Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 29 Μαΐου 2021

Pay attention here



Jesus Christ is Orthodox. How do we know this? From the sacred light given only to the Orthodox Patriarch, Jesus Christ came to earth to build his church and this is the Orthodox Church.Το φως το αληθινόν φως, έρχεται μόνο από την Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία-You should all come and join,in orthodoxy,and leave all the heretic preachers of other doctrines,since you realise that the real God is orthodox,as we can see that from the holy light,delivered only to the orthodoxy for so many years.Christ who is God himself!  The miracles of Christ do not stop and are perceived even by non-religious people, such as the Great Miracle of the Holy Light that lights the candles of the Holy Temple of the Resurrection that are high in the temple, while the first minutes do not burn!  Also, Agiasmos does not spoil while the relics of the Saints smell miracles and many are indestructible!

Τρίτη 25 Μαΐου 2021

Vision of second coming of Jesus

 Saint Nephon the Bishop of Constantine=vision of second coming of Jesus

One night, Saint Nephon, after finishing his established night prayer, lay down to sleep on the stones, as always. It was midnight and he was still watching the moon and the stars in the sky.

Alone as he was, he pondered his sins and mourned, for he remembered the terrible hour of Judgment.

Suddenly he sees the firmament of the sky being shunned. And the Lord Jesus Christ is presented in great dimensions. It stood in the ether surrounded by all the heavenly armies; angels, archangels, terrible and exquisite battalions lined up with every contraction.

The Lord inquired of his battalion general, and he came brilliant, fearful, but also timid.

-Michael, Michael, lord of the covenant, with your battalion received the pyramid throne of my glory and went to the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will install it as a first sign of my presence. Because the time is approaching when everyone will get their work done. Do it fast, the time has come. I will judge those who worshiped the idols and denied Me their creator. Those who loved the stones and woods I gave them for their needs. All of them will be crushed "as a pottery". As well as my enemies the heretics who dared to separate me from my Father. They dared to bring down the Forgiving Spirit into a building. Alas, what the hell awaits them!

Now I will appear also to the Jews who crucified me and did not believe in my deity. I was given every power, honor and power. I'm a franchisee. When I was standing on the Cross they said, "Wow! burn the god ... save him. " Now, "Your revenge, I will pay back". I will judge, control and severely punish the wicked and perverse gender because it did not repent. I gave them opportunities to repent, but they despised them. So I will now take revenge.

I will do the same to the Sodomites, who have defiled the earth and the air with their stench. I burned them then. Again, I will burn them again because they hated the pleasure of the Holy Spirit and loved the pleasure of the devil.

I will punish the adulterers, the arrogant and the slain, who look like female horses. They did not suffice in their legal marriage, but turned foolishly into immorality and Satan threw them into the abyss of fire. Did they not hear that "they are terribly put in the hand of God alive"? Aren't they afraid of "I lose my sex life"? I invited them to repent and yet they did not repent.

I will also condemn thieves who did a lot of evil, even murder! And all who committed a multitude of sins. I gave them opportunities to change but it didn't really matter. Where are their good works? I showed them the unholy as a type and signature - and many others - so that they would not be discouraged in their sins. But they ignored my orders and refused me. They turned away from Me and loved the meaninglessness. They tore Me down and enslaved me to sin. So let's move on to the flame that they themselves lit.

But even those who died miniscule, I will deliver them in terrible shudder. Because they didn't crave my peace, but their angry, bitter and instrumental lives came to life.

The pros, the scoundrels, and those who work in the philanthropy - which is the second idolatry - will annihilate and exterminate all my anger, because they rested their hope on gold and they ignored me as if I were not caring for them.

And those pseudo-Christians, who claimed that there was no resurrection of the dead or that there was a re-enactment, I would melt them in the genius like wax. Then they will be convinced of the resurrection of the dead.

The magicians, the poisons and those who deal with the oracles in general will be crushed.

