Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
i and i are effects but not they ask god and god answers them or they ask the angel and the angel tells them souls see relatives here on ear...
Πώς η μεθοδευμένη διαφημιστική εκστρατεία μπορεί να μετατρέψει ένα ισχυρότατο δηλητήριο, το φθόριο, σε στοιχείο που όλοι θέλουν να έχου...
the soul after death by father seraphim rose preface the aim of the present book is to fold first to give an explanation in terms of the ort...
Εφ 'όσον ζούμε σε έναν πεσμένο κόσμο, ο πνευματικός της παραχάραξης θα υπάρχει. Θα υπάρχει πάντα κάποιος που, για προσωπικό όφελος, θα χ...
Η απάντηση στον καρκίνο έχει γίνει γνωστό εδώ και πολλά χρόνια! Η βιταμίνη Β17 ήταν το αντικείμενο μεγάλης διαμάχης πάνω από 20 χρό...
One day an elderly Turkish woman was found on the island of Lesvos and specifically in Mantamado. At first glance, one would say that she w...
what will happen what will happen what will happen there will be such events that all that you see the rotten butler like Elijah will be tor...
who then and on other issues showed his mind that he has him in his heart and he and many other saints like the great abbot of Saint Paul th...
Πέμπτη 30 Ιουνίου 2022
παγκόσμιο πανικό
Τα έθνη εκείνα που επέδειξαν ζήλο εναντίον του Θεού και νομοθέτησαν σατανικούς νόμους που προσβάλουν την ηθική και την αξία της ζωής θα είναι από τα πρώτα που θα δοκιμάσουν το μαστίγιο της φύσης.
Όλοι θα μιλούν για παράνοια της φύσης. Σε πολλά μέρη οι καιροί θα αλλάξουν. Το καλοκαίρι και ο χειμώνας θα αντιστραφούν. Οι επιδημίες τότε θα γίνουν ανεξέλεγκτες. Άλλες θα είναι σύγχρονες και κάποιες άλλες παλιές, ανανεωμένες και μεταλλαγμένες. Άλλες θα είναι φυσικές και άλλες θα είναι προερχόμενες από ανθρώπους. Όλες αυτές μαζί με την ασιτία και τον υποσιτισμό, που θα είναι και το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα που θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσουν σύντομα όλα τα έθνη, θα σκορπίσουν παγκόσμιο πανικό.
Παρασκευή 24 Ιουνίου 2022
Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2022
They will be beaten so sharply
when we asked father Paisios, how are we free ourselves? Listen, my child, after the tread from the Turks in the Aegean sea, THEY WILL HIT THEM SO HARD, the Russians from all directions, and they will be obligated to withdraw their army from Cyprus, to take them to fight to the traits of bosporus and you will wake up one-day listening that the Turkish army is leaving from Cyprus to go and fight in turkey, and then is where you will have to deal with this situation, north Cyprus with no army but will be full of Turkish Cypriots, but full of settlers,alevites,sounist,Kurds, Shiites there we will show who we really are, and we the ecclesial must have a big responsibility towards both=christians and Muslims, finishing here I would like to say will be preceded by a period of prosperity before the freedom of Cyprus, but after a big economic crisis like we are living it now, if people don't realise it and go back to God big crisis is coming, listen to this detail, hotels will close houses will stay unfinished, God can olso close heaven meaning without water all this are his property,and something cute here to you will be looking will donkeys,because we will run out of gas? we will not have war but we will have the goods the malls will run out of stuff in three days how the world would feed the cities, so one thing we need to take seriously is agriculture to have our own, so we can feed ourselves
Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2022
Metropolitan Morphou-reveals
The aggressive intimidation of Turkey in Greece and Cyprus will last for three days, reveals Metropolitan Morphou Neophytos, in an interview with Phileleftheros last April.
In Greece
there will be an invasion of two islands, one big and one small, while in
Cyprus the Turkish aggression will manifest itself simultaneously with hot sea
intimidation, says the Metropolitan of occupied Morphou.
based on the revelations - prophecies of old, newer, but also today Saints,
some of whom now live in Cyprus, mentions in his interview with Phileleftheros
and Antigoni Solomonidou Drousiotou, among others:
"Turkey wants to not let us even smell the hydrocarbons, and it even wants
us to share the smell. Does not it impress you that, after the signatures with
the energy giants, the Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a threatening statement
against the agreements and not a day goes by that it does not threaten a hot episode?
