Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τετάρτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

The holy light=ΜΟΝΟ Ορθόδοξος Πατριάρχης ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΛΑΒΕΙ


The holy light

ΜΟΝΟ  Ορθόδοξος Πατριάρχης ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΛΑΒΕΙ
Only the orthodox patriarch can receive it.

Jesus Christ is Orthodox =Άλλο οι ψευδοθρησκείες που είναι φαντασία των ιδρυτών τους και άλλο ο Χριστός ο οποίος είναι ο Ίδιος ο Θεός! Τα θαύματα Του Χριστού δεν σταματάνε κ γίνονται αντιληπτά κ από αλόθρησκους ακόμη όπως π.χ το Μέγα Θαύμα Του Αγίου Φωτός το οποίο ανάβει τα καντήλια του Πανίερου Ναού Της Αναστάσεως που βρίσκονται ψηλά στο ναό ενώ τα πρώτα λεπτά δεν καίει! Επίσης ο Αγιασμός δεν χαλάει ενώ τα λείψανα των Αγίων ευωδειάζουν θαυματουργούν και πολλά είναι άφθαρτα!----Don't pay attention,to every heretic,deceiver,who tells you about,its not true

Another is the false religions that are the imagination of their founders and another is Christ who is God Himself! The miracles of Christ do not stop and are perceived by even non-religious people such as the Great Miracle of the Holy Light which lights the candles of the Holy Temple of the Resurrection that are high in the temple while the first minutes do not burn! Also, Agiasmos does not spoil while the relics of the Saints smell of miracles and many are indestructible!

Jesus Christ is Orthodox. How do we know this? From the sacred light delivered only to the Orthodox Patriarch Jesus christ came to earth to build his church and this is the orthodox church.
The temperature of the Holy Fire is around forty degrees Celsius for a few minutes after its defeat, so the faithful can take it freely in their hands and "wash" their faces in it during this time because they are not burned , Archbishop Gennady Zaridze, of Orthodox Christian Scientists and Rector of the Church of the Mother of God protective veil in Voronezh region, said in an interview with RIA-Novosti. "I used a pyrometer and recorded the temperature of the Holy Fire immediately after the descent: I immediately wash my face with this Fire (and I did not burn!) And I measured its temperature and it turned out that the average temperature of the Fire I was holding and the fire held by my neighbors was forty-two degrees Celsius. Fifteen minutes later I remeasured the temperature and reached 320 ° Celsius until that time ", the archbishop investigating the miracles using physical-scientific methods for many years a. Fr. Gennady Zaridze used a pyrometer, which uses a non-infrared infrared thermometer to measure the surface temperature of an object to measure the temperature of the Holy Fire. A silver width of five millimeters and one-millimeter width was used as an object. Since silver is one of the biggest heat-generating metals, when you place a slab on the fire, you will immediately get the flame temperature. Fr. Gennadi Zardine visited the Holy Land in April 2016 for Easter at the invitation of the St. Joseph Foundation. Andrew and with the blessing of the metropolitan Sergy Voronezh and Liski. "I have no doubt that the Holy Fire is the work of the grace of God, it is a kind of divine mercy in the sinful world that is designed to preserve and strengthen faith," said the shepherd in an interview with RIA-Novosti, adding that there have been cases of healing wonders during the feasts of Saint Photius. that in 2008 Andrei Volkov, a scientist from the Russian Research Center of Russia (Kurchatov Institute), had come to Jerusalem before the conquest of Saint Photius and brought with him an instrument that recorded various electromagnetic spectrum ranges Bolia. That day he was the first man (even before the patriarch went to the believers to fire) to learn that the Holy Fire had collapsed because the bodies showed a very strong electrical discharge. The time that Orthodoxy will prevail is near We know that it is not only the natural laws but also spiritual. Therefore, the wrath of God can not be addressed by cooperative sinners (why double rage will become), but by repentance and adherence to orders Lord. Elder Sophronius of Mount Athos (1993) telling Essex, England like Saint Paisius: "The Union of Churches is difficult if not impossible for them. speak for the Union Churches do not know the mentality of the heterodox or level Orthodoxy. Saint Paisius the above knowledge was, advises everyone to be more restrained because there will be the time when the Lord will present the Marcus Polite and fast palms to gather all kataskandalismena our brethren, to confess the Orthodox faith, to clinch tradition, and give great joy to our Mother. Essentially the elder prophesying a truly Orthodox Synod Perhaps the 8th. Ecumenical Council for which prophesied to become the Holy Nile Myrovlytis: Then he made at the eighth meeting, and wants to choose good from evil, ie Orthodoxy, as the farmer selects the wheat from the chaff. and Then make peace little people again will change the agreement in their evil .... Peace in the world can not come without a peacemaker, living and unadulterated teaching Orthodoxy. Dissemination However, although continued after the fall of City, to a degree, it should be maximized and will officially spread dynamically after the 3rd World War general war as onomastic Agios Kosmas of Aetolia. This will be the period glimpse of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then start again people are lured into evil. believe it or not, there is going to be a glimpse of orthodoxy around the globe, Because God wants you to know what's the real truth is.  Before the ascension of the Antichrist

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