stop love does not come with emotional ones and with a love story. Perfect love is for her repentance and perfect love it is Christ, the only one who self-defined that I  am Love.
Therefore inside so from all over her procedure and her repentance, as with they taught and tried to the to live somewhat unacceptable of learning I will I was saying, but and the study of events and him of the past and present and future, my takes out like conclusion fathers my and brethren that we the Orthodox, and particularly the Orthodox her Cyprus and her Greece, we have protection, will we have a protection in them the Facts from her Virgin for one reason: why I will say we are called when the war is over were already started and the rest of the world I will come in awareness and crush those live, yes we preach Orthodoxy.
Therefore taking care of yourself is good and secure in the Orthodox mind.
Is very important. Tomorrow... the Turkish Cypriots will ask. Tell me about her Panagia. Tell me how to  REPENT. Tell me how to pray Therefore a small experience must we have And of prayer and her repentance and her Panagia.
I say a Turkish Cypriot, philologist you are welcome Hellenist, says, bishop next time where I will come to bring my once ICON OF Meirem,  Panagia.  He says, ah not THAT told to me, you bring and one applied Gospel. Of I say, what? did means apply Gospel? I know applied mathematics but applied Gospel not I heard again. I say, when a Christian takes seriously the faith of Gospel and the apply, how it is said this man _ _ O I say,  you mean, Saint?. , the life one Saint you bring... Wanted one life, Holy? the icon was enough only wanted one life. 
And if I took him a life of Saint Arsenio of Cappadocia where he lived in Turkey the man, on the purpose of I hurried him, and if I went and one from the books for him Saint Paisio, and if I say read the that's all and we talk again.
Therefore we must live in repentance, Slowly to her take it seriously. Let's keep three Things. Her Orthodox us faith unadulterated, why I will use the ask and God _ and many people others religions, others nations, therefore must something to we have for to let's give
Secondly, we have curated repentance, and another time gladly to talk about her curated repentance.
And the third to we have tactic Aunt Society why must to we clean ourselves constantly from the who suffering and mistakes in leave it sins and because the prospect is not is to have a good time with  life but to we have forever, life


At the same time, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphos mentions a relevant prophecy of Saint Gabriel of Salou di Christi of Georgia (+ 1995) about the march of the Russian Army towards Turkey!

"Ah, my country Georgia, you will be melted like a torch by the Russians! But then you will be glorified. After the ruins, they will cause. When asked why Georgia will melt like a candle, he replied: "This is where the Russian troops will pass through for Turkey"! THE PRELUDE TO THE THIRD WORLD WAR In this phase, the sweeping and victorious descent of the all-armed Russians will be the prelude to World War III. This first phase will begin with the attempted invasion of two Christian Greek islands by the Islamist Turks, forcing Greece to withdraw from NATO in protest and protect its borders in neutrality, while declaring war on Turkey. Given this unique opportunity for a Greek-Turkish War, with Turkey closing the Straits and threatening the Greek and at the same time Orthodox population of Constantinople and Asia Minor, estimated at 20,000. 000 (Crypto-Christian Greeks - Romans), Russia will enter the war with lightning speed, striking Turkey in many places, but with the bulk of the Russian army invading through NATO Georgia, which will be crushed, without the Americans doing anything, because then they will be in internal weakness and disorientation! Thus Russia will occupy our Constantinople, which the Anglo-Americans will immediately return by agreement to Greece, but the Russians will not leave, they will stay there for six months and at the same time march victoriously southward, entering Syria and invading Israel, wanting to take Jerusalem and the Holy Land and thus take not only the eternally Greek Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople but also the eternally Greek historical Patriarchate of Jerusalem. There then, on Mount Tabor, according to St. Filumenos, God will stop them, so that the main World War III will begin, ending with the mutual annihilation of the great powers and the takeover of Constantinople by the Greeks again, with our "martyred" King, probably St. John Vatatzis, being raised by an angel to rule with amazing justice and power, until Orthodoxy spreads even into India and China and everywhere. That time will be a time of extraordinary peace, tranquility, and blessing, a time of "golden" literally, so much so, that we will eat with golden spoons from the abundance of good things. But then will come the horrible, awful, and dark age of the Antichrist, when the blessing will have been lifted from the earth...

