Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 30 Ιουλίου 2022


A geostrategic earthquake is coming that will change everything in the entire universe..., and which will be the result of a huge war, which has already started in Syria, spreads to Ukraine, yesterday to Armenia, tomorrow to Turkey... and then it becomes global. From the world war, a great deal of good will come (in the end)..., a lot of pain will also come out (during)... But doesn't the pregnant woman, before (before the birth) suffer? doesn't she have insecurity when she's pregnant? fear? So now there will be a big "BIRTH"!!! ... (but) will be preceded by deep pain in the whole world... Do you see this dying & laboring woman on the bed of pain my brother? Her name is Greece, she is the sister of Cyprus, which & she hurts... Her Kombogiannite doctors told her that both she and the child she is carrying in her womb will die! But God has other plans for her, my brother! Soon her wounds will heal and she will finally be able to give birth to her child! And you know something else, my brother? Her child will be a girl & will be baptized in Istanbul, in Hagia Sophia! & her name…?


Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou: After the great events we will be called to preach Orthodoxy

Metropolis-morfou We Orthodox Christians will not be mere admirers of prophets and prophecies. We have to manage things. Nor should we be afraid around all that is being created in case a bullet catches us too. We may not be hit by a bullet, we may be hit by an earthquake, or we may be hit by a famine. In other words, we will also have some effects. So it needs management, internal management. Not to fill our fridges, one day they will be empty...

There is something beautiful in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians of the Apostle Paul that says: "outward battles, inward fears." There are battles outside, there are fears inside me. It is human, it is natural, but the other Apostle John the Theologian says: "perfect love casts out fear". So our problem is perfect love.

Perfect love does not come with sentimental love stories. Perfect love is through repentance and perfect love is Christ, the only one who identified himself as I am Love.

So through this whole process and repentance, as I was taught and I try to live it somewhat unacceptably learning I would say, but also the study of the events and the past and the present and the future, gives me as a final conclusion my fathers and brothers that we Orthodox, and especially the Orthodox of Cyprus and Greece, have protection, we will have protection in these events from the Virgin Mary for one reason: because we will be called, when the war that has already started is over and the world the rest will come to awareness and crush those who live, to preach Orthodoxy.

So make sure you are well established in your Orthodox faith.

It is very important. Tomorrow the Turkish Cypriots will ask you. Tell me about Panagia. Tell me how to forgive. Tell me how to pray. So we have to have a little experience. And of prayer and repentance and of the Virgin Mary.

A Turkish Cypriot, Hellenistic philologist please, says to me, my bishop, the next time you come, bring me an icon of Meirem, the Virgin Mary. I take him an icon of the Virgin Mary. He tells me, oh didn't I tell you to bring me an applied Gospel? I say to him, what does the Gospel mean? I know applied mathematics, but I have never heard an applied Gospel. He tells me, that when a Christian takes the faith of the Gospel seriously and applies it, what is that person called? I tell him, his name is Agios. Ah, I want, he tells me, the life of a Saint to bring me. He wanted a Saint's life, the image was not enough for him, he just wanted a life.

And I took him the life of Saint Arsenius of Cappadocia, who lived in Turkey, the man, I deliberately rushed him, and I also took him one of the books about Saint Paisios, and I told him read these and we will talk again.

So we must slowly take the life of repentance seriously. Let's keep three tins. Our Orthodox faith is unadulterated, because God and many people of other religions, and other nations will ask for it, so we must have something to give.

The second to have diligent repentance, another time gladly to talk about diligent repentance.

And the third is to have regular Holy Communion because we must be constantly cleansed of any passions and mistakes in the forgiveness of sins and because our perspective is not to have a good time in this life but to have eternal life.

Πέμπτη 28 Ιουλίου 2022

What is coming will be a big flash!

 What is coming will be a big flash!

There will be such events that all that you see the rotten edifice will be torn down like in the time of Elias...

...As Father Kosmas used to say, in the last years the most disrespectful of all will be the priests. But why; Here we must understand that he does not mean the sin they commit. We are all sinners. It means disrespect. And it is impiety to insult the true God.

