Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τρίτη 31 Αυγούστου 2021

THERE WILL BE A SPIRITUAL PEACE FOR MANY YEARS=Christ will intervene, and orthodoxy will prevail

This is a text, Known from the books published, from the elder Paisios, Holy Paisios, of Mount Athos, reasons B- spiritual awakening, issue of a sacred sanctuary, Agios Ioannis strait Thessaloniki,
on 188 pages,-Hear, ask a nun to the then living father Paisios, an elder in these difficult years will Christ intervene? the same question that John asked
the same question was asked before 1994
before his death. that is before thirty years. And then they saw that the years were difficult. can you imagine them to live at our times, the old man tells him I repeat=in these difficult years Christ will intervene?
and listening to the Paisius the vision was having. Prophet-he had a prophetic gift=he also had a gift for interpretation=this is difficult-yes here you see a wronged one who is in a good mood
because he is entitled to divine help occur many times the Saints the Virgin Mary the Christ to save him, how much more today, that the poor world is in such a difficult situation, now a storm is listening; now a storm is...a small possession of the Antichrist Satan. A big slap from christ comes after
all nations will be shaken, and there will be peace in the world for many years. this time Christ will give an opportunity to save his creature. will christ leave us alone?to the impasse of men, to save them from the hands of the Antichrist=THEY WILL RETURN TO CHRIST AND THERE WILL BE A SPIRITUAL PEACE FOR MANY YEARS. Listen to what we are waiting for,
this is for our generation, before thirty years
I repeat, there will be a breeze of peace throughout the universe, for many years, will precede though=jolt of all nations-will shock all nations. And you see that now the problems are not local-does not impress you are not local=global problems. pay attention to this
some combine this with the second coming of Christ.
I can not say..look how discreet the saint was-
my calculus tells me that it will not be the second coming of Christ that will come like judge=an intervention of Christ because there are so many events that have not yet taken place=means the facts of the apocalypse, so now we can not talk about Antichrist and second presence=that some filled the internet with false prophecies=wrong interpretation is what they write. Christ will intervene and give a slap to this whole system=I will crush all evil and turn it into good. and some last details=everyone will want to know about Christ. That is why my dear lady, there is the internet=to preach the gospel to all the universe, now is the beginning we still have work to do..and then Christ will come as a judge to judge the world. another crisis and another intervention of Christ to help the world, now we will have surgery

in many ways, Christ can intervene, do your patience now, be patient now do not rush to seal with vaccines=who have so much insecurity


Pentecostal religion is wicked. And people are brainwashed-Satan nowadays is aiming at virgin Mary and the Saints

 We honor the saints, We do not worship, as he says, from your reactions we can understand, that you are only for laugh. They are everywhere, This confusion, all over Cyprus, and overseas. They believe, that they are chosen by God? which of God ?. To deceive- humanity, you are not going to heaven, just because admit, you believe in Jesus? The devils believe too. The impression that you automatically saved and you going to paradise? , just saying that they believe in Jesus, you are all far from the goal you, to inherit Paradise?. Humble yourself, interrupt the screening, and confess your sins, Is the only way "we honor the saints and not worship. From their reactions, we can understand that you are only to Laugh. Heretics try to convince us that we are heretics, I don't blame you, they just do what your boss tells you to do, =The devil makes the Bible the book of all heretics. All heretics are in this report. Because it is difficult for any Christian to immediately realize the errors and misconceptions of heretics, they must be avoided at all costs. - Orthodox in our hymns speak of sin and ask for God's mercy, while Western and Western religiosity willing to "songs" that are soaked in self-justification. = Divisive man after a second order and resign "(Rev. Paul Titus. C10). , put in this shit-pride and lack of your distinctions, bring you to this shit

Pentecostal religion is wicked. And people are brainwashed/. we are not going to heaven, just acknowledging that we believe in Jesus. These are the Pentecostal illusions. The devils also believe and admit the same

