Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Παρασκευή 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2023


it's impossible to convince people

  • to believe when they don't want to

They don't want people to believe what you want them to believe.

Tell him to convince me, even convince me, he says.

Whatever you tell

I don't want to believe he says

and you leave the man and you say

# You go your way #

He who wants

s to believe believes.

at the slightest thing and ev

everything that

that moves beside him.

he sees a miracle

What he sees beside him is a mira



and it pleas

es God because the

everything move

s under the gaze of our god

they remain in

mind because they want



they are


ignorance because they like it



ore they don't want to know


they are stubborn to be in ignorance

and t

hey do not know because they are not interested


they don't

want to know

how many and how m

any of my brothers

the speakers an

d you call them, my child.

there is preach


Come and listen and be saved.

I don't care, he said

ys I know everything.


everything is the all-knowing ones


know about the holy scriptures. They know



love your little children, my


to hear a few words to save yours


He says.

You're in ignorance. I

insist, he says to ignore.

Her ignore

none of us is cle

early not.


and cannot be blamed.

as an excuse.


for any sin.

however ignorant you may


and s

in, think not that you

u will

that you are excused b

because you are ignorant.

ignorance k

ills a man.

into which

they were drawn because of


and lost eternal life.


when they crucified the Lord, t

hey did not know that

that the one they were cr

unifying was Christ.


e word is used in the sense in which

in th

e sense in which it is

then understood by many people.

that is, not only will t

he earth be destroyed but

but also the heavens

as they already appear to us.

will be

changed and transformed.

all things will be changed and alte

red when the end of this

of this world everything

will change.

and the present heavens and earth thro

ugh the

by this commanding word o

f God,

saved and preserved by the fire.

and preserved for the day

of judgment.

which shall be the day o

f the destruction of the

the wicked men shall


will be destroyed when the se

cond day of the

the second co

ming of Christ.

and they will

they will

burn everything

they will burn everything with fi


heaven and earth and

the universes that we see

will be destroyed


the day the existing ones


the flood



Those who lived then an

d those who live today do not.


ve it

...in contrast to the eternity of God...


he impatience of

man which

...he indicates

s with the expectation

of the second...


there are those that exist


d we see


ient man

he says there is no second co

ming as there is no

there is no


the meaning of the phrase

the presence is near


t can co

me tomorrow.

but tomorrow,

through Go

d may come.


t is a thousand years, my brothers and sisters. A thousand year

s as one day.

What does this mean? This had to be

come one.

a request to

an ascetic.

I have told you before,

those of you who know it.

You will hear it again.

In the monastery he was ill


The man

He read

his law psalms and a

already it is that

it is c

called a psalm

A thousand years as one day

a thousand

d years as one day


What does this mean?

And he was trying to

find t

he answers all by himself.

to interpret what th

e holy scripture says


But he could not and was

called upon


one da

y when his church was

s struck

and they arrived at the monastery

and finished

d the divine service.

as he was alone there

he sees inside the church is a

a beau

tiful eagl


who was going back into the chur


and the eagle was coming towar

ds him and

he raised his hand to

touch him but

the year

he was leaving towards the ex

it of the church.


and he would follow to catch him.


eagle would walk out of the monastery a


and left behind the monastery


a huge forest.

He was following this eagle and he want

ed to be

so beautiful.

so much so t

the hat he wanted to catch it and he didn't

he cou


and he kept dragging him along


so when he go

t close in the middle of it

the eagle climbed up

on a

a tree


d started to sing.

Who? The eagle.

It was such a beau

tiful chirp


that he stayed and watc

hed him.

Finally, in a moment, it was over


When he finished he opened

ned hi

s eyes to me.

and he

sees that he was in the middle of the forest he says

but I

I was in the monastery no

w how am I here?

And he turns from

there and goes and

he gets to the monastery

to go inside.

and there he finds a guard and says to him.

Who are

you? Where are you going?

He tells him I'm

from his brotherhood.

of the monastery


Your name.

I don't know you.

He says I

left here a while ago. He says he's going.

to the abbot.

and searches the boo

ks of the monastery.

and he sees that a

thousand years ago there

was this.

this mon

mastery and this name.

and then he

closed his eyes and

solved it.


e mystery of a thousand years as an hour

as one day

Yes, my brothers, these things are before o

ur, God.

which only

embrace thos

e who believe in God.

those who do not believe

eve do not even admit it...