Alas, and to those who are drunk, they feast on guitars and drums and sing, dance, chant and imagine cunning. I called them and they didn't listen to me, but they made fun of me. Now the worm will break their heart. I gave them mercy and repentance, but no one paid attention then.

I will sink into the darkness and those who despise the Holy Scriptures, which my Spirit has written through the saints.

I will even judge those who deal with prevention and superstitions and base their hopes on knives, axes, sickles, and the like. Then they will learn that they had to hope in God and not in his creation. They will be troubled and contradicted then, but they will no longer have any power, for "my revenge, I will repay."

I will also punish the kings and lords who have continually bitterly wronged me with their iniquities. They judged the people unfairly and proudly. And they were paid. But my power does not accept bribes. According to their injustice I will destroy them. Then they will realize that I am the terrible one who takes away the powers of the nobles. They will understand that I am more terrible than all the kings of the earth. Yeah to them! What the hell is waiting for them! Because they shaved their teeth and shed innocent blood, the blood of their children and their daughters.

But in what anger will I surrender to those who were not true shepherds? who razed my vineyard and scattered my sheep? who were gold and silver - not souls - and asked for the priesthood out of interest? How much will their punishment be? How much is the urine? I will pour out all their anger and anger on them and crush them. Sheep and oxen have fainted to gain it, but my rational sheep have not cared. I will punish their iniquities and whip their iniquities.

But also the priests who laugh or quarrel in my holy churches, what will I do to them? I'll keep them in the fire and in the tartar.

I came and I come. Whoever has the power let us face it. But yea, woe unto him that, being a sinner, shall fall into my hands! Because everyone will appear before me "naked and quadruped". Where will the daring of the ignorance of sinners be fanned then? How will they look at my face? Where will they put their shame? They will rush in front of my immense Powers.

But I will also criticize any monks who neglected their duties and betrayed the promises they made to God, angels, and men. Others promised and others did. From the height of the clouds I will plunge them into the abyss. They did not suffer their own loss, but they caused a terrible scandal to others. It was better for them not to renounce the world, rather than renounce it and live shy, mixed with apathy. "You revenge, I will pay back" to those who did not want to repent. I will judge them as a fair Judge! ..

These words which the Lord uttered to Commander Michael filled the myriad Powers of Angels.

He then ordered that the Seven Centuries of the constitution of the world be brought to him. Michael also carried out this commandment. So he went to the covenant house immediately and brought them. They were like big books and put them in front of the Judge. Then he stood idly by observing how the Lord is scrolling through the history of centuries.

He took that first Century, opened it and said:

Here he writes first and foremost: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, a God in three faces. From the Father was born the Son and creator of the ages. Because with the Word of the Father, the Son, the Ages became, the Intangible Forces were created, the heavens, the earth, the infernals, the sea, the rivers "and everything in them" were established.

Then after reading a little below, he said:

Here he says: The image of the invisible God is the first man, Adam, with his wife, Eve. Adam was commanded by the Almighty God and creator of all visible and invisible. It is a law that must be obeyed with all certainty and precision in order to remember its creator, and not forget that there is a God above him.

Again a little further:

-Failure, in which the image of God was made by fraud or rather by carelessness and negligence. Man fell and was driven out of paradise with God's righteous judgment and judgment. This vile offender cannot be in so many goods!

Read below:

- Cain threw himself at Abel and killed him at the devil's house. It must burn in the fire of hell, because it was incomprehensible. While Abel will live forever.

In the same way he has flipped through the six books of the Ages.

He finished seventh and read:

-The beginning of the seventh century means the end of centuries. Evil, wickedness, and blasphemy are beginning to generalize. The people of the Seventh Century are cunning, deceitful, liars, hypocritical, philanthropists, enslaved to sodomy sins.

He went a bit, read something and immediately turned his sad eyes high, resting one hand on his knee, with the other covering his face and eyes and staying pensive for a long time. He whispered briefly:

-That is, this Seventh Century has surpassed all previous ones in injustice and wickedness.

Read below:

-The Greeks and their idols were torn down with the wood, spear, and nails that entered my frigid House.