Satan’s favorite methods One of Satan’s favorite methods of attack is through religion. Satan loves religion and infuses his religion with, devil-inspired, man-made rules. Pentecostal religion When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Pentecostal religion. the discrimination we need to be holy-humble, and test every spirit, wherever, not to be deceived-the devil never praise the holy trinity. CHRIST WARNS FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS ALL THOSE FALSE PROPHETS PREPARE THE CHRISTIANS FOR THE FALSE CHRIST. Satan nowadays is aiming at virgin Mary and the Saints, His purpose is to distract you from the truth There are false prophets prophesied by the Lord and apostles who would secretly bring in destructive heresies and doctrines of demons and to avoid them. Heresies help us know who is approved, but the words spoken by them are inspired by seducing spirits and they should be avoided whenever possible.Όπου δεν υπάρχει αληθινή ταπείνωση, εκεί δεν υπάρχουν γνήσιες πνευματικές εμπειρίες. Όπου υπάρχει υπεροψία, εκεί βασιλεύει το πνεύμα της πλάνης, όχι το πνεύμα της αληθείας (Ιακ. δ' 6. Α' Πέτρ. ε' 5). Το πνεύμα της πλάνης είναι υπερήφανο. Η ταπεινή ψυχή παρακαλεί τον Θεό να της δώσει κατάνυξη και συναίσθηση της αμαρτωλότητός της, ακόμη και εάν ο Κύριος την ανεβάζει καθημερινά και της δείχνει ποικιλοτρόπως την αγάπη Του.Η Ορθοδοξία είναι αυτή που φυλάσσει ανόθευτο το ευαγγέλιο του Θεού και αυτήν πρέπει να ασπαστείτε και να ακολουθήσετε.The blind driver leads the blind followers. Brethren, False teachers can only lead you wherever they go. If they are heading for the lake of fire, That is where they are leading you. Read the word of God, seek Jesus and let him lead you with His Spirit

Satan nowadays is aiming at virgin Mary and the Saints, His purpose is to distract you from the truth

Πέμπτη 26 Αυγούστου 2021

Aerial toll houses =The Reality of after death

Does the Bible says that we are saved only by faith; Does the Bible say that the Bible is the complete revelation of God? No, it says. Does the Bible say that we are saved only by faith? No, it says. But what Scripture says is 1 Timothy 3:15, "but if I tarry long, that know how men should behave in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." in John 14:26 "But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you." (Our Jesus said that full disclosure will reveal the Holy Spirit) is James 2:26 "26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith without works is dead." Bible is clear, we must follow the church of Jesus. The Catholic church does not belong to the Pope or the bishops or priests, the Catholic church belongs to Jesus and everybody is welcome to participate in this is why Jesus found him saved us The Heavenly Kingdom and Hell will come to be, after His Second Coming, a time when man will acquire bodily sensations; for man, once again body and soul will become. They will be able to feel the gifts of paradise and sadness of hell, of course. The only way a Christian, to pass the demons after he is dead, is to confess his sins to the priest, that is the only way. There is no reincarnation, that's the devil's tricks, to distract you from TRUTH. Now there is no hell or paradise, there is an intermediate phase for the souls waiting for Jesus' second coming. This issue here is not a near-death experience, but when someone is really NEKROS. Father Seraphim Rose LEAVES The existence of light or what people see close to the experience of death should not be seen as a fact of life after. The devil wants to see you distract, nothing is certain, we have cases of people who were in hell and after intense prayer from holy people, people managed to escape from hell once again to say, final settlement The second coming of Jesus On the third, after death, the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits that obstruct its path and accuse it of various sins, to which they themselves had tempted it. According to various revelations, there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called toll-houses, at each of which one or another form of sin is tested.-PLEASE PANAGIA, at the time of my death rescue from the hands of the demons, and the decision, And the class, and the terrible test, and the bitter toll houses and the wild prince, and the eternal condemnation, amen, please help-When my soul will be to be released from the bond with the flesh, it intercedes for me, Supreme Virgin Mary Mother of God Many sins can be eliminated by good deeds - if you forget to confess. Satan is using key positions for deception, priests, politicians and all sorts of deceived personalities to do the same for you