We have to ask ourselves, High priests and priests and priests and monks, are we all right before God? Do we love and worship God?…

We have no love! And that's why I'm scared of what's to come. And a part of what is coming has been revealed to me what will happen. Believe me, many times I get sad! I am very sad. I cry and say my God will all this happen in my days? Will I see all of this? He told me that no you won't see everything. But you will see a piece of the five great plagues that will come to your homeland...

...For the infidelity of your country that became a satanic Christian state,

I will allow five great plagues to be inflicted...

...I was afraid when I saw that people will do something to the children and at that moment God will be so angry that He will not allow it and will bring great destruction. So old I'm afraid to say it. Greece will remain half. I'm afraid to say this. Greece, my child, will remain half of Greece. For our infidelity.

If we regret everything will change, he says. But will we regret it, my child?

I want you to love me he says and tells all your spiritual children not to love me to be in love with me... and pray now. Make a big prayer chain! Tell all your children and the whole world. Because people will not be able to bear what will happen. People won't stand it...

Ask God to enlighten you.

...While I was officiating at one point I was "removed" and a sweet voice told me until Pentecost until the Holy Spirit I will allow you to live in peace this feast only for my own children who believed in me and truly loved me to give them my Holy Spirit. But all those who did not worship me properly and did not ask my Holy Spirit to pray a lot to my child make them have patience...

Without Divine love, how will we endure all that is coming? Only a lover endures torture. Like the mother who is in love with her baby, she does everything to save her baby. Christ did the same. She sacrificed herself as a mother to save us...

Τρίτη 26 Ιουλίου 2022


1928-has completed the monastery in 1930

it was inhabited, in 1930- by 30 nuns, of


was catechized, The monastery of Saint Anthimos
but Saint Anthimos met a Turk-commander before

the Germans=who was so good that he fixed
the churches that were damaged were built new helped,

widows and orphans he was helping the poor,
was protecting them Turkish soldiers would

let not injustice to none and the holy Anthimos
thought is this man possible because he was

a Turk if he went to hell with so much kindness
he fasted for a week and questioned Christ,

where did he go to hell?

Saint had a vision
Nice place an orchard large, borders trees-Paradise

in the middle of a cone when Saint Anthimos

the Turks hear a voice welcome my Anthimos

come in and see where I am, says the Turk.

father Anthimos says to him, YOU ARE IN PARADISE?


The paradise

you go the Christians I can't go.

Here is paradise, but a different paradise,

a paradise for good people there exists a paradise
except for the one paradise?

yes my dear Anthimos

there are many existing paradises for good

why not baptisms?

ok, I was afraid of my head,

but I am ok here I have a good time.

okay i
have it on my head, but I am ok here I have

a good time.

says Saint Anthimos, there are
other paradises?

yes my dear Anthimos God

cared for all people, God took care of all

of other denominations

The paradise that is God is only for the orthodox

Παρασκευή 22 Ιουλίου 2022

Αυτές οι «φανερώσεις» είναι δαιμόνων και μόνο δαιμόνων!

Η Αγία Θεοτόκος ποτέ δεν έχει επιδείξει ούτε επίσκεψη στη Φατίμα, στη Λούρδη, στη Μετζουγκόρια κλπ. Είναι προϊόντα δαιμόνων.


 Η Αγία Θεοτόκος δεν είναι αιρετικός αλλά Ορθόδοξος. Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα από τον Θεό σε αυτές τις «φανερώσεις» που έχουν κάνει οι Ρωμαίοι εκτός από ένα κυνικό παιχνίδι για να κρατήσουν τους ταπεινούς ανθρώπους δεσμευμένους στη ρωμαϊκή εκκλησία τους με την ξεδιάντροπη απόδοση της Αγίας Θεοτόκου στην συνεχώς εξελισσόμενη παπαλιστική αίρεση τους.