She paused for a few moments and leaned back into the book.

- Twelve lords of the Great King, white as the light, shook the sea, stabbed beasts, strangled the imaginary dragons, illuminated the blind, starved the hungry, and made the rich poor. They restored many dead souls to life. Their salary is great!

And after a while:

- I, the Beloved, chose martyrs for my sake. Their friendship reached to heaven and their love to my throne! Their craving for my heart and their worship makes me loud. My glory and my state are with them!

After turning a few leaves he sighed with a satisfied smile:

-The man who faithfully held the rudder of Eptalofi and became its king, was a slave to my love. He was worthy of the kingdom of heaven because he was zealous and imitator of his Lord.

Then he omitted much and exclaimed:

-A beautiful and precious Nymph! How many filthy people have contaminated you! But you did not betray Me Your Bride! ... Countless heresies threatened you, but the stone upon which you are founded was not carved, because "gates of hell overpower it".

Listed below are all the sins of people who found death to have not been washed away in repentance.

And they were so many, like the sand of the sea! ... The Lord was reading them unhappy and nodding his head, sighing.

The countless number of angels stood in reverence for fear of the righteous wrath of Judas.

When the Lord arrived in the middle of this Century, he observed:

This last one is full of the stench of sins, of human works, which are all false and filthy: Envy, murder, falsehood, hatred, grudge. That's enough! I'll stop it in the middle. Take away the sovereignty of sin!

And in saying these angry words, the Lord gave the commander Michael the motto for Judgment. He claims he with his battalion took the ultra-light and indescribable throne and left. The battalion was so numerous that the land could not accommodate it. As they were leaving they shouted:

-Saint, saint, saint, fearful and great, high, wonderful and glorified the Lord for centuries.

Then Gabriel left with his battalion chanting:

- "Holy, holy, holy Lord Shabbath, the earth is full of this glory"!

And from that terrible cry the heavens and the earth were shaken.

Following was Rafael's third major commander, with his battalion reloading the anthem:

"To the Lord Jesus Christ, glorify the Father of God. Amen".

Finally, the fourth line began. Her lord was white and shining like snow, sweet in appearance. As he was leaving, he began to chant:

- "God of the Lord God bowed down and planted the earth from sunrise to hell. Out of Zion the decency of this beauty. God is obviously there, God is ours and he is stumbling. The fire before him is preceded by a thunderstorm. "

And then the rest of the psalm. While his officials responded:

- "God forbid that the earth lamented that you would perish in every nation!"

The leader of this battalion was called Uriel.

Soon they were brought before the Lord his glorious Cross, which shone like a terrible lightning, and scattered undisturbed fragrance. He was accompanied with great honor by two battalions of Powers and Forces. The spectacle was shockingly grand. Numerous forces shouted panic attacks.

Others said with great awe:

- "Praise my God my King and bless your name for ever and ever."

Others said:

- "Exalt the Lord our God, and bow down to his feet, that thou art holy." Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

A divine order was then given to bring again the royal lord Michael to appear twice on the throne of the Lord. At that moment an angel was shown holding a thunderous trumpet. Judge took her in his arms, trumpeted him three times and said three reasons. After delivering it to Michael:

-Go to Golgotha ​​where I stretched out my rubbery hands and there three times.

As soon as Michael left, the Lord called the Order of the Principles and said to his leader:

-I ask you to take your divine order and scatter around the world to carry the saints from the east and west, north and south. I will gather them all to welcome my presence as soon as the trumpet sounds.

After all, the righteous Judge took a look at the earth and saw… Fog and darkness, lamentation and woe and a great deal of Satan's terrible tyranny. The dragon was mad and fried. Destroy everything by crushing it like grass. Because he saw God's angels preparing the eternal fire for him.