Τετάρτη 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Biblical weather phenomena will come

"My heart aches so much from what my eyes see coming. Our beloved God the Father is very sad because his children all over the world have not understood that all that is happening around us is because we have allowed satan to dominate our lives. And now he is preparing to lead us into the greatest triple disaster that mankind has ever seen. We have lost our love for God, we have lost our trust. And we have trusted men who are psychopaths, men who in the near future will be proven to be murderers of peoples. And it wasn't just ordinary citizens, politicians, who trusted them. They were trusted, unfortunately, by us ecclesiastics as well. And we made these psychopathic murderers true scientists and proper spokesmen for the truth. And we put aside the very God who created us. I wish my eyes would stop seeing what's coming. I don't know how long I can take this either. Better not to know what's coming, what's going to happen. I feel how much it hurts God the Father, knowing what is going to happen," he noted.

"Right now I see the 2 main goals that Satan has set for himself being steadily pushed forward. 'When they are implemented, then his era begins. The age of the Antichrist. One goal is about the church and its subjugation and the second is about man himself, each of us and his transformation. As far as the church is concerned, know that in secret satanic rituals, satan has instructed all his own leaders that until his own son the Antichrist appears, all Christian churches must either be destroyed or subjugated to him. He is not concerned that they formally belong to Christ. He is concerned with something that happens in the churches and that is the Holy Communion of Christians. For the Blessed Sacrament weakens and destroys his own evil powers. Even the drugs that he deceitfully and unknowingly puts in our mouths in order to make us his own, are unable to fully respond to his commands. In a recent exorcism, Satan called the Blessed Sacrament "Jesus' Maya". Now I understand why he is so anxious, not to close the churches, but to forbid people to enter the church to convert. Because Communion is the power. It is the light that dispels the darkness, that is what burns him," he said.

"We have reached the point where priests are being persecuted because they don't want to get the vaccine. All of them will one day face the anger of indignant people and I don't know where they will hide to save themselves. Some of them will be killed, some of them will be persecuted, some of them will be disgraced. Let them bear this in mind. Right now, world leaders, hidden satanists in ceremonies have taken a blood oath. To carry out swift and decisive plans to destroy the world Christian church. That is why they fear Christians that they will make Christians sick with Holy Communion," he said.

"They won't stop with the vaccines until they get all seven, though they won't get them all. It has now been given by God to nature to make its own confession. We would be blind if we said we don't see that strange weather events are happening all over the world. It's the early signs of what's about to happen geophysically. The triple catastrophe is a combination of disease, the effects of vaccines, but also something new that will come from a mutated internet, a two-way relationship with humans; the internet will now control our lives through what has passed into our bodies. Humans will find themselves in a great global prison without precedent. Underground volcanoes will erupt to the point where the structure of the earth will change. Satanists have plans for world wars. Russia will be the first of the last three kingdoms of this world. And it has the power and authority from God to become the Antichrist of the Antichrist. The war that has already begun in Syria has now moved to the other end of the arc which is Northern Europe. The Ukrainians themselves will welcome the coming of Russia, the apparent attack of Russia. If Russia strikes Ukraine, it's like striking itself, so it won't happen the way they think it will. There will be a war over Ukraine with NATO planes, but they will be defeated. All the small states that will enter this war against Russia should remember that it is foolish for a puppy to fight a bear. If they do not maintain neutrality, they will be destroyed. If we too make the disastrous mistake, we will get involved in a war which, with lightning speed and with new weapons you have never seen before, Russia is destined by God to destroy America and Europe which have declared allegiance to Satan," he said.

"The next day will be very hard. A next day when we will have no food. A next day when diseases will have no medicine," he said.

Σάββατο 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

The book of Enoch


The book of Enoch

The book of Enoch existed centuries before the birth of Christ and is still considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than the Jewish one. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The older literature of the so-called "Fathers of the Church" is full of references to this mysterious book. The first "Letter of Barnabas" of the 2nd century makes much use of Enoch's book. The Fathers of the Church of the Second and Third Centuries, such as Justinian the Martyr, the Ireneus, the Originator and the Clement of Alexandria, make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 AD) still called the Book of Enoch "the Bible". The Ethiopian Church added Enoch's book to its official canon. He was well known and read the first three centuries after Christ. This and many other books became unreliable after the Council of Justice.
This explains the origins of demons, UFOs, fallen angels and other mysteries, which is why it has been banned from previous generations. Having said that, this book was not intended for previous generations, but for our generation today.