 Δυστυχώς, αντί να μετανοήσουν και να επιστρέψουν στην Αγία Ορθοδοξία όπως στην Αρχική Εκκλησία, οι Ρωμαίοι δεν κάνουν παρά να αναπτύσσουν περαιτέρω αυτές τις κακές εθνικιστικές «φαντάσεις», όπως στη Medjugorja και στους εκατοντάδες και εκατοντάδες καλλιτέχνες της οπτασίας που είναι τώρα διασκορπισμένοι διασκορπίζοντας το ψυχωτικό εμπόριο τους βλέποντας δαίμονες ως «φαντάσματα» σε όλο τον ρωμαϊκό εκκλησιαστικό κόσμο!


 Είναι τραγωδία που αντί να διαβάζουν τα Ιερά Ευαγγέλια του Ιησού Χριστού που έχουν καταγραφεί από τους Αγίους Αποστόλους και του Ευαγγελίου του Αγίου Πνεύματος που έχουν καταγραφεί στις πραγματικές ζωές των Αγίων Πατέρων και των «σωστά πιστών» αγίων αυτοί οι πλανημένοι θιασώτες αυτών των διαφορετικών». Οπτασία περιμένουν με φανατική προσμονή για την καθημερινή επιδιόρθωση του «σημερινού μηνύματος» που αποδίδεται στη Μητέρα του Θεού! Οχι! Το Medjugorja δεν είναι αληθινό, αλλά τα spin-offs του fruitcake είναι εξίσου εξωπραγματικά και ψυχωτικά. Υπάρχουν πολλά λεφτά στις «φανερώσεις». ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΔΥΝΑΜΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΗΓΕΤΕΣ ΤΟΥΣ!


 Η Πολύ Μητέρα του Θεού δεν εμπλέκεται με τη Λατινική ΑΙΡΕΣΗ σε καμία μορφή - ειδικά αυτές οι ψεύτικες «φαντάσεις». Αυτές οι αποκαλούμενες «εμφανίσεις» δεν είναι παρά ένα φανερό σημάδι εθισμού σε ψυχωτικά αυτοπαραγόμενα ψυχικά φαινόμενα, όλα εντάξει όταν παράγει το σωστό είδος «καρπού» που υποστηρίζει τον ρωμαϊκό θεσμό.


 Αγιότητα? Όχι σε αυτές τις «φανερώσεις». Δαίμονες; Απολύτως! Αυτές οι «φανερώσεις» είναι δαιμόνων και μόνο δαιμόνων!


  Τέλος, αυτά τα λεγόμενα «φαντάσματα» δεν έχουν καμία απολύτως σχέση με την Αγία Θεοτόκο ή τον Χριστιανισμό του Κυρίου Ιησού Χριστού.


 Αυτά τα ρωμαϊκά «φαντάσματα» επιβεβαιώνουν ότι η Αγία Ορθοδοξία δεν πρέπει ΠΟΤΕ να συμβιβάσει τον Χριστό αποδεχόμενος τη ρωμαϊκή αίρεση μέχρι να μετανοήσουν τελείως και να καθαρίσουν τον εαυτό τους και να αποκηρύξουν κάθε αίρεση και τους αιρετικούς απογόνους τους - αυτά τα «φανερά» βδελύγματα 

Τρίτη 19 Ιουλίου 2022


In addition to war events, we will experience extraordinary geophysical phenomena. And everything will contribute to man rediscovering the perspective of eternal life. And these will be,  due to the great corruption, the apostasy of man from God and His will, which have an inevitable result, not only abortions, increased witchcraft, blasphemy and sarcolatry, but also their legalization 

The power of the prayer

 Once upon a time, several years ago, there was a family of day laborers who had a little boy whom they loved dearly. Unfortunately, however, the mother fell seriously ill and died. The father became a mother and a father, he worked hard to raise it, it was, you see, quite lively, he hoped that growing up, it would "lay". But, on the contrary, he was getting worse! He admonished him, begged him, told him to change his lifestyle, not to stay up late, not to get drunk, and that the life he is leading does not lead to happiness... Many times he cried in front of him like a small child.

