Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Πέμπτη 20 Ιουνίου 2024

Father Elpidius

 священники стали жестокими и
не участвуют в спасении людей.

Я буду говорить о духовных, которые для
чтобы человек прибыл, чтобы его употребить

они проходят через священный экзамен.
ты это сделал

что то, что то, что то, что то, что эх нет
можно ли прийти и принять участие в

не дать людям взять
чтобы попасть в объятия отца.

чтобы попасть в его объятия
их возлюбленного бога, а бог

горький что делать где он находится
Аббат Тина что делать там, где он есть
Священники, что ему делать, когда они говорят о нем?
когда они не передают его детям.

Божья милость очень печальна
Господи, почему сегодня много детей, которые

находятся вдали от церкви
находят из-за отказа во временах

священников, чтобы они пришли и причастили их.
на своих ошибках они поймут, почему она

в первый раз он сказал, что я привел тебя сюда, дитя мое.
чтобы увидеть, что произойдет на родине

они отнимут у вас их дома, у них не будет их
у них не будет еды, у них не будет воды

электричества не будет, нефти не будет во второй
второй раз он сказал, чтобы передать моим детям, что

скоро начнется мировая война
то есть знамя войны, к которому нужно готовиться и

измениться, чтобы раскаяться, потому что если
раскаяться, то напряжение уменьшится и

сила войны и зло, которое будет
а также третье, которое было

неожиданным, я позволю ему прийти, говорит
меч мусульман в странах

и тогда вы поймете разницу
что я принес тебе, чтобы усыпить тебя

и ты, что ты есть

Κυριακή 9 Ιουνίου 2024


The first is that of St. Lawrence of Chernihiv (+ 1950) which states When a little freedom comes and they open and restore the churches and the monasteries then all kinds of false teachings will appear! Demons, mystics, and atheists (Catholics, Unitarians, self-anointed Ukrainians, and others) will take up arms and fight against the Orthodox Church of Russia, against its unity and catholicity with ferocity. An atheist government will support the heretics and so will seize churches from the Orthodox and slaughter the faithful. Then a Metropolitan of Kyiv (unworthy of the name), like-minded bishops, and priests will shake the Russian Church to its core. His lawlessness will frighten and astonish the whole world. He will end up in eternal damnation like Judas. However, all these slanders of evil and false teachings will disappear in Russia and there will be a united Orthodox Church of Russia. Second Prophecy The second prophecy is from Elder Jonah of Odessa (+ 2012), and states: Riots in a country smaller than Russia will come a year after my death. Trouble will continue for two years, after which a Russian Tsar will appear. The first Easter will be full of blood, the second of hunger, and the third will be of victory. Third Prophecy The third and last one comes from Elder Gregory of the Monastery of Docheiariou, Mount Athos (21 March 2015) Every Ukrainian must understand that if he wants blessings for his country, then he will have to kick the Americans out. Let Ukrainians rely on their brothers in faith and blood, the Russians. If you allow American interference in Ukrainian affairs, then your country will never recover. You don't have to kill your neighbor ... How is it possible for a brother to kill a brother? Today, we are watching these developments with great pain. The Monastery of Dochiariou sends many prayers for the Ukrainian people, to whom we as a monastery are very grateful.

Κυριακή 2 Ιουνίου 2024

Every Ukrainian must understand that if he wants blessings for his country, then he will have to kick the Americans out


The first is that of St. Lawrence of Chernihiv (+ 1950) which states

When a little freedom comes and they open and restore the churches and the monasteries then all kinds of false teachings will appear! Demons, mystics, and atheists (Catholics, Unitarians, self-anointed Ukrainians, and others) will take up arms and fight against the Orthodox Church of Russia, against its unity and catholicity with ferocity.

An atheist government will support the heretics and so will seize churches from the Orthodox and slaughter the faithful. Then a Metropolitan of Kyiv (unworthy of the name), like-minded bishops, and priests will shake the Russian Church to its core. His lawlessness will frighten and astonish the whole world.

He will end up in eternal damnation like Judas. However, all these slanders of evil and false teachings will disappear in Russia and there will be a united Orthodox Church of Russia.

Second Prophecy

The second prophecy is from Elder Jonah of Odessa (+ 2012), and states:

Riots in a country smaller than Russia will come a year after my death. Trouble will continue for two years, after which a Russian Tsar will appear. The first Easter will be full of blood, the second of hunger, and the third will be of victory.

Third Prophecy

The third and last one comes from Elder Gregory of the Monastery of Docheiariou, Mount Athos (21 March 2015)

Every Ukrainian must understand that if he wants blessings for his country, then he will have to kick the Americans out. Let Ukrainians rely on their brothers in faith and blood, the Russians. If you allow American interference in Ukrainian affairs, then your country will never recover. You don't have to kill your neighbor ... How is it possible for a brother to kill a brother? Today, we are watching these developments with great pain. The Monastery of Dochiariou sends many prayers for the Ukrainian people, to whom we as a monastery are very grateful.

Σάββατο 1 Ιουνίου 2024

Morphou Neophytos Saint Paisios said that Christ will put an end to the ...

This text is from the books published by the elder Paisios of the Mountain.
Athos, reasons B- spiritual awakening, a sacred subject sanctuary, Agios Ioannis strait Thessaloniki, on 188 pages, -Hear, then ask a nun Loving father Paisios, the elder of these difficult years Will Jesus intervene? The same question John asked was asked before 1994 his death. That is, before thirty years. And then they saw that the years were difficult. Can you imagine what they experienced in our time? the man says I repeated Will Jesus intervene in these difficult years? and I was listening to Paisius, who had the vision. He could be a prophet-prophet = he also could interpret = this difficult here you see a wronged person who is in a good mood because he is right Many times the Virgin Mary came to divine aid How much more today, when the poor world is in such a difficult situation, that Christ saves it, Now a storm is listening; now a storm...little Antichrist is the possession of Satan. After all the nations are shaken, there will be a great slap from Christ and May there be peace in the world for many years. This time Jesus will allow us to be saved his creature. Will Christ leave us alone in the human predicament? Hands of Antichrist = THEY WILL RETURN TO CHRIST AND THERE WILL BE SPIRITUAL PEACE FOR YEARStherebeforeheregene yearse've been waiting for, thre'beer our geneyears before thirty I repeat, a for nature yearsill blow Throughout the universe, forn ureyears to come, yet = will shake – shock – all nations. And now you see that the problems issues local, they do not affect you local = global problems. Beware of this, some conflate this with the second coming Oh my god. I can't say that... look how cautious the saint was... my calculation tells me this won't happen happened misinterpreted

ill the internet false prophecies = what they write is a misinterpretation. Christ will intervene and slap this whole system, crush it all Turn evil into good. and some final details = everyone will want to know about Christ. That's why, dear lady, there's the internet to preach Preaching the good news to the whole universe is the beginning of what we still have to do...and then Christ will come as a judge to judge the world. another crisis and another intervention of Jesus To help the world, we will operate in the many ways Jesus can intervene, now be patient, be patient don't rush to seal with vaccines=who has so much distrust ​

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...