Δευτέρα 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Prophecy of Saint Porphyry I see a new Leader of Orthodoxy-SUBS

The orthodox leader to come - The nations

will be kept and the homelands will not be


Globalization will take place.

will be the globalization of the Orthodox


The globalization of the Great Constantine
and the successor leader who comes ...

The orthodox leader to come …

The first Christian kings.

The Great Constantine
and the great inspiration was the Holy Mother

of St. Helena.

As we have said before
them, the two are not joining only the

blood of kinship but the joining and the Holy

He sees us avoid painting either St. Constantine
only or either St. Helena itself.

He always

paints them together.

And in by these places
to keep rather be held to be more precise

and to theologize Orthodox.

To be kept by
the Holy Cross.

That hurt me the waist I and my Buttons bumped
to stall.

And they touch the lives there

and the kingdom of them and the power of the
touched upon it in Fair and revive Cross.

Not even in their money.

Neither the glory
nor the armies that he and if he had.


Great Constantine.

What are the current Americans
and Russians and Chinese?

He had all the Ecumene.

- Orthodox

And not to have heritage.

He struggled to

And they fought too much the Great Constantine


... saw (the Great Constantine ) that the
terrible vision day at noon.

Not night as

some people think.

In the sky, a luminous asteroid
crossed and read " En touto Nika ". With this,

you will win.

By the power of the Holy and life-giving Cross
and the crucified Jesus Christ.

And was now

Emperor of all the universe.

Ekatalave that the faith of the mother of
Helen who was Greek, the father of was


With the faith of his mother, he will

Baptized Christian and managed and built and
that the city of Constantinople as the given

and the name of.

Constantine - City and became Constantinople.

Now the Turks named Istanbul and from
that shows the immediately coming years will

become and again Istanbul.

Inside the plan
that has the God.

Not the people.


we are confused with modern Greeks.

It is a plan of God.

I see that it performs
Merano per day ...

Now we pass this to test with it the so-called

Some ironic to say and korodoio


Think to have presidents in the universe
that are supported by the faith of the people.

How much less fear would we have inside us?

And the fear is contagious to the know.


and the joy is contagious.

And the good and
evil is contagious.

That the fear will remain for a long in humans.

So to come to big events we said that

prophesied the Saints people.

Both old and

That the fear will remain.

To some a little and to others a lot.

those who have deep faith in the Holy Cross,

the Virgin Mary, and the saints and in communion
the Body and the Blood of Christ and worship

the sacred images without note in this that
will say NO DOUBT.

With confidence.

Anyone still and priest to be, still and Master,
when you pass through from the mind, from

the heart calculus little faith, doubt surrounding
of the Body and the Blood of Christ from the

figure that a little will worship and start
the disinfection then we are out from the

Orthodox faith.

- Orthodox

These are the children not to support.

comes the time to be it large will remember

to own our little faith.

Do you understand
what generation we are preparing?


of defeated Christians.

Defeated Christians.

That ' it is very important are the days we


Do you know what years are coming?

Very similar
to the years of Constantine the Great.

The Agios Konstantinos with the faith in that
obtained from the mothers and of the Holy

Cross that he saw the sky as you said.

did what some Americans are trying to do now,

something Russian oligarchs are trying to
do something Chinese.

What are they trying to do?

A world government.

What is so-called globalization?

And the moral,

and the economy, and the banking system still
and in health.

All this has a purpose.

The Great Constantine was aimed.

That is why
he held an Ecumenical Council.

He wanted to

make a Christian empire.

With the ethics of
the Gospel not of money.

Do you know how many years his empire was

A thousand years.

The Americans now say the Kisigker who lives
even it the " dinosaur " that so we did.


says if we do not pay attention in the coming
months he will play, he says, the construction

of the Enlightenment.

Listen where he went.

Is designed by the Kisigker and the disciples

He has a plan and He who inspired the Great


He who went to the Holy Cross
and defeated the death.

Defeat the sin, defeated

the devil and the devil of the earth.

Because we also have such.

