Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 27 Οκτωβρίου 2012

The Da Vinci Deception

Dan Brown’s bestselling book, The DaVinci
Code, is a real page-turner but constitutes
an intentional and very malicious attack on
the person of Jesus Christ and Christianity.
While it is admittedly a work of fiction, it
presents, in advance, a series of statements
which Brown says are true and accurate
that are not. Brown’s deliberate twisting and
distortion of facts throughout the book are
cleverly crafted to mislead the uninformed.
The many questions deriving from the outrageous
heresies promoted by the book are
answered in this briefing. Chuck also includes
insights—and hidden codes—which
appear to have been missed in other critiques
of this book.

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