Σάββατο 21 Αυγούστου 2021

War between Greece and Turkey and the outcome

The war between Greece and Turkey and the

outcome This is how ww3 will start Elder Paisios According to the prophecy of the Holy Elder Paisios from Greece, Turkey, in the near term, will be defeated in the war with Russia, and will disappear from the face of the earth as a state. Turkey has not been blessed by God, she did not repent for their atrocities and genocide of the Armenian people. The city of Constantinople would go to Greece. The the third part of the Turks accept the Orthodox faith and the other Turks leave their homeland forever. The Turks The Turks would leave, but it will come back again and reach as Examilia. Will ultimately prosecution in Red Milia. By the Turks in third will be killed, the other third will be baptized and only 1/3 would Varian in Red Milia ". The prophecy of St. indicates that one-third of Turks will be baptized. It is noteworthy that today already among Turks there are many cryptos. Many pilgrims, particularly Russians, arriving in Turkey narrate that during their stay there, they come to these people asking for pictures, rosaries, and looking for an opportunity to confess and Communion. Cyprus my country will be free from Turkish Forces, After the war. Note for the Politicians,=whatever Turks say FROM BEFORE, They do it. Let's wake up from deep sleep. As we did not expect a war in Cyprus in 1974, The same is happening again in Greece today. Unfortunately, there is no chance of understanding what is happening and what is going to happen again. History is repeating itself. There's going to be a war between Greece and Turkey. If Someone has no power- strength -ability= to defend himself, He seeks help from someone superior to you. It's simple. You give and take. Prophecies can not be Mistaken. Turkey will take 2,3 islands from Greece. St. Cosmas Etolia said this to you when you were under Turkish Occupation. The Turks will leave, but they will return and come to Examilia.=six miles in Aegean sea=Taking this time 2,3 islands. What do you do, to protect your land? Wake Up before it's too late for you. Kurds Armenians WILL HAVE THEIR OWN STATE,.TURKEY WILL PAY FOR THE CRIMES- The Armenians will have their own property, Turkey will pay for the crimes they have committed, Will invade in the Aegean and will be their last move. They will be destroyed, One other country will help the Russians, but they will have a disagreement in Constantinople, thus will be given to the Greeks. Elder Paisios= According to the prophecy of Saint from Greece, in the short term, Turkey will be defeated, in the war with Russia, and will disappear from the face of the earth as a state. Turkey was not blessed by God, it did not regret the barbarity and genocide of the Armenian people. The city of Constantinople will go to Greece. The third part of the Turks accepts the orthodox faith and the other Turks to give up their homeland forever. Instability exists, it is geopolitical. Turkey's military power is growing and international law is not being upheld. And the result of this is the war The world as we know it will go back 200 years, after the big war that is coming Turkey has no history but a criminal record

Δευτέρα 16 Αυγούστου 2021

What did the Saints say about the Glow of Orthodoxy, last years and the ...

In Revelation, John the Theologian sees a war of 200 million cavalry, in which a third of the people die.  Evil affects souls and bodies (like a motorized army).  (Rev. 9:16).
  After this war, the 2nd Presence of the Lord does not occur, because John manages to tell us that people did not repent, that is, life was extended to humanity, but few took advantage of this to be saved.  Father Athanasios Mytileneus also explains this.
  By the miraculous intervention of God, evil spirits (who led people to war) are obliged to pacify the earth and spread the pure gospel throughout the world, as stated in Revelation in chapter 10:
 10-1 And I saw another angel coming down from heaven, clothed in a cloud, and with a rainbow on his head, and his face like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire,
 10-2 and holds an open book in his hand.  And he put his right foot on the sea, and his left on the ground ...
  This powerful Angel helps the unstable (like the sea) unbelievers with more power, symbolically using his right leg and with less power (indicated by the left) those who are more stable in faith (who love the earth).
 10-5 And the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven 10-6 and swore to Him who lives in the ages to come, who built the heavens and all that exists.  his, and the land, and everything that is on it, and the sea, and everything that is in it, that time no longer exists.
 That is, there will be no further extension for repentance.  The Son is the most reliable person to swear to the Father, because, as we say in the Creed, through Him “everything was created” (by which everything was created), as well as space and time.  And since even the angels in Heaven do not know the day of the Second Coming, as the Lord said: "And neither man nor the angels of heaven knows about that day and hour, but only My Father."  Matt.  (24:36).
 10-11 And they say to me: Holy angels, who were with the mighty angel.  You must prophesy again to nations, nations, languages ​​and many kings.  Thus, John, the great theologian of the Church, takes responsibility for the dogmatically pure preaching of the word of God throughout the world in the post-war period of peace.  For, according to the word of the Lord to Peter, John remains on earth until the Second Coming.  he follows me. "(John 21:22) That is, if I want him (John) to stay until I come, what do you care? Follow me; The two prophets Elijah and Enoch are physically present on Earth,  because they did not die and they will obviously rule over the Antichrist.John, who also appears in the hagiography after his metastasis (which the Church celebrates on September 26), is spiritually present and thus will not be killed by the Antichrist like the two prophets.
  Since there is not much time left before Sintelea after the catastrophic war, John's sermon will be very short, as indicated by the "booklet", that is, a very small book that symbolically contains it and was presented to him by the "Mighty Angel".  ...
  Definitely, then the Gospel will be preached again, and virtually without distortions by ecumenical and other errors, and this is guaranteed by the Theologian John, who was called to his new mission with the words: "You must prophesy again" ...
  In our time, before the World War, Saint Paisios says:
 Now it will be a downpour, a little possession of Satan's antichrist.  Then he will eat the handcuff from Christ, all nations will be shaken, and peace will come into the world for years to come.  This time, Christ will give the opportunity to save His creation.