So be honest fathers
my and brothers the design of the Redeemer


That is coming.

That already started.

The nations will be kept and the homelands
will not be leveled.

Globalization will take place.

It will be
the globalization of the Orthodox Faith.


the only truth.

Of the only Church …

Now our time is looking for a Constantine
the Great.

That's how I feel fathers.

We are

on the train as saying the deceased, the mother
I will be born a great leader.

Christian Orthodox true man of God.

Not the

Not a false prophet.

A real successor

of Constantine the Great …

Saint Porphyry said, " I see tells media in
the future a new man to come and to be full

spirit Mount and to assume the power of Orthodoxy

And to call out the faithful all back, back
we accidentally took the life of our wrong

with the trick of Europe and the globalization
and the secularization of Kisigker and the

students of this.

Then the plan of God will be revealed
that the new Great Constantine.

Listen to the speech of the Bishop of
Morphou Mr. Neophytou who became the solemn

Vespers and the Divine Liturgy of the feast
of Saints thiostrepton and Equal to the Apostles

Great Kings Constantine and Helen, were
committed to the sacred Temple of Saints Constantine

and Helen in the community Sarandon of the metropolitan
region of Morphou.

Turkish subs-aziz porphyrios, yeni bir liderin geldiğini görüyorum

Gelecek Ortodoks lider - Uluslar
tutulacak ve vatanlar olmayacak

seviyeli .

Küreselleşme gerçekleşecek.

Ortodoksların küreselleşmesi olacak


Büyük Konstantin'in küreselleşmesi
ve gelen halefi lider ...

Ortodoks lider geliyor…

İlk Hıristiyan krallar.

Büyük Konstantin
ve büyük ilham kaynağı Kutsal Anneydi


Daha önce de söylediğimiz gibi
onları , ikisi sadece birleştirme değil

kanı ama birleştirme ve Kutsal

Aziz Konstantin'i boyamaktan kaçındığımızı

sadece ya da St. Helena'nın kendisi.

O her zaman

boyar .

Ve bu yerlerde
tutmak yerine daha kesin olmak

ve Ortodoks teoloji.

tarafından tutulacak
Kutsal Haç.

Bu beni ve Buttons'ın çarptığı beli incittim
oyalamak için .

Ve dokunurlar ve oradaki hayatlar

ve krallık onları ve gücü
Fair and Revive Cross'ta buna değindi .

Paralarında bile değil.

ne de şan
ne de sahip olduğu ordular.


Büyük Konstantin.

şu anki amerikalılar ne
ve Ruslar ve Çinliler?

Tüm Ekümen'e sahipti .

- Ortodoks

Ve mirasa sahip olmamak.

O mücadele etti
kazanmak .

Ve Büyük Konstantin ile çok fazla savaştılar


... gördü (Büyük Konstantin )
öğlen korkunç görme günü.

olarak gece değil

bazı insanlar düşünüyor.

Gökyüzünde, parlak bir asteroit
geçti ve " En touto'yu okuyun Nika ". Bununla,

kazanacaksın .

Kutsal ve hayat veren Haç'ın gücüyle
ve çarmıha gerilmiş İsa Mesih.

Ve şimdi

Tüm evrenin imparatoru .

Ekatalave annesinin inancı
Yunanlı Helen, babası


Annesinin inancıyla,
yürü .

Vaftiz edilmiş Hıristiyan ve yönetilen
ve inşa edilmiş ve

Konstantinopolis şehrinin verildiği gibi

ve adı.

Konstantin - Şehir ve Konstantinopolis oldu.

Artık Türkler İstanbul adında ve
hemen gelecek yıllarda gösterilen

tekrar İstanbul olmak .

Planın içi
Allah'a sahip olan .

İnsanlar değil.

Hiç biri

modern Yunanlılarla karıştırıldık .

Allah'ın bir planıdır.

performans gösterdiğini görüyorum
Günde Merano ...

Şimdi bunu, sözde onunla test etmek için

koronavirüs .

Söylemesi biraz ironik ve korodoio


Tüm evrende başkanların olduğunu düşünün
inancıyla desteklenir.

İçimizde ne kadar daha az korku olurdu?