    One cold, winter night, which again came at dawn and made a remark to him, the son pushed him violently, and the father fell on some old furniture and ended up on the floor. While the son closed the door with force and never came back! Years passed. The young man became a grown man and is in Germany, he did not change his way of thinking and living, he did not start a family and the weariness of the wasted life was imprinted on his face.

  One night in his sleep he sees the sea, a rough and towering mountain and a narrow path, which up there led to a stone hut, a strange hut. He saw at the end as if it had a small dome, he opened the door of the hut and he sees an old monk looking at him, one-eyed, holding a rosary in his left hand! He got scared, he jumped out of bed in a sweat! Was it a dream??? It looked real! From where and to where a hut with a small church and a monk???!!! What are these;;;!! I have been going to church since I was a small child and my father used to take me, he thought and a tear rolled down his cheek. He went out in the evening, but he had no appetite for anything! Something had happened inside him. His mind was spinning in the dream! He lay down, fell asleep, and, well, the exact same dream again! And the next day again the same. No coincidence at all, he thought. Where is this place? He discussed it with some well-known Greek friends, and someone told him that the description resembles a place called Mount Athos.

    Without thinking too much, he prepares some things and the next day he leaves for Greece! In Thessaloniki, he asked how to get to Mount Agios and was told from Ouranoupoli. From there he enters the morning boat and sets off without knowing his exact destination. When they asked him where he was going to get off, he paid the ticket to the end and did not speak. His eyes were fixed on the slopes of the Mount Athos mountain range, lest it reminds him of something from the dream... Many hours passed, nothing... The few passengers almost all got off. They passed "Agia Anna" and headed for the "horrible reels", as they are called. As they approached, a shiver ran through his entire body! Yes, that's it, bounce, it looks a lot!!! K, before he could tie the boat, he jumped down, he was now sure!!! He began the vertical climb. As he advanced and left the cells and huts behind him, something assured him that he would also find the hut with the strange old man!

    Hours of tiring hiking passed when at some point in the distance he saw the hut! All his tiredness is gone! Run to get there as fast as possible! It was already afternoon, a spring afternoon, the season of Great Lent. When he reached the door, a light blue door with a Cross on it, his feelings were mixed. He made his Cross for the first time in thirty years. He was already forty-five. He embraced the Holy Cross and knocked on the door! A calm and soft voice from inside told him: "I'm coming, Nikolas, my child"!!! The door opened and he saw the old man of the dream with one blind eye and the rosary in his left hand!!! Who are you, old man? And how do you know my name? And how did you enter my dreams and my life? Tears sprang from the old man's eyes and were lost in his long white beard!

     -Didn't you meet me, my child, my Niko? I am your father!!! Nikos first fell at his father's feet sobbing and crying and then got up and hugged his father. -Tell me, my father, how did all these wonderful things happen? What happened to your eye, father? -Listen, my child, that night when you pushed me and I fell, I hit the corner of the table in my eye and lost my light. I was waiting for you to come back, but you were nowhere to be seen! After a year I decided, with God's help, to be single. I first went to a monastery and then I came to be an ascetic here. I always had you in my prayers, I had made it a rule for myself to make many rosaries every day with the blessing of Christ and Our Lady! And I didn't neglect this for a single day! This is what brought you here, my child, the wish "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on Your servant Nicholas" and "Holy Mother of God, save Your servant Nicholas"!

     After some days passed, Nikolaos expressed the desire to stay there, to confess, to become a monk and serve the elder,

Παρασκευή 15 Ιουλίου 2022

who or what is the Antichrist



 Η Καμπάλα περιέχει τέτοια δύναμη και η δαιμονική διδασκαλία είναι υπεραρκετή για να δώσει την ιδεολογία και την κινητήρια δύναμη που απαιτείται για να εξαπατήσει τον κόσμο και να διατηρήσει μια τέτοια κακή συνωμοσία ζωντανή για αιώνες ... Η Καμπάλα είναι πηγή διδασκαλίας Ελευθεριών καθώς και άλλων ομάδων.