  Will Christ leave His creation?  He will appear at the dead end of people in order to save them from the hands of the (then) Antichrist.  They will return to Christ, and the spirit world will come to the universe for years to come.  Some associate this with the intervention of Christ the Second Coming.  I can not tell.  My reasoning tells me that it will not be the Second Coming of Christ when He comes as Judge, but the intervention of Christ, because there are so many events that have not yet happened.  Christ will intervene, close this whole system, crush all evil and, in the end, lead it to good.  The streets will be filled with shrines.  There will be photographs outside the buses.  Everyone will believe.  They will pull you to tell them about Christ!  Thus, the gospel will be preached throughout the universe, and then (when this period is over) Christ will come as Judge to judge the world.  Another crisis, another intervention of Christ to help His creation!  (REASON II "Spiritual awakening")

Τετάρτη 11 Αυγούστου 2021

After two years, from my speech, the homosexuals came for confession, SU...

I brought with me if you have noticed, There at the shrine, the image of Mary of Egypt, Do you know who gave me this picture as a gift? you will lose them when you hear, Do you remember before two years, that I said some speeches....I said about homosexuals and the universe fell on me to eat me, there are some homosexuals that are people of the prayer. who want to change who want to transform either due to severe heredity or due to bad habits prayer, and they want to change. they want to transform like Mary of Egypt, but they can not, because of passion, some of these homosexuals got into youtube and saw the speeches, all of them not partial, and said that these are very serious things he says,....what he says is neither to make fun of him nor to fight him. And they started coming here for confession, one by one, even came from Greece. And I told them, that alone you can not get rid of your passion,= I will give you a saint that when comes to you the passion, you must seek help from him .who do you think I said to them? Saint Mary of Egypt, 2 years passed since then, these people men and women, saw help not from me, but from Saint Mary of Egypt, and especially from the help of our lady virgin mary, and I said to them, hold your selves from the virgin mary each time you fall, and any kind of fall, Do not be discouraged, Saint Mary of Egypt, give me some from your repentance, so little by little they started to get free from passion, in the end, they came to desire more the repentance of St. Mary, the purity of the Virgin, and always with the help of God, some diminished the passion and others forgot it. each one according to his power. Jesus Christ sees our effort, and we will be judged at his second coming until then my son as saint Paisios was saying to me, HELL IS OPEN=that is why we pray, why we do pray?=to purify the image of God within man, so these people offered me a present, its the icon I said to you today, they have sent it from Greece because they said they saw help from her. a lot of help, we all need wishes from Mary of Egypt, you wish for me and I wish for you

Σάββατο 7 Αυγούστου 2021


  in a series of books entitled "True Life in God" and titled "Dialogues with Jesus", "reveals" herself. There are small, in our opinion, extracts

In dialogue with "Jesus": "(Vassula): I can bless you very much (Jesus): You can (Vassula) :. Then we have our blessings of Jesus Christ! "(Notebooks 116, 77)

And elsewhere: "(Vassula): I asked him again, and blessed him" (Book 116, 195). And below: "I love the Lord and bless (Jesus):. We have (Vassula): Yes, Lord "(in the same, p. 280.).