Ve korku bilmek için bulaşıcıdır .


ve sevinç bulaşıcıdır.

Ve iyi ve
kötülük bulaşıcıdır .

Korkunun insanlarda uzun süre kalacağını.

Yani büyük olaylara gelmek için dedik ki

Azizler insanları kehanet etti.

Hem eski hem
yeni .

Korkunun devam edeceğini.

Kimine az kimine çok.

Kutsal Haç'a derin inancı olanlar ,

Meryem Ana ve azizler ve cemaat
Mesih'in Bedeni ve Kanı ve ibadet

bu notta olmayan kutsal görüntüler
ŞÜPHE YOK diyecek .


Hala ve rahip olmak için herkes, hala ve

geçtiğinde ,

, çevreleyen şüphe
ve Mesih'in Kanının

ibadet edeceğini ve başlayacağını düşün
sonra biz dışarıdayız

Orthodox inancı.

- Orthodox

Bunlar desteklenmemesi gereken çocuklar.

Ne zaman
olma zamanı geldiğinde hatırlayacak

küçük inancımıza sahip olmak için.

anladın mı
hangi nesile hazırlanıyoruz?


mağlup Hıristiyanlardan .

Mağlup Hıristiyanlar.

İçinde bulunduğumuz günler çok önemli.


Hangi yılların geleceğini biliyor musun?

Çok benzer
Konstantin yıllarına.

Agios _ Konstantinos bunun inancıyla
annelerden ve Kutsal

Dediğin gibi gökyüzünü gördüğünü

bazı Amerikalıların şimdi yapmaya çalıştıklarını


Rus oligarklarının yapmaya çalıştığı
bir şey

Çinli bir şey yap.

Ne yapmaya çalışıyorlar?

Bir dünya hükümeti.

Sözde küreselleşme nedir?

Ve ahlaki,

ve ekonomi ve bankacılık sistemi hala
ve sağlıkta.

Bütün bunların bir amacı var.

Büyük Konstantin hedeflendi.

Bu yüzden
Ekümenik Konsey düzenledi .

O istedi

bir Hıristiyan imparatorluğu kurmak.

Etik anlayışı ile
İncil para değil.

İmparatorluğunun kaç yıl olduğunu biliyor
musun ?

tutuldu ?

Bin yıl.

Amerikalılar şimdi yaşayan Kisigker diyor
hatta biz öyle yaptık "dinozor".


önümüzdeki dönemde dikkat etmezsek diyor
ay oynayacağını söylüyor, inşaat


Nereye gittiğini dinleyin.

Kisigker ve müritleri tarafından mı tasarlandı

Bir planı var ve Büyüklere ilham veren


Kutsal Haç'a giden
ve ölümü yendi.

Günahı yen, yen

şeytan ve yeryüzünün şeytanı .

Çünkü bizde de böyle var.

dürüst olun babalar
benim ve kardeşlerim Kurtarıcı'nın tasarımı


Bu geliyor.

Bu zaten başladı.

Milletler tutulacak ve vatanlar
yapılmayacaktır .

Küreselleşme gerçekleşecek.

inancının küreselleşmesi.


tek gerçek.

Tek kiliseden…

Şimdi zamanımız bir Konstantin arıyor

Ben böyle hissediyorum babalar.


anne merhum derken trende
Büyük bir lider olarak doğacağım.

Hıristiyan Ortodoks gerçek Tanrı adamı.


Sahte peygamber değil.

Gerçek bir varis

Büyük Konstantin'in…

Saint Porphyry, "Bana haber verdiğini görüyorum.

gelecek yeni bir adam gelecek ve dolu olacak

ruh Dağı ve Ortodoksluğun gücünü üstlenmek

Ve sadıkları geri çağırmak için, geri
yanlışlıkla canımızı aldık

Avrupa'nın hilesi ve küreselleşme ile
ve Kisigker'in laikleşmesi ve


Sonra Tanrı'nın planının içi ortaya çıkacak
yeni Büyük Konstantin.