 Καμπάλα: Τα ιερά βιβλία της μαύρης μαγείας του Ιουδαϊσμού που αποτελούν ένα μεγάλο μέρος της βάσης των δυτικών μυστικών εταιρειών, από τους Ροδόσταυρους μέχρι τον Τεκτονισμό και τον ΟΤΟ.  Η Καμπάλα είναι η ίδια με τη μαγεία της αρχαίας Βαβυλώνας και της Αιγύπτου ... Φαραωνικού.

 Η Καμπάλα είναι ένα σύστημα εβραϊκού μυστικισμού και μαγείας και είναι το θεμελιώδες στοιχείο της σύγχρονης μαγείας.  Σχεδόν όλες οι μεγάλες μάγισσες και μάγοι αυτού του αιώνα ήταν Καμπαλιστές.  - William J. Schnoebelen,

 Η Σκοτεινή Πλευρά του Τεκτονισμού

 Η Εβραϊκή Καμπάλα είναι μια σειρά αποκρυφιστικών γραφών που είναι τόσο δαιμονικές και κάθε ξόρκι σε μαγεία.  Το λεξικό Webster που μας λέει η Καμπάλα είναι «μια απόκρυφη θρησκευτική φιλοσοφία που αναπτύχθηκε από ορισμένους Εβραίους μελετητές

Τετάρτη 13 Ιουλίου 2022

1549'da Türk işgali sırasında Latinler ve Ermeniler Sultan Murat'a rüşve...

Σύμφωνα με την παράδοση, το 1549 επί Τουρκοκρατίας, Λατίνοι και Αρμένιοι δωροδόκησαν το Σουλτάνο Μουράτ και αυτός απαγόρευσε την είσοδο στον Πανάγιο Τάφο του Ελληνορθόδοξου Πατριάρχη Σωφρονίου για την Ακολουθία του Αγίου Φωτός. Στον Τάφο μπήκε ο Αρμένιος Πατριάρχης με σκοπό να πάρει αυτός το Άγιο Φως. Οι Ορθόδοξοι, μαζί με τον Πατριάρχη μας, παρέμειναν προσευχόμενοι έξω από τον Ναό. Ο Αρμένιος Πατριάρχης προσευχόταν για ώρες αλλά το Άγιο Φως δεν έβγαινε. Ξαφνικά αστραπές κάλυψαν το Ναό και κεραυνός έσκισε μία από τις κολώνες, δίπλα στην πόρτα που οδηγεί στο εσωτερικό του Ναού της Αναστάσεως. Από την κολώνα βγήκε το Άγιο Φως και άναψε τα κεριά του Πατριάρχη μας.