As soon as the Lord saw all this, he called a fiery angel with a stern and dreadful face, without sadness - he was the leader of the angels who oversee the fire of hell - and said to him:

- Take with you my wand that crushes and crushes. Take countless angels from your battalion, the most terrible ones, who have been punished by the damned. You will go to the imaginary sea to find traces of the gloomy lord. Grab him with power and tenacity, and strike the alien with the rod until he has delivered the order of the evil spirits. And after tying them all together with the power of my rod, at my order, you will throw them into the most ruthless and ferocious hell!

And then, when everything was ready, there was a nod to the archangel holding the trumpet to sound the trumpet.

Immediately a dead silence spread, as if the universe had calmed down.

With the first trumpet all the bodies of the dead were assembled.

In the second, the Spirit of the Lord restored souls to the dead bodies.

Awe and horror conquered the universe.

The heavens and the earth trembled.

And then it echoed the third and most terrible trumpet, which shocked the whole world. The dead were resurrected by "blinking an eye" messages. Awesome sight! They exceeded in number the sand of the sea. At the same time as heavy rain they descended from the heavens to the throne of preparing angelic battalions:

- "Holy, holy, holy Lord Shabbath, the land of fear and terror is completely gone."

All the people and the innumerable constitution of angels stood waiting. They were trembling and horrified at the terrifying divine power coming down to earth. But while everyone was looking up, earthquakes, thunder and lightning suddenly began to occur in the valley of Dikki and in the ether, so that everyone was shattered. Then the firmament of heaven withdrew as a book, and the Holy Cross appeared to shine like the sun and scatter divine fences. He was held by angels in front of our Lord Jesus Christ and Judge of the Coming, who was coming.

In a short while there is a hymn, a song of praise: "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; God the Lord", judge, ruler, lord of peace.

As soon as this thorny doxology is over, the Judge appears on the clouds, seated on a fiery throne. With its many pure brilliance it burned heaven and earth.

Suddenly among the crowd of resurrected people some began to glow like the sun! They were immediately grabbed by the clouds in the air to meet their Lord. But most stayed down. No one took them to heaven!… They bitterly lamented that they were not claimed to be snatched from the clouds and that the sorrow and pain in their souls were a cure. They all kneeled in front of the Judge and rose again.

The terrifying Judge had now sat on the "throne of preparation" and all the forces of heaven were gathered around him in fear and terror. Those who had been grabbed by the clouds in response to him were placed to his right. The others marched to the left of Crete. Most of them were Jews, lords, priests, priests, kings and a large number of monks and lay people. They stood in disbelief, mourning for themselves and mourning their loss. Their faces were deplorable and deeply sighing.

Everybody had funeral mourning. And nowhere seemed any consolation.

But those standing to the right of Kritos were all feathers, bright as the sun, modest, glorious, white as the light, as if burned by a divine lightning. They looked - if not bold - to their Lord and God.

Parethys dropped his gaze on the one hand and the terrible Judge on the other. On the right he looked pleased and smiled. But when he turned left, he got upset, got very angry and immediately turned his face away.

Then in a loud and formal voice he says to His "right".

- "Neither my father's blessed, you have inherited the prepared high kingdom from the passing of the world. I got hungry, and for a while, I ate, drank, and sexed with a stranger, and talked to me, naked, and embraced me, sickened, and met with me in prison, and come unto me. "

They were taken aback and asked:

- "Lord, when did we give you hungry and nourished you, thirsty and nourished you? when did we not give you a stranger and an advocate, the naked and the surrounded? when did you not give the patient in jail and come to you? '

- "Amen I say hymn, as long as ye did these things of mine brethren, ye did them."

He then turns to the "eunuchs" and says vigorously:

- "The fire-makers of the eternal fire of the devil and his angels have walked through me. I got hungry, and I didn't eat for a while, I was drunk and didn't eat with a stranger and you talked to me, naked, and you were with me, sick and in prison, and you never met me. "

- "Sir," they asked him in amazement, "when did you give me a patient in jail and my deceased?"

"Amen I say hmm," the Lord replied, "as long as you did not do these things to the least, you did not do to me." Get out of my sight, cursed earth! In the tartar! To the roar of the teeth! There the mourning is over and the endless mourning.

