Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Κυριακή 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023


The three kingdoms before the Antichrist

For the second time, my dear spiritual children and friends, I come back to reiterate even more imploringly that you build and grow your chain of prayer for Greece and the world. I am addressing you who can listen to the evil plans of Satan, who through his controlled pentarchy of darkness are preparing the destruction of humanity for the coming of their beloved evil Messiah.

I ask that you all participate in intense heartfelt prayer, as the only proven solution from Heaven, for the weakening or even the thwarting of many possibilities and actions of the precursory Luciferian decisions for earthly world devastation.

The whole world will go through three successive phases before the time comes to see the "abomination of desolation", with the last three great kingdoms of the world playing a part. Kingdoms with short reigns but unique in destructive power and imposition.

These three kingdoms will be:

1) The Kingdom of the Bear

2) The Dragon Kingdom and

3) The realm of the Serpent.

The Kingdom of the Bear

In the Bear kingdom, led by Russia and followed by a few powerful states with great economic and military strength, an attempt will be made to change borders on a global level, through wars or guided diplomatic mergers of states.

The artful and planned clash of superpowers, through the cunning diplomacy of the European Union and America, which will push some states to clash or fraudulently create serious problems for the Bear's onslaught will have disastrous results.

Russia's instantaneous strikes will see the foolish leaders of these states, persuaded by those who are supposedly their allies but who cunningly use them for their plans, the destruction of their nations. It is then that some states will be wiped off the map.

Do not rest on your apparent economic prosperity and your supposed neutrality from the already planned wars. The foolishness of your leaders to be persuaded by those who use you will be the cause of your destruction. Destruction of such magnitude will only cause surprise, horror, and global fear for the next stage.

Northern states, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, you have let your heart go away from the true God, whom you only call on your lips, and you have been left spiritually unprotected. You have left the fatherly embrace and affection of the true God who covered you and armed, by your indifference to His existence, the weapon of the misanthropic satan to wound you. If you return to the compassionate heart of the merciful God, in true repentance, you will have nothing to fear. If, on the other hand, you disregard or mock His divine invitation and will go ahead on your own, exposed to Satan's wiles, you will soon be humbled to find out how much your foolish choice has cost you. The kingdom of the Bear is ready to crush you as soon as you tease it. Some of you irreparably.

Ukraine, do you not see how the multitude of your saints, your martyred saints, weep and pray for you? You have questioned your true faith, profanely letting the hypocritical Unia of the Frankish dynasty divide you. Thou hast not wished to be calmed in the gurgling waters of the Orthodox faith, which the sanctified lives of a multitude of saints and holy men have blessed thy soil, and now the true enemy of every man stands over thee to wound thee mortally. If thou couldst see how thy saints ache for thee, and how they implore God to have mercy on thee, thou wouldst now kneel with them and begin penitence and humiliation for thy redemption.

I will never cease to believe that many will be the ones who will take this message and with the chain of prayer that is already growing, will prevent the worst evil. This evil will become an act of merciless destruction in another state next door to Russia, because of the arrogant egotism of its leaders.

Many states that are at the feet of the Bear will accept it as the new leader and will not be harmed, because they will declare allegiance to its charms.

Georgia is a confident state. Until when will you believe those who make you fight like a mouse against a bear? Consider the truth and act wisely. I would not want to weep over ruined and ruined land that you alone will cause!

Those who would want to oppose the Bear and challenge it, I only wish them well.

Woe to those who will dare to tell her that they are not afraid of her and will want to close the straits of her breath. That is when they will lose their very existence. It will be another state that will begin to fade off the map.

The power of the Bear will be so great that it will cause fear and terror throughout the world. And Persia will be crossed, after first Turkey in a pitiful, unique way will be crushed, and outside the Holy Land will be found. But it is written by God somewhere there that her glorious and terrifying reign will begin to fade away after so much and so much that the wicked Dragon, as a former friend, will prepare for her.

The Kingdom of the Dragon

A wicked king will be the leader of this kingdom of China. Loyal ally at first with Russia, he will take advantage of her relationship with her and gain a great deal in what will gradually elevate her to superpower status in the future.

China will take advantage of Japan's unhealed wounds to establish its future dominance over the entire region by military means.

But she will not hesitate afterward, in the face of what her enemies will promise her, to betray her friendship with Russia and contribute to her disastrous downward slide. Until then, however, she will surreptitiously conceal her every secret desire and cleverly exploit her friendly embrace with Russia.

Now it's spread everywhere, almost all over the world. It started with the economy as the first stage, flooding the world with its commodities, to then end up militarily in a global condominium with the Bear. When this is achieved, it will not be long before she reveals her expansionist ambitions.

The world will then be in absolute fear and anxiety. In a broken and ruined world, it will impose its atheistic beliefs with fire and steel, demanding absolute obedience and enforcement.

The hot breath of the Red Dragon will be felt in Europe and America.

