Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2024


This is a complex and intense text, filled with prophecy-like content. Here is an improved translation with more fluidity, while preserving the meaning of the original:

Your monasteries, after a great evil that will come upon the entire world, including Europe, will be forced to feed many people who will have nothing to eat. There will be many orphans and many poor. Your monasteries will be glorified for the love and kindness you will offer them. All this will happen with the rapid development of events, meaning that it will unfold quickly. However, a great war will also come against your monasteries. Pious bishops, priests, abbots, and abbesses will be persecuted, and you will realize this at the time when Mount Athos is desecrated.

A great evil will occur on Mount Athos, and many holy people from there will leave and go to other regions of Greece. Then you will realize what is happening. You will be exiled, some of you will be killed, some will lay down their robes and leave the monasteries, and some will go and settle in private homes. It will be a very strong war of Satan against you. Therefore, you must prepare your spiritual children to be ready for martyrdom and to have the right mindset to endure.

I don't know if I should say this yet, but truly, I tell you, it won’t be a hundred years from the day I was born until a figure emerges who will be a nightmare for the whole world. But for now, all the false things they tried to create with a false Antichrist will be destroyed. A European war will devastate Europe economically and socially, and people will have nothing to eat.

Around a year or two from now, Satan will commit a great evil in the church, and at that time, we will need to have a martyr’s attitude and courage. But this will tear the Church apart into many factions. Those who do not agree with this will be exiled. However, before they manage to implement it, a great Third World War will break out, which has already begun but is taking place in stages—first grade, second grade, third grade, and so on.

Do you think it was a coincidence that the Church of Hagia Sophia was recently closed? Do you think the Turks closed it on their own? No, it was not by chance. The Turks had a plan with their great imam Erdogan and their leading politicians and church officials to do something in the church. But when they tried to carry out their plan in Hagia Sophia and looked at the dome, they saw a multitude of Angels and the Archangel Michael, who threatened them with his sword: "If you do what you plan, none of you will ever go to Mecca again, but if you do not, some of you may still go."

God did not want Hagia Sophia to be misused because it is the central church of Orthodoxy and Christianity. He did not want any heretical act to take place there, so He warned them to think carefully about their actions. Erdogan was clearly told that he would not survive. He was so frightened that on that day, Hagia Sophia was locked. Churches are not locked or closed like this every day. God did not want any Islamic rituals to take place in Hagia Sophia, nor did He want what the pope had planned to happen there.

It was rumored that Hagia Sophia would be rented to the pope for a large sum of money. Some newspapers even reported that they would give tens of millions of euros to buy it so that Hagia Sophia could be sold to the pope. But God will not allow this. It could only have happened for a single historic religious event, but that event would have to happen in Hagia Sophia.

Thus, Orthodoxy will receive one of the strongest blows to its own heart. The time is very near, and you will all witness this because they will dare to commit this evil. Erdogan will not do it, but others will. After that event, not even a year will pass. But the time is in God's hands, and everything depends on us and our repentance. Our repentance can change everything.

Soon after, a great evil will begin that humanity has never seen in its entire history, with unimaginable power. The Earth itself will revolt with its five basic destructive elements: fire, water, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. With unimaginable strength, these disasters will strike. Turkey will secretly commit this great evil, and as a result, a great earthquake will devastate the country. Everything will be destroyed, except for Hagia Sophia, which will remain standing.

Unfortunately, even though my homeland has a healthy core, many people have lost their way. Political and spiritual leaders are establishing laws contrary to the spirit of Christ. That is why Christ has clearly stated that He cannot endure it, especially when it harms children. Only a few will remain.

I was an atheist I died and went back to the morgue

I was an atheist and I cursed God a lot and terribly I lived in debauchery and fornication and I was dead on earth but the merciful God did ...