Başpiskoposun konuşmasını dinleyin
Morphou Bay Neophytou, hangi ciddi oldu

Vespers ve bayramın İlahi Liturjisi
Aziz tiostrepton ve Havarilere Eşit

Büyük Krallar Konstantin ve Helen,
Kutsal Aziz Konstantin Tapınağı'na adanmış

ve Helen metropolitan Sarandon'da
Güzelyurt bölgesi.


Aerial toll houses =The Reality of after death

you're listening to advanced Christianity radio today's topic is aerial toll houses the aerial toll house concept was uh recently made popular not too long ago in the last few decades by father Sarah from rose eastern orthodox priest he claimed in one of his books to have experienced or have had visions of these aerial toll houses which are basically toll houses set up by demons when the soul dies it has to pass the air the air realm the space in between heaven the space between earth and heaven is where the soul has to pass and in that realm there's demons that have these toll houses set up to test the soul and try to convince it of sin and drag it to hell now of course western Christianity completely disregards the whole idea of ariel toe house they look at it as complete nonsense we'll get to western Christianity in a whole nother uh a whole nother post here uh this is something ascribed to a certain percentage of eastern orthodoxy in the eastern orthodox church eastern Christianity those who claim aerial toll houses were actually

priests mystics and monks who claim to have either seen it in visions have experienced it out of the body or a god showed it to them whereas those who claim it's all nonsense have no experience of it whatsoever and they say because it's not in the bible that it does not exist is one of the uh accusations that has been made to me now i've always been completely open to the concept of ariel toll house as being a possibility i won't leave it out simply because the people who have talked about it and who have said that they do exist are highly respected in both eastern and western christianity people like saint anthony the great uh saint basil the new saint theodora uh abba isaiah it's also in the philocalia which is uh the second most respected book next to the bible in eastern orthodoxy eastern christianity i mean there's just so much weight for the idea of a real toll house that i had to take it seriously and i also did find that in the tibetan book of the dead they also described similar aspects to that of aerial toe houses um the funny thing that happened personally to me was i had a friend who was in a car accident in north carolina he was a passenger and the driver took the car beyond 100 miles per hour in a highway which ended up in a collision the driver died instantly 21 years old whereas my friend who i knew since childhood a personal friend of mine also a christian

had uh he had died in an accident and had a near-death experience where his soul was going up towards heaven towards a light towards a tunnel and in the last minute was grabbed by his ankle and pulled into a torture chamber and this torture chamber many unspeakable acts by demons happened to him he was tortured thrown into a lake filled with piranhas and so on and so forth until he started praying he prayed for uh Jesus to save him in which event he was eventually uh rescued from this torture chamber by a bunch of angels who discussed whether he should uh continue on in the afterlife or go back to this world and he eventually did come out of a coma and is still alive with us today thus far as of 2010

well that that whole experience right there having a personal friend describe to me a reality in the afterlife which was very similar to an aerial toll house the ariel toll house theory definitely lent more credibility and weight to the possibility of this happening

um i have uh one of my old teachers who i consider a fundamentalist a fundamental dogmatic western christian would argue with me for hours and hours on end that aerial toll houses are a bunch of bs basically how do you know that how do you know that so because something is not in the bible does not mean that it does not exist it seems uh what western christians are doing which i will say for a whole another a whole another post here what western christians seem to be doing is as long as something is in the bible that's the only thing that's true whereas within secular knowledge in order to be a mechanic we have to learn outside of the bible we have to learn how a car works well the same principle goes with aerial toll houses we have the situation where because it's not in a bible it can't be true and we just simply cannot go down that route of logic and reasoning um it definitely may be a possibility you know i mean this leaves many doors open to other topics what does it take to get past these aerial tour houses how do we get past them uh for example my friend was a christian who was still falling and going through the battle of the ups and downs of being a christian always versus new ways and he himself as a christian was dragged into a torture chamber by a demon as he says it so this begs the question who is saved what does it take to be saved what does it take to be a christian can we define who is and who isn't a christian can we even make that definition is that our call there's just so many theological questions that surrounds the possibility of aerial toll houses that for the most part people are just not looking at we have this idea that as long as you have accepted jesus as your savior like my friend who personally was in the car accident and experienced some kind of demonic torture chamber well like him we have in western christianity this idea that as long as we accept jesus we are saved but my friend who accepted jesus and supposedly was saved was in a torture chamber that begs the question what what does saved mean what does that mean how can we be sure we are saved i mean it brings up numerical philosophical spiritual theological questions just based on the possibility of these aerial toll houses the same aerial toll houses that mystics saints theologians hermits and certain respected individuals within the church had said that god has shown them to be real that they had seen through prayer from god out of their body in visions and also in near-death experiences people have seen torture chambers in near-death experiences so we cannot completely discredit the idea of the aerial toll house it really well may be a reality that would require us to look into and reconsider what it means to be saved what it means to be a christian what it means to have a safe passage to heaven can we experience heaven while we still are still on earth what does it mean to be a christian that's definitely something to ask however the main point of this post was the aerial toll house it can definitely be a possibility as we see if you have some way to trump this possibility please do post it please do discuss it i am completely open to debating the aerial toll house possibility thank you for listening to these posts these videos and uh i welcome you to listen in to my future posts this is of course an advanced christianity series set of principalities and sermons all up for debate all up for discussion all up for critical thinking i thank you again for stopping by

