Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Channel energy is

 Channel energy is an old practice of occultism. Demons use energy as one of the ways they can move from place to place. They use this energy to move from person to person, person to object, etc. It is a form of magic and it is not a practice that brings a person in alignment with the Spirit of God. Even meditation is a form of moving energy, as you try to move your energy in a particular direction, thought, or process to gain something. This is magic. By doing these Eastern spiritual practices you align yourself with the kingdom of darkness. It is practicing inviting the demonic into your existence and into your life. It can cause a great deal of damage to your physical and spiritual existence. Once you bring these practices into your life, you also invite these demonic entities into your home and family. Yoga is especially dangerous because of the momentum it has acquired in our world today, even within the Christian Church."Anyone who believes that he can lead to genuine spiritual experiences as a result of his own efforts does not follow Christ's teaching. Human efforts are evaluated only as an expression of man's free choice, as a" synergy "of man in conscious acceptance of God's grace. The presence of the Holy Spirit is that which is fruitful, because the "Holy Spirit leads to the kingdom of Christ" (1 Cor. 3). "Where the king is present, of course, there are also royal signs. And the signs of God that must have the soul that is ruled by God are righteousness, righteousness, truth, humility, goodness, justice, and all reverence, even indifference, charity, sympathy, love, unobtrusive, longsuffering, punctuation, and patience. For these appear against those where God does not rule "(Symeon the New Theologian). Where there is no true humiliation, there is no genuine spiritual experience. Where there is arrogance, the spirit of error, not the spirit of truth, reigns there (Jas. 6: 1 Pet. 5). The spirit of delusion is proud. The humble soul begs God to give her a sigh of relief and a sense of her sinfulness, even if the Lord raises it daily and shows her love in various ways. "What are the points where they reveal the one who received the grace of God?" Saint Simeon the New Theologian asks and answers: "To be humble, unbound by carnal pleasure, to be humble, and to be humble, to have humility, with indulgence, sympathy for love and neighborly affection true to God ruthless and steadfast ". So whoever says Isaac the Syros, healed of passions, runs "seeking through the intellect" spiritual experiences, will be enclosed by "false shapes of error", which will appear true, but will be a shuffle of "true shapes" with " error shapes ". The gifts of the Holy Spirit, that is, true spiritual experiences, are not the results of coercion. God can appear to the man at any time and in any spiritual or physical way, says Sophronius. ORTHODOX TRUTH Orthodoxy is the only way ...the truth...and light of the Apostolic Faith and no modernized denomination will ever dare compare itself to the real teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour... Glory be to God and his holy Eastern Orthodox Church ...Amen ORTHODOX TRUTH Don't make a mistake We live at the end of time, The devil has built a huge prophet on the earth to speak in the name of Christ, confuse us, and get us out of the Orthodox Church. and keep us away from the weapons that ORTHODOXY can offer you. The Holy Spirit will not work outside the Orthodox Church. You can say whatever you want, but on the day you die and stand before our Lord's Throne than you will learn of the Truth, and only too late. READ THE ORTHODOX BOOKS, SEEK THE TRUTH

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