Ο παρευρισκόμενος Εμίρης του Τούναμ που ήταν επικεφαλής της φρουράς και διαπίστωσε το θαύμα, πίστεψε και έγινε χριστιανός. Οι Τούρκοι ύστερα τον θανάτωσαν. Μετά από αυτό το θαύμα, ο Σουλτάνος έβγαλε φιρμάνι σύμφωνα με το οποίο το δικαίωμα να μπαίνει στον Πανάγιο Τάφο και να παίρνει το Άγιο Φως το είχε ΜΟΝΟ ο Ελληνορθόδοξος Πατριάρχης, κάτι που σεβάστηκαν όλοι στους επόμενους αιώνες, μέχρι σήμερα.Geleneğe göre 1549'da Türk işgali sırasında Latinler ve Ermeniler Sultan Murat'a rüşvet vererek Rum Ortodoks Patriği Sophronius'un Kutsal Nur Dizisi için Kutsal Kabir'e girişini yasakladı. Ermeni Patriği Kutsal Nur'u almak için türbeye girdi. Ortodoks, Patriğimizle birlikte Tapınağın dışında dua etmeye devam etti. Ermeni Patriği saatlerce dua etti ama Kutsal Işık dışarı çıkmadı. Aniden Tapınağa yıldırım çarptı ve yıldırım, Diriliş Tapınağı'nın içine açılan kapının yanındaki sütunlardan birini yırttı. Kutsal Işık sütundan çıktı ve Patriğimizin mumlarını yaktı. Muhafızlardan sorumlu olan ve mucizeye tanık olan görevli Tunam Emiri, inanmış ve Hıristiyan olmuştur. Türkler daha sonra onu öldürdü. Bu mucizeden sonra Padişah, SADECE Rum Ortodoks Patriğinin Kutsal Kabir'e girme ve sonraki yüzyıllarda bugüne kadar herkesin saygı duyduğu Kutsal Nur'u alma hakkına sahip olduğunu belirten bir ferman yayınladı.According to tradition, in 1549 during the Turkish occupation, Latins and Armenians bribed Sultan Murat and he forbade entry to the Holy Sepulcher of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Sophronios for the Holy Light Service. The Armenian Patriarch entered the Tomb in order to receive the Holy Light. The Orthodox, together with our Patriarch, remained praying outside the Temple. The Armenian Patriarch prayed for hours but the Holy Light did not come out. Suddenly lightning covered the Temple and lightning tore one of the columns, next to the door that leads to the interior of the Church of the Resurrection. The Holy Light came out of the pillar and lit the candles of our Patriarch. The present Emir of Tunam who was in charge of the guard and found the miracle believed and became a Christian. The Turks then killed him. After this miracle, the Sultan issued a firman according to which ONLY the Greek Orthodox Patriarch had the right to enter the Holy Sepulcher and receive the Holy Light, which was respected by all in the following centuries, until today

Παρασκευή 8 Ιουλίου 2022

The mysterious power of the number seven and what it symbolizes

The number 7 is considered sacred and symbolic

and closes inside of a power sacramental.

Hard you do can mention _ all the things that
are included in it the mysterious number,

as well I will need the whole book.

Let's see Nevertheless a few applications
of number 7:

First of all, the number 7 has a special position
in the Old testament.

On the day of her Creation was 7, on the 7th-day
God created _ man, and on the 7th day her

Creation is a day of rest and a holiday that
symbolizes her integration and her perfection.

Easter lasted 7 days.

Noah _ put in a box 7 pairs of animals and
birds, while the Flood started 7 days post

her entrance of Noah in the ark.

On the 7th day post him Deluge Noah sent _
the dove outside and 7 days and 7 nights he

traveled the dove until to return in Ark.

The Pharaoh dreamed of 7 fat and 7 thin cows,
as well as 7 fruits and 7 fruitless ears of


The lamp of Moses it was seven o'clock The
king David 7 times her day he sang the God

and 7 braids they had the hair of Samson,
whereof they gave the strength.

The number 7 is used in Old Testament 70 times!

In church 7 is the sacred sacraments: Marriage,
Baptism, Anointing, Holy Communion, Confession,

and Priesthood. _ 7 is the miracles of Christ
against him Evangelist Ioannis, 7 o ladies

virtues ( humility, mercy, purity, philanthropy,
mercy, kindness, hard work ), the 7 deadly

sins (( avarice, fornication, gluttony, envy,
anger, apathy ).

Also, 7 is the wishes that contain the " Father
us ", 3 for the God ( be holy the name to

you, the kingdom come to you, be born the
errand your ), and 4 for them Needs of human

( the bread our give, let the debts, non-injection
in temptation, you are falling from of cunning

For their Pythagorean number, 7 is " immortal

", since not is a product factor.

Yet is the symbol her perfection, why is the
sum of 3 and of 4, which express the two perfect

geometrically shapes, the equilateral triangle,
and the square.

The Ancients Greeks considered the 7th as
a mysterious number and for the geometric

properties, because 7 points, not they can
to create symmetry in one circle!

The Pythagoreans considered still his number
7 as a picture and role model for her class

and her harmony with nature.

It was the number where included two times
him sanctuary number three ( symbol her aunt

trinity in everyone their peoples, Christians
and paganistic ), in who is added either the

aunt _ _ unit (3X2+1=7).

The ancient Hellas had 7 sages ( Thalis, Vias,
Cleobolus, Periander, Pittacus, Solon, and

Chilon ) and the education _ of boys in Ancient
Sparta was starting at seven years.