Σάββατο 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Saint Seraphim of Sarov:

Saint Seraphim of Sarov: "The Lord revealed to me, the humble Seraphim, that there will be great misfortunes in the Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, and the prelates of the Church of God and another clergy will be turned away from the purity of Orthodoxy. And for this, the Lord will punish them severely. I, the wretched Seraphim, have begged the Lord earnestly for three days and three nights, that He might deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven, and grant forgiveness to them."

But the Lord replied, "I will not give forgiveness to them, for they teach doctrines, commandments of men, and with their tongue they honour Me, but their heart is far from Me."


The holy elder Paisios the Athonite (+1994):

"They get together and meet and have endless discussions about things that are not fit for discussion, which even the Holy Fathers have not discussed for so many years. All these actions are of the evil one, to stupefy and scandalize the faithful and to push some into heresy and others into schisms, and for the devil to gain ground. Pa, pa... they torment and confuse the world, these people!

...Some of the Orthodox who are frivolous and want to make a projection, a "mission", call conferences with heterodox, to make a fuss and think that they will thus promote Orthodoxy, that is, by becoming a troublemaker with the malodor.

Then the pro-religionists begin and go to the other extreme; they also say blasphemous things about the Mysteries of the New Calendarists, etc., and mock souls who have piety and Orthodox sensitivity. The heterodox, on the other hand, come to the conferences, play the teacher, take whatever good spiritual material they find in the Orthodox, put it through their own workshop, put on their own color and firmament, and present it as an original. And the strange world of today is moved by such strange things

and is then spiritually destroyed.

But the Lord will, when he must, present Marcus the Noble and Gregorian Palamas, who will gather all of our mischievous brethren together, to confess the Orthodox faith and to establish Tradition, and to give great joy to our Mother Church

Παρασκευή 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022


 Οι Τέκτονες πιστεύουν τώρα στον δικό τους απρόσωπο Θεό που αποκάλεσε τον ΜΑΤΣ, αυτόν τον Μεγάλο Αρχιτέκτονα του Σύμπαντος. Οι στοές δεν θα είναι ημισταυρός ή εικόνα του Χριστού. Ο Υιός και ο Λόγος του Θεού, ο Κύριος και Σωτήρας σας Ιησούς Χριστός, αυτά είναι για ένα απλό μυστικό, όπως ο Πυθαγόρας, ο Βούδας και άλλοι. 

Το σκωτσέζικο μασονικό δόγμα που δημιουργήθηκε το 1804 περιλαμβάνει 3 μυήσεις και 33 μοίρες. Ο τρίτος βαθμός είναι μια τελετή γύρω από τον δολοφονικό θάνατο του Δασκάλου Χιράμ και την αναζήτηση λειψάνων. Πράγματι, η Παλαιά Διαθήκη μιλά για έναν Χιράμ της Τύρου που προσκλήθηκε από τον Βασιλιά Σολομώντα να βοηθήσει στην οικοδόμηση του Ναού στην Ιερουσαλήμ. Το μόνο έξω, αλλά σχετικά με τη δολοφονία, ανακτήστε τα λείψανα, κ.λπ. είναι εντελώς φανταστικό και μυθικό. 

