Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Πέμπτη 4 Ιουλίου 2024


first to present the the antichrist and reign from the revelation there must be no church there must be no sacraments there either. you see how the fathers flow that then the almo that is already happening now and so little that will become great big conflict afterward will reign over the Christians will come a ease so so that the Christian kingdom will prevail again to strengthen the sno so that the king says he will destroy their transgressors and the workers of iniquity and will those who work sins those and those he shall chastise and shall restore balance as he who now already they intend them the eo and I know I can't restore the social equilibrium unless a Dictator. They mean it in their own way. Because they imagine the Jews That now is the time to do the kingdom. And they are waiting for it and they are waiting for the destruction of the European civilization will come from below. The goat and the omen and the number will The Chinese and the Indians will steal the fibers. They'll all come down, they'll have the civilization will decline and they will come down to Europe from here and there will be then People in the world will say as they say. Fathers will wipe out humanity. few will be left to be the Israel will then be the world power and So the antichrist will come to them. Of course, there will be no incarnation. The antichrist will be the antichrist. People but it will be in him the The power of Satan with the war. Great war is coming that will crush them. All these now what after his death the eminent king that ends the the deadline that God has given to them Christians will then be revealed. And then he says he will gather the honest. All the wood that there is to be taken up because they will declare him and the honest ones relics of the martyrs and the saints will And the holy icons will automatically perish. And all the ones that are there will be gone by inches. And then he says it's over. The immunity of the l Christians will then not And if there is a church somewhere, there is no church. There will be no grace because the priests and that Lachesis that will be will already be Arda has lost its meaning. Christians will give as units the the elect will stay there will be s Units whom they recommend to run to the units to save themselves. They will hide. And then they'll hide there and then they'll hide. They will be presented to the three. The antichrist will be but he will be. He will be a missionary. And then the prophets will be felt. Whom he mentions alive in the In Jerusalem will speak and teach. The people do not listen to the deceiver. and

Cipriano attended the church where his father was and gave his message

Τετάρτη 3 Ιουλίου 2024


so let's see what the prophet said now

we live again in the same years as they were then
Christ, we live in the same years of

as it was then when the world
had reached a miserable state.

Today our years are the same.
So today he says the same things but

not to despair and then God
helped the world and now he will help the world.

God will help the world I see a great
...a great man to carry on and unite the world.

To goodness, they don't come out of it.
What the holy first despots have said.

Nothing about Constantinople here either.
I'm sure that's why we're going on an excursion.

to Constantinople and they told them
before the pope was born, now it's a pope.

And now he's proud of it, and now he's done it.
They tell him so and so, as if you believe.

That's a fairy tale.
Then tell the man who was there.

Do you believe these tales with these tales?
# So listen to them

It's all right for despots to neglect
You're having a good time.

# Someone said the story of Christ well
# They're having a good time #

Like Judas and you all together
Well, we come to another one.

Paul was indeed a
as I said, it's an exaggeration.

Has it occurred to anyone that the 12 apostles
men because he had no mission.

In which a woman is an apostle.
If there were only one man...

the Anglican church does and
women bishops and little by little

And they're trying to promote that now.
The new world order they want the

Christianity to dismantle it.
To destroy it, to humiliate it, and

slowly the wine is water in the
until there's nothing left of it.

Wine is left over and water is left over.
We've thought about why there was no water.

The Virgin Mary was present but she didn't get it.
Nor a bishop, nor a priesthood, nor a priesthood.

Nothing. In the last few years, there's been a...
a despot there in Africa has ordained

A woman and I know her as an Orthodox.
She and the other one are not well. Let's see.

What if there's not much?
...if there's not too much reaction, we'll move on.

Well, we have knowledge, guards. Keep it up.
You'll eat well.

All you darkies, throw it to them.
You're the ones who are responsible, politicians.

They're the ones we had a sheep.
You have to tell the politicians that you are

You're the only one who's not a fool.
The apostles have mercy on the kingdoms like the

What did Paul call him?
Where he was giving him an apology for the

How he was changed from Christ.
And you convince me, you Christian Paul.