In another conversation: "(Jesus): Vassula, bless me and praise Me" (Tome 2940, p. 173.).

That is why Christ seems sometimes, from His joy "Smile with His Revelation His Cloaks" (4155, p. 191).

On January 8, 87 Vassula writes: "I decided to show the writings to a Catholic priest here. He condemned them by saying that they are works of the devil and that he should stop Jesus asking him if he wanted to raise the Cross. Peace and Love with me said he was out of the evil gave me three prayers: Michael, the Virgin Mary, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus told me to read them in the next few days and see what happens .. I did it Then I left From my hand free to write and for four days I wrote: "I, Yahweh will lead" four days in the queue "(Trial 116, p. 80) ...

"Jesus," in her question: "Does the measure heart more than the struggles?", Replies, "Yes, the heart is important." Thus, "Vassula" can "take" "out of His Ark" (Idiot, pp. 75 and 156) and finally, "Jesus," he says, "Come, let us rest in the other" Idiot, p. 147)
On the other hand, "Jesus" chose to become His altar "(Ibid., Σ. 187). "Jesus" also reveals the following about "Vassula": "Rest to me, to participate in me and let us do one together, together to restore My Church" (Tome 116, p. 224).

Even "Vassula" because of its particular relationship with "Jesus" can bless the world as well. On March 23, 1989, on Thursday, he "blessed" the city of Garabandal, having been inaugurated with the Roman Catholic temple and found miraculously in her room the statue of the Virgin Mary Fatima, who "accompanies her in all her gatherings." The hands of the statue a "rosary" had from Medjugorge and then it was "woke up" in 8 BC. From Agia Theresa (2940, p. 96).

With the love of "Vassula" in "Jesus", even souls will be saved in the "purgatory", which "waited to grow up" the "Vassula": ... "My love with fervor She grabbed them from the purgatory fire .... How much they depend on you! Ah, Vassula, can you help them? "(Tome 116, p. 227).

Vassula has a high destination: "My God, I personally am a Greek Orthodox priest Who do you speak to the Lord Catholics or Protestants, heresies, or other religions If I dare and ask you, it is because there are (...) Jesus. . Ah, Vassula, Vassula, I am one, I am God, I am one of my children created by my hand; Why are all my children scattered I desire Unity, I want all my children to unite I am God and have to understand that the Holy Trinity is a Unit! The Holy Spirit, the Holy Father and Jesus Christ the Son, the three together are one. (Trial 116, p. 146).

The union will, of course, be done through the "Peter", that is, the Pope of Rome: "(Jesus): .... In My Message I ask that My Churches be united; I chose Peter to be your guardian to keep you in the Truth until my Return, but the people have overwhelmed me. They were separated by the proclamation of their own rules. I honestly say to you, do not listen to those who oppose Peter, Peter to my lamb, who is today John Paul II, why is he chosen and my beloved Souls? Do not listen to those who condemn him, have been misled Turn all to Peter and become one, as the Father and I are a "(...... Tome 2940, p.45).

The space does not allow us to expand further. But we believe it worthwhile to pass on some extracts: "4 August, 1989: ..... Yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that the Holy Spirit was praying for me, I believe I realized that the Voice of the Holy Spirit prayed Prayer to Archangel Michael "(Tome 2940, p. 162).

At a meeting, the following dialogue is recorded: "Jesus, I think we have to rush (Jesus). Where (Vassula): On the ground floor, to see the oven (Jesus) Come on, let's go on May 16th .... 1987 "(Tov 116, p. 174) on October 1, 1987, Vassula writes about Jesus:" It was as if he had a sudden idea and stopped showing me our ankles tied together "(p. ).