Ο Τεκτονισμός, όπως είναι γνωστός σήμερα, δεν είναι απλός φιλανθρωπικός και φιλοσοφικός οργανισμός, όπως υποστηρίζουν οι υποστηρικτές του. Είναι μια υπερθρίσκεια με συγκρητιστικό χαρακτήρα. Είναι αυτή η απόδειξη της ειδωλολατρίας των δασκάλων και των μυστικιστών Εβραίων και Χριστιανών. Οι μασόνοι πιστεύουν ότι είναι μια παγκόσμια αδελφότητα. Αδερφέ αποκαλούν τον καθένα που τους ανήκει, είτε είναι Μουσουλμάνος είτε Βουδιστής είτε οτιδήποτε άλλο, ενώ οι μη Μασόνοι το αποκαλούν ιερόσυλο, ακόμα κι αν είναι χριστιανός. 

Ο Τεκτονισμός είναι θρησκεία και βασίζεται κυρίως στα αρχαία παγανιστικά μυστήρια. Ο ναός πρέπει να τον ονομάσει στοά, όπου γίνονται διάφορες τελετές: Λυκιδαίος υιοθεσίας (κάτι παρόμοιο με το χριστιανικό βάπτισμα), γάμος, μνημόσυνο και άλλα. Έχουν πτυχιούχους που αποδίδουν τις τελετές τους, ντυμένοι με ειδικές στολές, όπως ο Σεβασμιώτατος, ο Σεβασμιώτατος, ο Διδάσκαλος, ο Μέγας Διδάσκαλος, επόπτες. Χρησιμοποιώντας διαφορετικά σύμβολα. Κάπου φαίνεται η Βίβλος, αλλά όχι όπως εννοούμε εμείς οι Χριστιανοί, αλλά σαν ένα απλό σύμβολο. Στις μυστηριώδεις τελετουργίες που χρησιμοποιούν ανθρώπινο σκελετό και σε κάποιο βαθμό απαιτούν το μυούμενο στην Τεκτονική να πίνει κρασί στο κρανίο που το έχουν κάνει να μοιάζει με Κύπελλο. 

Ένας Τέκτονας δεν είναι υποχρεωμένος να αλλάξει την πίστη του. Ένας χριστιανός μπορεί ακόμα να είναι χριστιανός και ένας μουσουλμάνος να είναι μουσουλμάνος, μαζί με την μασονική ικανότητα. 

Το ερώτημα όμως γεννιέται. Επιτρέπεται στον Χριστιανό να είναι και Μασόνος. 

Πέμπτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Prophet Muhammad DEMON POSSESSED read my subs

The scriptures describe such an experience with a demon-possessed child (Mark 9:18-20 KJV) And wherever (the devil) takes him, he tears it up: and it foams, it gnashes with his teeth, and he is missed. : and I told his disciples to cast out him (the devil), and they couldn't. He answered him and said: O faithless generation, how long will I be with you? How much longer will I suffer you? bring it to me. And they brought him to him, and seeing it, immediately the soul tare it; and he fell to the ground and rolled in foam. "According to non-Quranic sources, Muhammad's first mystical experience is allegedly being attacked by two men who cut his stomach in search of something. After his stepmother found him standing up and didn't look like a victim, he thought he was possessed by demons. Angels later cleared the hearts of his non-existent attackers. He claimed that in 610 AD the Qur'an received the first of a series of Revelations from God through the angel GABRIEL. His first disciple was his wife, then his cousin Ali, then his slave, and then his friend Abu Bakr. (a now-deleted version of Sura 53:19 advocating the worship of al-Lat, al-'Uzza, and Manat), later the angel GABRIEL rebuked Muhammad for claiming the divine inspiration of this verse, and T, did it on his own while under the power of the devil) preaching to unbelievers." (1) Muhammad claimed that ANGEL GABRIEL FROM HEAVEN gave him this “OTHER GOSPEL”. God knew that false prophets like Muhammad would appear to deceive many. He warned the saints that anyone preaching a different gospel, even from an angel from heaven, would be "cursed." Jehovah God foretold through Paul that one day a man like Mohammed would claim that an angel from heaven had given him another gospel! (Gal 1:8 KJV) But even if we, or an ANGEL from heaven, preach to you a gospel other than the one we have preached to you, damn him. (Matthew 24:11 KJV) And many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. (Revelation 20:10 KJV) And the Devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever


when the plane of the sun crashes, One night

without doing any special prayer I saw in

my dream one little girl, she said to me,
do you know me? No my love who are you? I

was in the airplane Helios with my mother
brother and father, we had one other baby

but we didn't take it with us, Pity NOW WE
ARE IN Paradise and didn't know that paradise

is so nice, and we didn't the baby with us,
Pity I didn't know that paradise is so nice.

US. and we are alone in paradise. Another

the night I saw another girl 10,12 years old?
she said to me, my name is Evelin do you know

me? I say to her no.WE WERE in the aeroplane
ilios. You were not scared? No, we were not

on the airplane when it went down. Our Angels
took us to Christ some minutes before the

plane goes down. I asked her ..you didn't
pass from toll houses? What is that? The devils.

we didn't see any devils. Our Angels took
us to Jesus. Christ crowned us as witnesses

and we are happy. You want to see my mother?
before I even say anything, I was in paradise,

a very nice place full of flowers, I asked
her mother, what are you doing now? I cut

flowers from my garden to give to the saint
Phanourios that celebrate today. The day after

tomorrow saint prodromos celebrate. the Baptist
beheaded, and he is very happy being close

to christ For you the people that you were
on earth when you hear about the accident,

You said tragedy, but for us was the best
time of our life. we are very happy with Christ

BECAUSE without asking us he put us in paradise.
I am happy because I am with my family here.

There is no night here. Each time we know
who celebrates. we are very happy with Christ

BECAUSE without asking us he put us in paradise.
I am happy because I am with my family here.

there is no night here. each time we know
who celebrates. while she was talking to me

I woke up from sleep. after a while, some
other people who had relatives in the airplane

started asking about their own relatives who
were on the plane. I said to God. I am the

reason now to cause such a problem? to the
people for the rest of the people who were

in the airplane not knowing the rest of the
families if their relatives are in paradise?

You want to see my mother? before I even say
anything, I was in paradise, a 

very nice place fall of flowers, I asked her
mother, what are you doing now? I cut flowers

from my garden to give to the saint that celebrates
today. for you the people that you were on

earth when you hear about the accident, you
said tragedy, but for us was the best time

of our life. we are very happy with Christ
BECAUSE without asking us he put us in paradise.

I am happy because I am with my family here.
there is no night here. Each time we know

who celebrates. while she was talking to me
I woke up from sleep. everyone was passing

in front of me introducing himself, and there
was one lady, saying to me, I was pregnant

was 5 months pregnant with my child. I am
in paradise with my husband and child. Did

I ask her how come? I say to her the unbaptized
the baby was saved?.she replied, I was baptized

and christ accepted it as baptized. after
a while, some other people who had relatives

in the airplane started asking about their
own relatives who were on the plane. I said

to God. I am the reason now to cause such
a problem to the people for the rest of 

the people who were in the airplane not knowing

rest of the families if their relatives are
in olso in paradise? After 2,3 nights I see

another dream, a lot of people came to visit
me saying to me we all that we are all here

in, Paradise, and each one of them was passing
in front of me introduced himself, saying

who was telling me all their story, but I
don't remember all of their names. that is,

the embryos are alive; now I will tell you
something, Someday some people went to father

Paisios, And 
told him that in Cyprus there is a nun saying

to us to light candles for the unborn babies
Paisios said to them, don't listen to her

...she is crazy that there are no unborn babies
in the afterlife. in the night he saw a dream,

hearing a lot of voices crying loud seeking
help from God, He then asked someone near

him who are these....and they told him that
are the unborn babies that their mothers killed.

and the next day father Paisios told them
yes, light candles...There is a soul

Father Elpidios prophecy

Many children have been prepared that we can overthrow them with our prayers. Don't worry if you see, the assassination of a great polit...