Instead of convincing their politicians.
People who are long gone from God to

...become Christians. If you convince them, you'll convince them.
Convince them that there is no Christ in the

with your unbelief.
Well, and I want to show it very seriously.

This matter of women I don't want to
I don't want to offend women. Christ is honored.

The woman above the apostles.
It's the Virgin Mary, but it didn't happen.

She didn't become a bishop.
The priesthood is about the priesthood.

And you'll see.
Because there's a continuity over

And yet there's a beard over and above them.
Over the apostles and over the angels.

So that the women don't feel complex.
We are inferior to you

inferior superior
You are, but there's no woman.

A man goes after a woman from a man
A man is a big strong woman

So I'll come to the point
of women that this story from the

From the time of the apostles to the present day.
Has been defined by the church since

By the Holy Spirit.
And the proof is in the holy spirit.

because there is that in the holy
a say so I know I don't let the

The Virgin Mary. Yes, because the Virgin Mary doesn't.
We have to get an answer because the

The Virgin Mary doesn't leave the women alone.
She is allowed to be

There and when St. Athanasius
Athonite celebrates in a few days 5

he left the monastery to go to

The monastery had no troop to the monastery.
He met there in the holy hermitage of today.

Athanasius was not disturbed on this day.
I know who she is. She says she's dead.

He says the nuns don't have any food.
He says to come back. He says no need.

Go back and the monastery won't.
Will never run out of food or centuries.

in the centuries will never need the
and indeed the monastery has come back.

Athanasius and because of this fact
there he said to him and struck and with water

The holy water came out and the icon was made.
Of the Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary was given mercy.

so the women took a great place from
from the time the

And I want to explain to you now.
Why women don't go to the church.

when the Virgin Mary went and stood up for her

Go to Cyprus and go and meet the holy man.
He was with John of the Cross.

theologian and the apostle Peter and when
they saw this place of the Virgin Mary says

I want this to be my orchard.
I want my garden on earth to be earthly.

Heaven who took out the human
out of the paradise that you've always seen.

But nothing ever happened, so she said.

I don't want any more of this.

This is a very serious matter.

Δευτέρα 1 Ιουλίου 2024

Saint Porfyrios


the first kingdom will be the bear's god has decided to use a state orthodox very cruel disobedience who alone will fight all the West will they do everything to beat it though god has decided this kingdom to destroy the West after this him papa, so the second pope will come the second pope will see the beginning of glory of the first kingdom of the bear and the beginning of his second reign dragon the second dragon realm of china the world will live the most horrible political situation will be from China, all that technology of intelligence, they will try to make him human robot the second, therefore, pope will saw the end of her first kingdom bear at the beginning and the beginning of the end second kingdom china will be the the political satanic forerunner of Antichrist literally in your words i say China will be the politician forerunner of the antichrist her system will adopt after the third kingdom which it will come and the last kingdom will be the kingdom of the serpent his king God forbid it will last only two years and then his destruction will take place for Christ's sake, I'm telling you this to you know what all those are coming with speed the young children will experience them they will see these after the second papa he will leave and then he will come false prophet the great false prophet he is the one who will do based on her faith to subdue all men in the antichrist he will be the great one damn that will be the false prophet little time when the false prophet will rise on the throne and after a while it will leave kingdom of the dragon and it will remain kingdom of the serpent of antichrist that in Jerusalem the great false prophet will is a Christian church leader o last pope he then at sacrilege in front of millions of people which will be collected from there screens huge

that will see it will they are seen by all the people on earth in all the nations will be set up with holograms that will see what they will are made down will declare the false prophet his antichrist king world then the whole world will be subjugated the antichrist will be considered a false prophet the foremost sage of the world during the exorcism when he was saying devil the Lucifer that with glory will we come to earth the whole world will me prostrate all will submit to the feet mine and yours shall worship me


first to present the the antichrist and reign from the revelation there must be no church there must be no sacraments there either. you ...