Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τετάρτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2024



 going up on the street

Peiraiós, near Omónoia. Inside the taxi, as usual, I was talking to my sweet Jesus, praying. I spontaneously said to myself in my Christ: Lord, the first person who will signal to me to stop, I will take him without money, as long as I bring him to You. Nobody stopped me until I reached Piraeus and Menandros. A girl was standing in the corner. I stopped and looked at her. Wait for a client, for the "daily wage..." ... Without thinking, I got down and went to her. -Good Evening! —Good evening! He answered me. - You know, this time, I feel a lot of pain in my soul and I want to share it with someone. She looked at me strangely and said: "Well, did you find me to speak?" -Yes! My heart tells me how you will understand me. "Do you know what work I do?" - I see it. "And you want to talk to me?" -Yes! I want to talk with you. Are you both going to lose your day job today? Maybe you can help me and be saved. "Let's go," he tells me hesitantly. "OK, we're gone!" She glanced around and hurried into the taxi. Happy me, but also problematized: what will I say to her? Oh my gosh! Come down and help me, what should I do now? What should I say to her? When we are introduced, I say to her: —Difficulty the professions we chose to do, ἔ? And so begins a very nice discussion. At the beginning the taxi and its difficulties. And timidly I began to enter her own life. However, we arrived in Kavouri. I told her: "We will go down here to drink coffee and continue our conversation." She then said something to me that moved me: "Aren't you ashamed to go inside together?" As you can understand, her dress was different from mine, but her whole appearance. She said: —no! I am not shy! Shame on those who brought you to this situation! For me, you are a sweet and tender creature of God. We went inside? everyone's eyes fell on us. However, this did not interest me at all, when the bruises she had on her feet made me feel ashamed and start running. for me that time was holy. I had to, with the help of God, resurrect this girl at all costs. .. As in other times, I felt that I was not speaking, but someone else inside me? the same thing happened in this case? someone "other" asked me to help this girl. She told me her whole life from her childhood until today. And, it's also, how he came to do this profession. a difficult job. This profession destroys your personality, your dignity, and you forget if you are a human being, you forget your desires, you live and work with the desires of others. You do not exist anywhere, because, apart from your flesh, you have nothing else for them. That is why you are obliged to obey their orders. That is, you are in obedience to the Devil and not to God. I heard the difficulty of this profession for the first time tonight. Believe me, a sword pierced my heart!The confession of this girl hurt me so much that I don't remember feeling such pain in my life! Then I began to talk to her about God and the great happiness she gives us when we are close to her? I told her about Our Lady and how sweet, tender, and protective she is for Her children. I told her about the miracles of our saints, about Elder Porphyry, about the miracles I experienced in the taxi, but also many people with me. I spoke to her about the power of Confession, of Holy Communion, and about so many issues around God and faith. I tried to persuade her to change her life she led, letting my tears run non-stop, holding her tender hands. When she cried, tired of my crying, I said to her, "Now it's time for us to go," I paid, and we got up to leave. When we got to the taxi, a big surprise was waiting for me. He came to me and said: "Will you let me embrace you?" —And, of course, to hug me, I told her with great joy. He hugged me and then burst into tears. Through her tears she said to me: —Help me, help me, God has sent you, help me to change my life, I am tired of doing this job! I am very young, as you say, even though I feel a hundred years old. It helped me to make a new beginning, to start a family, to have children. You are right, I can start again from the beginning. God sent you. Please, go with me to your God, and, please, tell Him to give me what He has given to you. Let me also be as happy as you are. I promised her how I would help her. I hosted here at my house. one material month and dangerous for me. Because, as you know, these girls also have someone who "protects" them. My life was in danger sometimes. However, I was sure that God would not allow any harm to happen to me? on the contrary, He would help me to save this girl because He had sent me on her way. So from that night, her life changed. Today she is married, happy, and close to God, she has two children. That night he was considered blessed, he was considered divine! "of course, to hug me, I told her with great joy. He hugged me and then burst into tears. Through her tears she said to me: —Help me, help me, God has sent you, help me to change my life, I am tired of doing this job! I am very young, as you say, even though I feel a hundred years old. It helped me to make a new beginning, to start a family, to have children. You are right, I can start again from the beginning. God sent you. Please, go with me to your God, and, please, tell Him to give me what He has given to you. Let me also be as happy as you are. I promised her how I would help her. I hosted here at my house. one material month and dangerous for me. Because, as you know, these girls also have someone who "protects" them. My life was in danger sometimes. However, I was sure that God would not allow any harm to happen to me? on the contrary, He would help me to save this girl because He had sent me on her way. So from that night, her life changed. Today she is married, happy, and close to God, she has two children. That night he was considered blessed, he was considered divine! "of course, to hug me, I told her with great joy. He hugged me and then burst into tears. Through her tears she said to me: —Help me, help me, God has sent you, help me to change my life, I am tired of doing this job! I am very young, as you say, even though I feel a hundred years old. It helped me to make a new beginning, to start a family, to have children. You are right, I can start again from the beginning. God sent you. Please, go with me to your God, and, please, tell Him to give me what He has given to you. Let me also be as happy as you are. I promised her how I would help her. I hosted here at my house. one material month and dangerous for me. Because, as you know, these girls also have someone who "protects" them. My life was in danger sometimes. However, I was sure that God would not allow any harm to happen to me? on the contrary, He would help me to save this girl because He had sent me on her way. So from that night, her life changed. Today she is married, happy, and close to God, she has two children. That night he was considered blessed, he was considered divine! "