As soon as the Judge made this decision, a huge flaming river was flowing eastward, rushing westward. It was wide like a big sea. The sinners on the left watched him tremble and began to tremble in despair. But the impudent Judge has ordered that everyone - justly and unjustly - cross the flaming river to taste the fire.

The "on the right" began, which all passed by and came out glowing like pure gold. Their works did not burn, but proved to be brighter and clearer with the test. That is why they filled the embrace.

Then came the "eunuchs" to go through the fire to test their works. But because they were sinners, the flame started burning and kept them in the middle of the river. And their works were burned as haystack, and their bodies remained burning for years and endless centuries with the devil and the demons. No one managed to get out of that burning river! All of them were captured by the fire because they were worthy of condemnation and punishment.

After the sinners were delivered to hell, the terrifying Judge rose from his throne and set out for the divine palace with all his saints. He was surrounded, always with great fear and trembling, all heavenly powers screaming:

- "Take away our gates our gates, and enter eternal gates, and enter into the King of glory," the Lord and God of the gods, together with all his saints, who will enjoy eternal inheritance.

Another battalion responded and said:

- "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" with those who claimed his grace to be called sons of God, "God the Lord" with the sons of the New Zion, "and manifested themselves."

And the archangels, which were preceded by the Lord, glorified him, chanting a heavenly member:

- "We do not rejoice in the Lord, but in our God the Savior. We catch this person in confession and in psalms they mutter. "

While another battalion disagreed melodically:

- "That God the Great the Lord and the King of the earth have passed over the earth. That in his hand the ends of the earth and the heights of the mountains are coming in! '

These and many other harmonious members were sung by the holy angels in order to please those who listened indescribably.

So the saints entered with the Lord Jesus Christ into the heavenly chamber of the heavenly palace with hearts that were shining with joy. And immediately the gates of the bridegroom were closed.

Then the heavenly King called the top angels. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and the lords of the battalions first appeared.

The twelve luminaries of the world followed, the apostles. The Lord gave them the glory of glittering and twelve fireproof thrones to sit close to their teacher Christ with magnificent values. Their faces radiated an indescribable eternal light, and their garments were shiny and transparent like amber. Even the angels' lords admired them. Finally he gave them twelve magnificent crystal wreaths decorated with gemstones that glittered as they held glorious angels over their heads.

Then the 70 apostles were brought before the Lord. They received similar honors and glory, only that the 12 wreaths were more wonderful.

And now it's the turn of the witnesses. They took the place and glory of the great angelic army, which was torn down from heaven with Lucifer. That is, they became the martyred angels and lords of the heavenly battalions. Immediately a crowd of wreaths were brought to them and placed on their sanctified heads. As the sun shines, so do they. Thus the sacred witnesses of the gods were blessed and blessed.

Then came the divine dance of the hierarchs, priests, deacons and other clergy. They too were crowned with eternal and amaranth wreaths, depending on their zeal, patience and pastoral activity. Wreath of wreath was different in glory as star by star. Thus many priests and deacons were more glorious and glorious than many priests.

They were even given by a temple to offer the sacrificial sacrifice and sacrifice, pleasing to God.

Then came the sacred dance of the monks. Their appearance was enriched by a secret fragrance, and as the sun scattered divine fibrils. The Lord decorated them with six wings and made them with the power of the Holy Spirit like the horrible Cherubim and Seraphim. Then they started shouting:

- "Holy, holy, holy Lord Shabbath, the earth of his glory is completely gone." Their glory was great, unimaginable, and their wreath varied and glowing. Depending on their struggles and sweat they also enjoyed the prices.

The dance of the prophets followed. The King bestowed upon them the chant of the chants, the psalm of David, the drums and dances, the brilliant light of intense light, the unabashed jubilation, and the doxology of the Holy Spirit.

They were then asked by the Divine Nymph to chant something. And they sang such a melodic hymn, that they all shed their joy.