Some argue that the Sons of God could not be angels because:

A major theme of the Old Testament is the negative outcome of believers intermarrying with unbelievers.
Angels are spiritual beings, and therefore not reproductively compatible with human women.
Advocates of the Angel-hybrid position hold that:

Angels are recorded on two occasions in Scripture as eating food, therefore they have some ability to interact with the material world.
Angels can at times be indistinguishable from human beings, and "some have entertained angels unawares," (Hebrews 13:2)
The sexual immorality of Sodom and Gommorah is described as "likewise" in comparison to the actions of the angels that "left their proper dwelling" and that Jesus has chained in darkness until Judgment(Jude 6 & 7).
We really don't know what angels can and cannot do, as we lack the ability to capture and study them, and Scripture says little about them.
The question should be decided by the context and evidence rather than a preconceived idea about the nature of angels.
The Augustinian position fails to explain the production of gigantic offspring from the union of believers and unbelievers.
The unanimous position of Jewish and heathen authors prior to Philo of Alexandria is that the angels came down and sired children with women.

Τετάρτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Ο Θεός θα μας κρίνει από την πίστη και τις πράξεις μας.


Ένα άτομο που έχει παραισθήσεις πιστεύει ότι είναι μια πραγματική εμπειρία. Μια δαιμονική ψευδαίσθηση που χρησιμοποιεί πληροφορίες από τη ζωή κάποιου άλλου φαίνεται πραγματικά. Η μετενσάρκωση είναι μια λογική εξήγηση για αυτές τις εμπειρίες, ψευδής, αλλά παρόλα αυτά λογική.

"Περίμενε ένα λεπτό! Είπες ότι αυτές οι τελευταίες εμπειρίες ζωής δεν μπορούν να εξηγηθούν ως αυταπάτες!"

Υπάρχουν διάφοροι τύποι παραισθήσεων. Το ένα προκαλείται από τη χημεία του σώματος, την ασθένεια κ.λπ. Το άλλο είναι από μια αλλαγμένη κατάσταση συνείδησης, η οποία προήλθε από πράγματα όπως:

- Ανατολική θρησκεία τύποι διαλογισμού
Διάφορα φάρμακα
Μερικοί τύποι ηλεκτρικής διέγερσης που εφαρμόζονται στο εγκεφάλου
"Πηγαίνοντας σε έκσταση" για να λειτουργήσει ως μέσο πνεύμα
"Medium" (ένας όρος που χρησιμοποιείται από ερευνητές UFO. Η δραστηριότητα που εμπλέκεται είναι η ίδια μέση πρακτική.)
"Remote view" (ένας όρος που χρησιμοποιείται από τον στρατό των ΗΠΑ για να περιγράψει την ίδια δραστηριότητα ως μέσο διοχέτευσης ή πρακτικής.)
Επικοινωνία με " πνευματικοί οδηγοί»
Τυπικές δραστηριότητες σε ένα μέσο μιας συνεδρίας
Τεχνικές «Οπτικοποίησης»
Κάθε είδος αποκρυφιστικής δραστηριότητας καλεί τα πνεύματα να έρθουν σε επαφή, όπως πίνακες Ouija, Ταρώ, αστρολογία, διαβουλεύσεις με έναν «ψυχικό».

"Γιατί να ενοχλείτε τον Σατανά με ένα μεγάλο ψέμα για τη μετενσάρκωση; Τι νόημα έχει;"

Η ανθρωπότητα έχει μια έμφυτη επιθυμία να επικοινωνήσει με τον Θεό. Είναι στη φύση μας γιατί ο Θεός το τοποθέτησε εκεί. Ο Σατανάς θα χρησιμοποιήσει κάθε μέσο που έχει στη διάθεσή του για να οδηγήσει τους ανθρώπους μακριά από τον Θεό. Δεν πρέπει να κάνουμε τους ανθρώπους να πιστεύουν ότι δεν υπάρχει θεός, είναι απλώς για να τους κάνουμε να μην πιστεύουν στον Θεό των Χριστιανών. Ένας απλός τρόπος για να γίνει αυτό είναι με ψευδείς θρησκευτικές εμπειρίες, όπως η «μετενσάρκωση της προηγούμενης ζωής».

Ο Θεός θα μας κρίνει από την πίστη και τις πράξεις μας. Εάν δεν πιστέψουμε στον Ιησού και δεν λάβουμε το δώρο της δικαίωσής Του με πίστη, θα είμαστε καταδικασμένοι. Δεν μπορούμε να επεξεργαστούμε τη σωτηρία μας με καλές πράξεις, για να μην καυχηθεί κανείς. Αλλά αυτό ακριβώς διδάσκει η μετενσάρκωση - αν αυτή τη φορά είναι μια βίδα, απλά πρέπει να το κάνουμε ξανά και ξανά μέχρι να το κάνετε σωστά. Το καταστροφικό ψέμα εδώ είναι ότι ο άνθρωπος πεθαίνει και ανακαλύπτει πολύ αργά ότι δεν έχει άλλη ευκαιρία.

Learn the Truth about the coming...


Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...