by Photios Kontoglou
On Pascha Monday, in the evening after midnight, before fore lying down to sleep I went out into the little garden behind my house. The sky was dark and covered with stars. I seemed to see it for the first time, and a distant psalmody seemed to descend from it. My lips murmured, very softly: "Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship the footstool of His feet." A holy man once told me that during these hours the heavens are opened. The air exhaled a fragrance of the flowers and herbs I had planted. "Heaven and earth are filled with the glory of the Lord."
I could well have remained there alone until the break of day. I was as if without a body and without any bond to the earth. But fearing that my absence would disturb those with me in the house, I returned and lay down.
Sleep had not really taken possession of me; I do not know whether I was awake or asleep when suddenly a strange man rose up before me. He was as pale as a dead man. His eyes were as if open, and he looked at me in terror. His face was like a mask, like a mummy's. His glistening, dark yellow skin was stretched tight over his dead man's head with all its cavities. He was as if panting. In one hand he held some kind of bizarre object which I could not make out; the other hand was clutching his breast as if he were suffering.
This creature filled me with terror. I looked at him and he looked at me without speaking, as if he were waiting for me to recognize him, strange as he was. And a voice said to me: "It is so-and-so!" And I recognized him immediately. Then he opened his mouth and sighed. His voice came from far away; it came up as from a deep well.
He was in great agony, and I suffered for him. His hands, his feet, his eyes—everything showed that he was suffering. In my despair, I was going to help him, but he gave me a sign with his hand to stop. He began to groan in such a way that I froze. Then he said to me: "I have not come; I have been sent. I shake without stopping; I am dizzy. Pray God to have pity on me. I want to die but I cannot. Alas! Everything you told me before is true. Do you remember how, several days before my death, you came to see me and spoke about religion? There were two other friends with me, unbelievers like myself. You spoke, and they mocked. When you left, they said: 'What a pity! He is intelligent and he believes the stupid things old women believe!'
"Another time, and other times too, I told you: 'Dear Photios, save up money, or else you will die a pauper. Look my riches, and I want more of them.' You told me then: 'Have you signed a pact with death, that you can live as many years as you want and enjoy a happy old age?'
"And I replied: 'You will see to what an age I will live Now I am 75; 1 will live past a hundred. My children are free from want. My son earns a lot of money, and I have married my daughter to a rich Ethiopian. My wife and I have more money than we need. I am not like you who listen to what the priests say: "A Christian ending to our life ..." and the rest. What have you to gain from a Christian ending? Better a full pocket and no worries ... Give alms? Why did your so merciful God create paupers? Why should I feed them? And they ask you, in order to go to Paradise, to feed idlers! Do you want to talk about Paradise? You know that I am the son of a priest and that I know well all these tricks. That those who have no brains believe them is well enough, but you who have a mind have gone astray. If you continue to live as you are doing, you will die before me, and you will be responsible for those you have led astray. As a physician, I tell you and affirm that I will live a hundred and ten years ...'"
After saying all this, he turned this way and that as if he were on a grill. I heard his groans: "Ah! Ouch! Oh! Oh!" He was silent for a moment, and then continued: "This is what I said, and in a few days I was dead! I was dead, and I lost the wager! What confusion was mine, what horror! Lost, I descended into the abyss. What suffering I have had up to now, what agony! Everything you told me was true. You have won the wager!

"When I was in the world where you are now, I was an intellectual, I was a physician. I had learned how to speak and to be listened to, to mock religion, to discuss whatever falls under the senses. And now I see that everything I called stories, myths, paper lanterns—is true. The agony which I am experiencing now—this is what is true, this is the worm that never sleeps, this is the gnashing of teeth."
After having spoken thus, he disappeared. I still heard his groans, which gradually faded away. Sleep had begun to take possession of me when I felt an icy hand touch me. I opened my eyes and saw him again before me. This time he was more horrible and smaller in the body. He had become like a nursing infant, with a large old man's head which he was shaking.
"In a short time the day will break, and those who have sent me will come to seek me!"
"Who are they?"
He spoke some confused words which I could not make out. Then he added: "There where I am, there are also many who mock you and your faith. Now they understand that their spiritual darts have not gone beyond the cemetery. There are both those you have done good to and those who have slandered you. The more you forgive them, the more they detest you. Man is evil. Instead of rejoicing him, kindness makes him bitter, because it makes him feel his defeat. The state of these latter is worse than mine. They cannot leave their dark prison to come and find you as I have done. They are severely tormented, lashed by the whip of God's love, as one of the Saints has said [St. Isaac the Syrian]. The world is something else entirely from what we see! Our intellect shows it to us in reverse. Now we understand that our intellect was only stupid, our conversations were spiteful meanness, our joys were lies and illusions.
"You, who bear God in your hearts, Whose word is Truth, the only Truth—you have won the great wager between believers and unbelievers. This wager I have lost. I tremble, I sigh, and I find no rest. In truth, there is no repentance in hell. Woe to those who walk as I did when I was on earth. Our flesh was drunk and mocked those who believed in God and eternal life; almost everyone applauded us. They treated you as mad, as imbeciles. And the more you accept our mockeries, the more our rage increases.
"Now I see how much the conduct of evil men grieved you. How could you bear with such patience the poisoned darts which issued from our lips which treated you as hypocrites, mockers of God, and deceivers of the people? If these evil men who are still on earth would see where I am, if only they were in my place, they would tremble for everything they are doing. I would like to appear to them and tell them to change their path, but I do not have the permission to do so, just as the rich man did not have it when he begged Abraham to send Lazarus the pauper. Lazarus was not sent so that those who sinned might be worthy of punishment and those who went on the ways of God might be worthy of salvation.

