Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Παρασκευή 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Jesus Christ is orthodox-That's why the holy light comes out from the pillar here, that period of time

According to tradition, in 1549 during the Turkish occupation, Latins and Armenians bribed Sultan Murat and he forbade the entry to the Holy Sepulcher of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Sophronius for the Sequence of the Holy Light. The Armenian Patriarch entered the Tomb in order to receive the Holy Light. The Orthodox, together with our Patriarch, remained praying outside the Temple. The Armenian Patriarch prayed for hours, but the Holy Light did not come out. Suddenly lightning covered the Temple and lightning tore one of the pillars, next to the door leading to the inside of the Church of the Resurrection. The Holy Light came out of the pillar and lit the candles of our Patriarch. The attending Emir of Tuna, who was in charge of the guard and witnessed the miracle, believed and became a Christian. The Turks then killed him. After this miracle, the Sultan issued a decree according to which the right to enter the Holy Sepulcher and receive the Holy Light was held ONLY by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, something that was respected by all in the following centuries, until today.

 The schismatics and heretics must read more carefully Bible and history Orthodox Church before come to teach us properly faithful to the Bible or anything else. Nothing further to say.  After the history, Orthodoxtion order ”(Rev. Paul Titus C10).

 The temperature of the Holy Fire is around forty degrees Celsius for a few minutes after its defeat, so the faithful can freely take it in their hands and "wash" their faces in it during this period because they do not burn, Archbishop Gennady Zaridze, Orthodox Christian Scholar and Rector of the Church of the Mother of God in the Voronezh region said in an interview with RIA-Novosti.  "I used a pyrometer and recorded the temperature of the Holy Fire immediately after the descent: I immediately washed my face with this Fire (and I did not burn!) And I measured its temperature and it turned out that the average temperature of the Fire was what kept the  "The fire that my neighbors were holding was forty-two degrees Celsius. Fifteen minutes later I measured the temperature again and reached 320 ° C by that time," the high priest explored the miracles using natural science methods for many years a.  Fr.  Gennady Zaridze used a pyrometer, which with the help of a non-infrared thermometer measures the surface temperature of an object to measure the temperature of the Holy Fire.  A silver width of five millimeters wide and one millimeter thick was used as the object.  Since silver is one of the largest heat-generating metals, when you place a plate on the fire, you will immediately get the temperature of the flame.  Fr.  Gennady Zarindze visited the Holy Land in April 2016 for Easter, at the invitation of the St. Joseph Foundation.  Andrew and with the blessing of Metropolitan Sergy Voronezh and Liski.  "I have no doubt that the Holy Fire is the work of God's grace, it is a kind of divine mercy to the sinful world designed to maintain and strengthen faith," the shepherd told RIA-Novosti.  that there were cases of healing miracles during the feasts of Agios Fotios.  that in 2008 Andrei Volkov, a scientist from the Russian Research Center of Russia (Kurchatov Institute), had come to Jerusalem before the conquest of the Holy Fire and brought with him an instrument that recorded various spectra of electromagnetic radiation.  That day he was the first person (even before the patriarch went to the faithful to fire) to learn that the Holy Fire had collapsed because the bodies showed very strong electricity

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