Κυριακή 28 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Однажды пришел мальчик, у которого был демон.

Несколько дней назад пришел парень, у которого есть демон. Он пришел на исповедь. Он был тихим... Он слушал демона внутри себя. Но когда мы читали молитвы с некоторыми отцами здесь, он разгорелся. Демон-"разоблачитель" открывает то, что вы сделали 50 лет назад и не исповедовались в этом. Когда мы говорили... это [повествование] - скобка. Я насмехался над сатаной. "Дитя мое, не бойся сатаны. Он - муравей", - сказал я. "Не давай ему прав". "Отцы [Церкви] говорят, что он - муравьиный лев". Если мы даем ему права, он становится львом внутри нас. Но если мы каемся, он становится муравьем. Именем Христа мы наступаем на него и стираем его. И тут же демон, который был у него внутри, взбунтовался. Что сказал ему демон? [Демон сказал:] "Скажи Неофиту, что я буду ждать его у платных домов, сразу после его смерти". Вы слушаете? [Демон]: "Я буду ждать его там". "Посмотрим, стану ли я тогда муравьем". [Морфу]: Ты знаешь, что многие богословы и священнослужители даже сомневаются в существовании платных домов. Парень сказал мне: "Он [демон] рассердился, потому что ты назвал его "муравьем"" "И он сказал мне, что будет ждать тебя у платных домов" "чтобы показать тебе, насколько он муравей". Я сказал: "Скажи ему, что я его не боюсь". "Моя мама найдет меня в платных домах", "Моя бабушка, Мирофора, тоже придет", "и святой Эвмениос [Саридакис] и святой Яковос [Цаликис]". Как только он услышал имя "Яковос", он воскликнул: "Маринованная селедка обожгла нас". Когда у нас есть опыт таких святых отцов и святых матерей, могу ли я сгладить круг [то есть пойти на компромисс в отношении своей веры]? В 60 лет кто я? Человек, которому грозит смерть. Однако с того момента, как Христос, "[воплотившийся] от Святого Духа и Девы Марии" [из Символа веры] - я славлю великое имя Божьей Матери - [Христос] стал совершенным Богом и совершенным человеком, я имею вечную жизнь.

Τρίτη 23 Ιανουαρίου 2024


What is happening now in Greece and around the world, is not a simple usurpation of the

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...