The single ladies Arts in ancient times were
7 ( grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic,

geometry, music, astronomy ) and 7 the miracles
of ancient the world ( Colossus Rhodes, pyramid

Cheops, Mausoleum Alikarnassos, Faros of Alexandria,
hanged gardens Babylon, Statue of For in Olympia

and Temple her Artemis in Ephesus ). 7 generals
campaigned against her Thebes in " Seven on

Thebes » of Aeschylus ( Adrastus - Polyneices
- Tydeas - Amphiaraus - Kapaneas - Hippomedon

- Parthenopeus ) and 7 heroes ( Eteoklis - Polyphontas
- Melanippus - Megareus - Hyperus - Lasthenes

- Actoras ) defended the 7 gates her Thebes.

Rome _ was built above seven hills, and Constantinople,
where _ he had seven names ( Byzantium, Nea

Rome, Antonia, Treasury of Islam, Separator
of Kosmou, Istanbul, and Constantinople .), besieged

by their Mohammedans 7 times and was beaten
post by 7 weeks from him the seventh Sultan

of Osmanids.

The colors of the spectrum and of heaven arc
are 7 ( red, orange, yellow, green, light

blue, deep blue, violet ). There are in fact
valid suspicions that Newton, who _ he spoke

for the first time the colors, distinguished
six colors and he added the indigo color - deep

blue, indigo - to fill in the " magic " number

The aforementioned is only some of them
references for him ... sanctuary number 7,

which such it seems to " mark " her Zoe us
from her ancient times up to today with the

owners of special way

Σάββατο 2 Ιουλίου 2022

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Saint Paisios said that Jesus will give a slap to the system we currentl...

This is a text, Known from the books published, from the elder Paisios, Holy Paisios, of Mount Athos, reasons B- spiritual awakening, issue of a sacred sanctuary, Agios Ioannis strait Thessaloniki,

on 188 pages,-Hear, ask a nun to the then living father Paisios, an elder in these difficult years will Christ intervene? the same question that John asked the same question was asked before 1994 before his death. that is before thirty years. And then they saw that the years were difficult. can you imagine them to live at our times, the old man tells him I repeat=in these difficult years Christ will intervene? and listening to the Paisius the vision was having. Prophet-he had a prophetic gift=he also had a gift for interpretation=this is difficult-yes here you see a wronged one who is in a good mood because he is entitled to divine help occur many times the Saints the Virgin Mary the Christ to save him, how much more today, that the poor world is in such a difficult situation, now a storm is listening; now a storm is...a small possession of the Antichrist Satan. A big slap from christ comes after all nations will be shaken, and there will be peace in the world for many years. this time Christ will give an opportunity to save his creature. will christ leave us alone?to the impasse of men, to save them from the hands of the Antichrist=THEY WILL RETURN TO CHRIST AND THERE WILL BE A SPIRITUAL PEACE FOR MANY YEARS. Listen to what we are waiting for, this is for our generation, before thirty years I repeat, there will be a breeze of peace throughout the universe, for many years, will precede though=jolt of all nations-will shock all nations. And you see that now the problems are not local-does not impress you are not local=global problems. pay attention to this some combine this with the second coming of Christ. I can not say..look how discreet the saint was- my calculus tells me that it will not be the second coming of Christ that will come like judge=an intervention of Christ because there are so many events that have not yet taken place=means the facts of the apocalypse, so now we can not talk about Antichrist and the second presence=that some filled the internet with false prophecies=wrong interpretation is what they write. Christ will intervene and give a slap to this whole system=I will crush all evil and turn it into good. and some last details=everyone will want to know about Christ. That is why my dear lady, there is the internet to preach the gospel to all the universe, now is the beginning we still have work to do..and then Christ will come as a judge to judge the world. another crisis and another intervention of Christ to help the world, now we will have surgery in many ways the Christ can intervene, do your patience now, be patient now do not rush to seal with vaccines=who have so much insecurity

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