"He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness yet more; and he that is filthy, let him he made filthy yet more. And he that is righteous, let him do righteousness yet more; and he that is holy, let him be made holy yet more" (Apoc. 22:11).

With these words, he disappeared

Παρασκευή 6 Αυγούστου 2021


 However, the Bible was not speaking about karma but about the judgment of God(The full Biblical verse is: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever aman soweth, that shall he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7.)The concept of karma is nothing more than a cunning attempt to entangle Soul in the laws of physics and thus make followers believe they are dependent on the guru for their release. New Agers like to cite karma as the law of personal responsibility, when in reality it is the opposite, a mechanism which allows someone to behave as he pleases, in the full knowledge that at some future date everything will balance out and no fundamental harm has been done.Since New Agers believe the law of karma could not operate to full effect over the course of a single lifetime, they propose a long series of lives over which Soul‘matures’ and works off its bad karma. The end result, supposedly, of this longevolutionary process is God-Realization, the great illumination in which Soul finally becomes a god. Reincarnation is therefore marketed as a flawless mechanism of self- perfection, whereby the maturities and defects in an individual are gradually refined and eliminated. This beguiling philosophy is designed to ensure that no onemakes a serious effort toward their personal salvation since, as New Agers argue,everyone is saved from the outset, so who needs a Saviour? Again, Lucifer is achieving a major objective when he gets someone to accept this sinister philosophy.The New Age movement has tried various ways to market reincarnation amongChristians. Chief among these is hypnotic regression, where the subject is placed in atrance-like state and induced to remember episodes from his ‘past lives.’ This is anextremely clever trick since hypnosis, by its nature, exposes the subject to demonicinfluences. The implantation of ‘memories’ is thus easy to achieve. New Agers also like to cite cases of children who recall their past lives. This is highlydisingenuous since children are very suggestible and liable to accept all kinds of myths and stories as part of their personal reality. If they are members of a family with a leaning toward the occult, the child may also be exposed to unclean spirits and implanted with ‘memories’ based on verifiable fact.It is worth noting that the great architect behind most New Age philosophies, Madame Blavatsky, did not herself assert the principle of reincarnation in her first major work,

 Isis Unveiled

. If the fact of reincarnation is such a central tenet of New Age thinking,then why was it not mentioned even once in that monumental tome (over 1470 pages)? The reason is simple – it had not yet been identified (in 1877) as an importantingredient in the toxic brew which Lucifer was preparing for the unwary.If you have any doubt about Blavatsky’s allegiance to the rule of Lucifer, you mightlike to note that the name she gave to her theosophical magazine was


and thatthe publishing house established by her disciples to propagate her works was initiallycalled Lucifer Publishing Company (later changed to Lucis Trust). Her books,



The Secret Doctrine

are riddled with Luciferian philosophy.

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.

People foolishly think they can draw nourishment from certain New Age beliefs, incombination with their Christian faith, but this is not possible. As the Bible says,“Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?” (James 3:11). If a movement is Luciferian in any particular, it is Luciferian all the way through

Christ Himself said this, so that we may inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

so we have the life of the Christian and the life of the world we have the injustice and suffering in the personal life of each person and w...