BULLYING FOR CYPRUS: "There will be intimidation, but not a conflict, not
a Barbaric type, but something more upgraded, but not an invasion.
"Perhaps some of our politicians feel this and in order to prevent the
worst, they rush to resolve the Cyprus issue under the illusion that they will
stop the expansion of the neo-Ottomans in Turkey."
COMPANIES WILL SELL US TO THE EEZ: "Turkey will secure the companies, they
will not lose their rights. He will just want to share this wealth and
political power he produces with us. We are constantly caught on the foreign
backs of Europe and Israel, whose interests are also secured by a Turkish
presence. We do not understand that these countries often played games with us
and the Turks, without diminishing their interests, and in the end sold us out.
That is,
we should not rest on our laurels in terms of our security, thinking that the
energy giants are very interested in them and with whom they will continue.
giants think only financially, and have no hesitation in entering into new
agreements with any country, as long as their work is done! Therefore, we must
follow the developments closely and not take spasmodic and hasty actions,
giving the wrong messages to the people.
But our
primary task must be how to safeguard our country in the midst of this storm of
geostrategic developments and the now open war that has begun to emerge between
Russia and America.
BULLYING FOR GREECE: "The Turks will make such an aggressive opening that
we do not count on. It will be intimidation, the highest form of arrogance. The
result will be to create a very serious episode somewhere in Greece between
Cyprus and mainly Greece. An episode, which will last three days. ( s.s. what
he says maybe photographs Crete, something we do not count…)
episode will jeopardize Russia's interests and hurt Turkey. They will agree
with the West and NATO to make them understand because Turkey has suffered
a lot. Europe-Turkey, America-Turkey-Russia relations are already on a
tightrope. Do you realize, then, in this scene how much role the people of
prayer play?
THE SECOND PHASE: "Now we are living in the second phase, in which Israel
will be the protagonist. And we must watch Israel, not Turkey. And the events
that will determine the establishment and recognition of the Kurdish state will
follow, the ones that will give us freedom. Israel and Trump fear Persia, its
nuclear program. The Persians have equipped Hezbollah, which is based in
southern Lebanon and has hundreds of missiles aimed at Israel, which is
developing a corresponding number of missiles and is ready to move three
million people from its northern part. That is, the events are running at
breakneck speed!
Turkey soon. He kidnapped her from Syria in 1940. Kurds and Arabs live there,
not Turks, as we think. That is why we must have a very good knowledge of our
geography ".
CYPRUS WILL BE RESOLVED: "The Cyprus issue will not be resolved as a
result of talks, but the solution will come when the Russians, the Americans, and the Jews recognize the Kurdish state."
- EXTRAORDINARY NATURAL PHENOMENA: "Whatever benefits people to gain
eternal life, God will allow it, whether it is cancer, an unexpected
accident, or an earthquake.
from the war events, we will experience extraordinary geophysical phenomena.
And everything will contribute to the rediscovery of the perspective of eternal
life. And these will be done, as we have said, because of the great corruption,
the distance of man from God and His will, which have the inevitable result,
not only abortions, increased magic, blasphemy, and sarcasm, but also their
legitimation. ».
VIRGINS AND SAINTS: "And I repeat, this war will not be waged by God, nor
by his Saints: On the contrary, Our Lady and the saints are on their knees
and weep before God, in order to reduce impending suffering, so that we may be
led in true repentance. " More explanations and clarifications about the
above were given in his TV interview with RIK.
Πέμπτη 16 Ιουνίου 2022
Turkish elderly woman
One day an elderly Turkish woman was found on the island of Lesvos and specifically in Mantamado.
Τετάρτη 15 Ιουνίου 2022
Πέμπτη 9 Ιουνίου 2022
unable to distinguish what is from God and what is imitation
Barlaam, without repentance, saw visions of the wicked, so people
much more now, in the era of spiritually globalizing globalization is
exposed to confusion by the promotion of every heresy and fallacy alongside
Orthodoxy, unable to distinguish what is from God and what is imitation
made by the wicked. Some even think they can use it
eastern exercises (such as yoga, concentration, etc.) at the same time as the Orthodox
Exercise (Fasting, Jesus' wish, vigil, etc.). It is necessary, however, to stay in
Orthodox teaching that gives priority to the purification of the human heart.
When, respectively, the Church, which is like a heart that keeps all of it alive
humanity, cleansed from the mistakes surrounding it, once the "strong
angel "create the right conditions for the great Synax, then all
He will be ready to accept the word of God, just like the pure heart of one
person makes it ready to receive true revelation of God.