They will both suffer greatly. Wherever it passes through and imposes itself conqueringly, with terrible communist methodology, it will make people groan and suffer. Christians will suffer more than all the insufferable persecutions of the evil Dragon.

Although this is not the time to unfold to faithful people the evil purpose and role of this kingdom, I could in one word describe it as a nightmare.

Woe to those people who will live in this realm of perfect depravity and whose hearts are not resting on the sweet divine heart of our Lord Jesus.

People will be like mere robots carrying out the dictates of the state. They will have no more rights than pets in human cages.       

Life and death will have no value for man. After all, that will be the evil ideology of this kingdom.

This kingdom is a precursor to the kingdom that will follow.

These two kingdoms will be short-lived but will cause great global upheavals in their wake. But what will most taint their presence is the fact that they will be provoked and react nuclear.

It is then that peace will have completely left the world and the plague with famine, the only famine since the world became a famine, will become the world's nightmare.

The Kingdom of the Snake

The last kingdom with the only leader in human history. The one we would all come to know as the "abomination of the desert".

It was in the form of a serpent that Satan was able to deceive the primitive man in heaven. With the same poison of deception, he will use man himself, first to destroy God's beautiful creation with the leaders of the nations that satan himself raised to power, and then to subjugate all mankind under the genuine child of darkness, the false messiah Antichrist.

This reign of the Serpent will be unique in the history of human life.

All the kingdoms of the world up to now have been aimed at subduing the earthly, material side of man. This is the kingdom of the Serpent, both soul and body. And matter and spirit. That is why the methods to be used will be one of a kind, with the most perfect power of technology and even nanotechnology.

This antichristian leader will have the power and authority to physically and mentally control every human subject.

After first convincing all the people, those who survived the nightmarish war experiences of the states and were even more tested by the agony of survival due to lack of food and water, that he is the only prince of peace, the real Messiah, he will force them voluntarily to accept him as their only king.

That's when he will put on all his subjects the famous cipher with his name code on it. With this ultra-high-tech nanotechnology cicada, he will be able to see and control almost absolutely everything about the human number.  

I will comment on the third and final kingdom led by the prophesied son of darkness another time. Everything that is being prepared around us and everything that will begin to happen will have to do with this last kingdom of the world.

This is what the people and the leaders of the nations will be talking about. Humanity, exhausted by the three great evils that will be introduced, plague, famine, and war, will be powerless to resist. Its departure from the truth of the Gospel will lead it more rapidly into the arms of the leader of destruction.

The logos of the informal but existing new globalized government will become more and more obvious until they are impressed with the consciousness of all humanity. Even the wars against it will be used with deceit and cunning in its favor. Who, indeed, will be able to oppose it, since the darkness surrounding the light of knowledge does not easily let people see what is coming. On the contrary, like blind men they let blind men lead them, obeying faithfully and without elementary reaction even in matters of common sense.

The soul of man has been cursed and wounded beyond repair.

Even the so-called spiritual people only speak reassuringly, avoiding genuine spiritual fathers to awaken.

My dear children and friends, the period we are going through is one of the most shocking for humanity.

The appearance of the son of darkness, the chosen antichrist, is at hand.

The puppets of his will, the leaders of the nations all over the earth, are working tirelessly for his coming. Through all means of mass debauchery, they are preparing the world's consciousness for the necessity of his acceptance.   

Even wars against his kingdom will be used for his world domination.

The only ones who can resist are faithful Christians. Our weapons are the sacraments of our Church.

The sacrament of confession will be our shield.

Heartfelt prayer, with total trust in God, is our strength.

Holy Communion, is the ultimate antidote to satanic psychosomatic interventions.

Let us all strengthen the power of our prayer chain. Let us make it a global prayer chain. Let us build spiritual nuclear bases with our prayers that will fear and deter the works of darkness.

The immediate wars of global scope that are occurring can only be deterred by the prayers of God's faithful children.

Let us all let our souls rest with absolute trust like babies in the arms and hearts of God our Father. The love and mercy of the true Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, is so infinite that no one should fear that they will not have it. Let us believe in His sacrifice on the cross and the Grace of the Holy Spirit will surround us with a supremely bright Light, which will drive away the darkness of our souls and clothe us with the power of life.

Blessed are those who, in the spiritual confusion that is increasingly prevailing, believe in our sweet King and God Jesus Christ and confess that He is true to "the Way and the Truth and the Life".

Then in the fear that will prevail around them, they will have peace and in the psychosomatic hunger that will prevail, they will have the necessities of life.

But above all, none of us should forget that this life we are only passing through, since our real home is in Heaven, for there is the Heavenly Kingdom that God has made for us.

And now, friends and brothers and sisters, let us all together turn with complete trust in God and our King to the holy work of prayer, which terrifies Satan and weakens his evil works.

God always listens to His children and whatever is by His will, for their good, He satisfies.  Amen.

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