After receiving these gifts, the saints from the immortal hands of the Savior were still waiting for them, "a bud's eye saw, and a bud's heard, and on the heart a man's heart went up."

Then came all the dance of the people, saved in the world: Poor and lords, kings and privates, slaves and free. They all stood before the Lord, and he separated from them the alms and the pure, and gave them the envy of Eden's paradise, palaces of heaven and luminaries, luxurious wreaths, sanctification and rejoicing, thrones and scepter and angels to serve them.

Then came those who became "poor in spirit" for Christ's love. Now they have risen too. They were given a glorious wreath by the Lord's hand and inherited the kingdom of heaven.

Then the "mourners" of their sins received the great consolation of the Holy Trinity.

Then the "lowly" and the acacia, who inherited the heavenly earth, where the Spirit of God distills sweetness and fragrance. And they experienced an inexpressible thrill and delight, seeing that they were blessed with earth. Their wreaths were fused with roses.

The "hungry and thirsty for justice" followed. They were given the salary of justice, to fill them. And their good intentions were delighted to see King Christ exalted and exalted by the holy angels.

Then "the pursuers of justice." They were given divine doctrine and a wonderful animal.


ELDER OF CRETE=I saw Christ giving order to Archangel Michael,The order was to clean the planet from the sin.I saw tonight one shining man sitting on a throne-on a throne awesome he was holding a small ball, something like germs started growing on the ball,when i came to my senses i started begging God to reveal to me what i just saw?I Was informed that the man sitting on the throne was Jesus Our Lord Jesus Christ,The little ball he was holding is the universe.It is no grain of sand in his immaculate hands.We humans are the ones who took pride in the universe.our selfishness inflates and we think we are towering.Of course we are great because we are children of God,And the whole universe was created for us,in order to feel that way we must be nothing in front of our lord.And between us, not to raise ourselfs.And to sprout and think we are god's without him.I then asked to see the earth, I saw him holding it again like a ball but I saw that he had around something that smells bad,It was more like transparent membrane,she was fat and scheming,and God said-Michael, draw with your sword. we were disgusted by their stench with their mouth orgies,their ingenuity, their sodomy, and all their wicked works then please make it lighter,your country has a alot from this sin-for the sake of my Mother the virgin will be done gently,Then i came to my senses

he was holding a small ball, something like germs started growing on the ball,when i came to my senses i started begging God to reveal to me what i just saw?I Was informed that the man sitting on the throne was Jesus Our Lord Jesus Christ,The little ball he was holding is the universe.It is no grain of sand in his immaculate hands.We humans are the ones who took pride in the universe.our selfishness inflates and we think we are towering.Of course we are great because we are children of God,And the whole universe was created for us,in order to feel that way we must be nothing in front of our lord.And between us, not to raise ourselfs.And to sprout and think we are god's without him.I then asked to see the earth, I saw him holding it again like a ball but I saw that he had around something that smells bad,It was more like transparent membrane,she was fat and scheming,and God said-Michael, draw with your sword. we were disgusted by their stench with their mouth orgies,their ingenuity, their sodomy, and all their wicked works then please make it lighter,your country has a alot from this sin-for the sake of my Mother the virgin will be done gently,Then i came to my senses