10.70. As Varlaam, the impressions of the wicked thought of them as goddesses, the same
those who lack the Orthodox experience and education of theology are suffering today.
He says, for example, the Elder Sophronios (+1994), that "the saints, when they reach
state of theosis, see the energy of God as Light, transform and
they see the glory of God. " But it is easy to fool, and the first ones who are not
Christians: "The light of God is uniform, while the devil is dissimilar. Those who
passed by Buddhism should repent altogether, otherwise
this eastern experience will leave something in their soul "(A13,14). And it explains:
"Buddhism has some truths, but it has a human truth that reaches up to
the "zero", that is, with the concentration - meditation leads man to it
"not" from which we were created. It's an existential suicide. THE
Christ leads us to theosis, communion with the Triune God. " 27
It is good to know where the truth is, because it is unique
it is easy to learn, while the envelopes that surround it are abundant. Big
crowds of people are running to gain spiritual experiences where there is only one
pernicious imitation of true experiences, caused by the spirits of wickedness
appear as angels of light or imitators of divine glory. Elder Sophronius had
many true experiences of divine light, but also other modern elders such as
Elder Porphyry who also left us some memorable spiritual experiences
: "Many times with the grace of God I have entered into another situation. Changed or
my voice, my face came into an atmosphere of divine Light "
Δευτέρα 6 Ιουνίου 2022
Κυριακή 5 Ιουνίου 2022
Many have not even realized the potential of the New World Order to be introduced in our mind and know exactly what we think, something systematic experiments for decades.
Besides, it is obvious that it is no longer sufficient administrative supervision, and employs the direct control of thought and opinion, as we know, "thoughts become acts" and the World aspiring Junta wants to be sure that you will never fall. Besides, most of them are Eosforistes,
Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2022
The extraterrestrials of our time match the demons and the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible as to their behavior.
Aliens change their stories to deceive people into believing their lies. An example of this is that before humans came out or sent the satellites there, aliens could claim to be the planets, like Jupiter in our solar system. As time passed and man learned more about our planet, we realized that no one could live on a planet like Jupiter, so aliens changed their story. They now claim to come from other solar systems and star clusters, such as Andromeda and the Pleiades.
Although the aliens said to go, they seem to have to survive, just as fallen angels need human beings to plunder.
The foreign abductions stopped by invoking the name of Jesus.
Foreigners bring ideas to the earth to help people join the world in a new era of consciousness. This combination opens the way for their leader (who is the Antichrist), makes mankind forget his religion and beliefs in their own countries.
Aliens often call themselves "newcomers" and occultists, unlike Christians. This is not always the case, as people from all walks of life have come into contact with "foreigners". However, I think these "space brothers" are not very interested. In communication with Christians This is because Christians will be able to see disguise and strangers learn about what they are: Demons
Aliens do not contradict the loved ones by the people can also deny their creator (God). Instead of claiming that the creators. This serves to pull man away from God.
Aliens give human technology, but these "achievements" are usually devastating. There are secret plans of many governments in their budget, which usually concern the creation of new weapons systems. Much of the technology for such weapons is said to come from aliens. Why do strangers never give us the technology that saves lives?
Aliens often emit terrible odors such as sulfur. Christians believe not only in the immortality of the soul and the resurrection
of the body. According to God's proposal in our first creation, the human soul and the
The human body is intertwined and no one can be right without the other. Sa
As a consequence of the fall, the death of the body, these two separate, but this separation is
permanent and permanent. At the Second Coming of Christ we will be resurrected from the dead with the soul
us and our body. And so, having the soul with the body again, we will come forward
to our Lord for the final judgment.
Μόρφου Νεόφυτος
because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...

Εφ 'όσον ζούμε σε έναν πεσμένο κόσμο, ο πνευματικός της παραχάραξης θα υπάρχει. Θα υπάρχει πάντα κάποιος που, για προσωπικό όφελος, θα χ...
Η απάντηση στον καρκίνο έχει γίνει γνωστό εδώ και πολλά χρόνια! Η βιταμίνη Β17 ήταν το αντικείμενο μεγάλης διαμάχης πάνω από 20 χρό...
Πώς η μεθοδευμένη διαφημιστική εκστρατεία μπορεί να μετατρέψει ένα ισχυρότατο δηλητήριο, το φθόριο, σε στοιχείο που όλοι θέλουν να έχου...