Τρίτη 11 Μαΐου 2021

The soul after death


Does the Bible says that we are saved only by faith;
Does the Bible says that the Bible is the complete revelation of God? No, it says. Does the Bible says that we are saved only by faith? No, it says. But what Scripture says is: 1 Timothy 3:15, "but if I tarry long, that know how men should behave in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." in John 14:26 "But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you." (Our Jesus said that full disclosure will reveal the Holy spirit) is James 2:26 "26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith without works is dead." Bible is clear, we must follow the church of Jesus. Catholic church does not belong to the Pope or the bishops or priests, Catholic church belongs to Jesus and every body is welcome to participate in this is why Jesus found him saved us
The Heavenly Kingdom and Hell will come to be, after His Second Coming, a time when man will acquire bodily sensations; for man, once again body and soul will become. They will be able to feel the gifts of paradise and sadness of hell, of course. The only way a Christian, to pass the demons after he is dead, is to confess his sins to the priest, that is the only way. There is no reincarnation, that's the devil's tricks, to distract you from TRUTH. Now there is no hell or paradise, there is an intermediate phase for the souls waiting for Jesus' second coming. This issue here is not near death experience, but when someone is really NEKROS. Father Seraphim Rose LEAVES
The existence of light or what people see close to the experience of death should not be seen as a fact of life after. The devil wants to see you distract, nothing is certain, we have cases of people who were in hell and after intense prayer from holy people, people managed to escape from hell once again to say, final settlement The second coming of Jesus
On the third after death the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits that obstruct its path and accuse it of various sins, to which they themselves had tempted it. According to various revelations there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called toll-houses, at each of which one or another form of sin is tested.-PLEASE PANAGIA, at the time of my death rescue from the hands of the demons, and the decision , And the class, and the terrible test, and the bitter toll houses and the wild prince, and the eternal condemnation, amen, please help-When my soul will be to be released from the bond with the flesh, it intercedes for me , Supreme Virgin Mary Mother of God
Many sins can be eliminated by good deeds - if you forget to confess. Satan is using key positions for deception, priests, politicians and all sorts of deceived personalities to do the same for you

η ψυχή έχει τις αισθήσεις του και, κατά συνέπεια, αισθάνεται
Η τελευταία απόφαση δεν αποτελεί πράξη την ανατροπή, την απόφαση της ψυχής κατά τη στιγμή του χωρισμού της από το σώμα, αλλά μάλλον για να πραγματοποιήσει μια ένωση με το μετασχηματισμένο, αναστημένο σώμα με το οποίο η ψυχή θα συνεχίσει να ζει για πάντα. Μετά τον διαχωρισμό, η ψυχή έχει τις αισθήσεις του και, κατά συνέπεια, αισθάνεται, αντιλαμβάνεται, και γενικά ασκεί όλες τις ενέργειες της ψυχής (Αποκάλυψη 6: 9-10, 7:15? 1 Πέτρου 3: 19? Εβραίους 12:23? Λουκά 16 : 27-28). Η λέξη «ύπνος», με την οποία χαρακτηρίζεται ο θάνατος, δεν αναφέρεται στην ψυχή, αλλά στο σώμα. Στο Κατά Ματθαίον 27:52, διαβάζουμε ότι πολλοί άγιοι που είχαν αποκοιμηθεί, τέθηκαν. Η τελευταία απόφαση θα λάβει χώρα σχετικά με το δεύτερο ερχομό του Ιησού Χριστού, μια ισχυρή πεποίθηση της Εκκλησίας καταγράφεται στο Σύμβολο της Πίστεως που «Αυτός (ο Ιησούς Χριστός) θα έρθει πάλι με δόξα για να κρίνει την γρήγορη και νεκρούς». Η ώρα της Δευτέρας Παρουσίας του Ιησού Χριστού δεν είναι γνωστή και, σύμφωνα με την Αποκάλυψη, δεν μπορεί να εικασία, με οποιοδήποτε μέσο.
The Heavenly Kingdom and Hell will come to be, after His Second Coming, a time when man will acquire bodily sensations; for man, once again body and soul will become. They will be able to feel the gifts of paradise and sadness of hell, of course. The only way a Christian, to pass the demons after he is dead, is to confess his sins to the priest, that is the only way. There is no reincarnation, that's the devil's tricks, to distract you from TRUTH. Now there is no hell or paradise, there is an intermediate phase for the souls waiting for Jesus' second coming. This issue here is not near death experience, but when someone is really NEKROS. Father Seraphim Rose LEAVES
The existence of light or what people see close to the experience of death should not be seen as a fact of life after. The devil wants to see you distract, nothing is certain, we have cases of people who were in hell and after intense prayer from holy people, people managed to escape from hell once again to say, final settlement The second coming of Jesus
On the third after death the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits that obstruct its path and accuse it of various sins, to which they themselves had tempted it. According to various revelations there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called toll-houses, at each of which one or another form of sin is tested.-PLEASE PANAGIA, at the time of my death rescue from the hands of the demons, and the decision , And the class, and the terrible test, and the bitter toll houses and the wild prince, and the eternal condemnation, amen, please help-When my soul will be to be released from the bond with the flesh, it intercedes for me , Supreme Virgin Mary Mother of God
Many sins can be eliminated by good deeds - if you forget to confess. Satan is using key positions for deception, priests, politicians and all sorts of deceived personalities to do the same for you

Κυριακή 9 Μαΐου 2021

Time to wake up


It is here, taken over the whole world, and control all media and entertainment and telecommunications to you can not find other Human nations and organize it could. ATT, Verizon, T Mobile, Comcast, Dish TV, TV, all TV networks, movie studios all, oles of Tainies As Google, Yahoo and all the Internet belongs Jews. All Telecom is owned and controlled by the Jews, so You will never understand the truth. And since banks elenchonte by the Jews and the Jewish Banking Laws allow them Jews to make money by lending money or money is their debt It also has the highest educational system and all banks lend money for higher education and the fact that the debt is money in banking world $ 1 trillion in student loan debt is actually 100 trillion in new money for the Hebrew Jewish banks. But stupid people, you try to find out who is the richest man every time. After a few years, they will possess your soul, with the Coming fucking Antichrist, and will not have no fucking idea what is happening
Simple Solution:
 Who owns the FED?
What do they do with the money they steal from us?
The ILLUMINATI are responsible for starting ALL MAJOR WARS.
They (Rothschild) OWN the FEDERAL RESERVE.
They are worth $500 Trillion.
They OWN EVERYTHING (Media, Banks, Governments, Oil, Elect.,Entertainment...)
And use OUR MONEY to CONTROL US through the Official News.
We the People should own the Federal Reserve and collect the interest. Not the Rothschild Empire!
Satanists cannot ascend to Heaven where desires manifest because they Lack Compassion.

And they want to keep US here with them.With the devils-SAY NO TO THEM
The criminal global elite
The criminal global elite have decided there are too many of us, especially since they have realizes that we are waking up to their criminal activities. The reduction of humanity is what sustainable development is really all about. Sustainable development is a cover for AGENDA 21. If you do not know what Agenda 21 is about I suggest for your family's safety you find out.👀Many have not yet understood the dynamics of the new world order that will be introduced into our minds and will know exactly what they are thinking, something systematic experiments for decades. Besides, it is obvious that there is no longer sufficient administrative supervision and includes direct control of thought and opinion, as we know, thoughts are being made and "world expectancy wants to be sure it will never fall"
Lucifer, the Light! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, son of breakfast! Is he who brings the Light and with its brilliance unacceptable, includes weak, sensual or selfish souls? Do not doubt it! The tectons from the first start, which are the first degree, are called to "illuminate" the Light! The average Mason constantly says he "seeks the Light" and spends all his life "moving to the Light". People who have not studied this issue will assume that this "Light" is the revelation of the God of the Bible. This statement continues to try to convince us that the Masonry is Christian. , Albert Pike says Lucifer is the one who bears the Light of Freemasonry.

Παρασκευή 7 Μαΐου 2021

The Antichrist, Saint Paisios of Mount Athos_ Subtitles

Elder, tell us something about the Antichrist
let's talk about christ for once ... We can be close to Christ. If we are with Christ, we will be afraid of Antichrist; Does the Christian spirit not exist now? the evil spirit also makes the Christian spirit. And if she was born and made a hideous monster and did some bad things, she would be ridiculed in the end. There will be many events happening. Perhaps you will be able to live through many of the signs written in the cover. Slowly-slowly they begin to come out. I cry out to the wretched Prince for how many years! It's a terrible, horrible situation! The craziness is over. There is a return and it now remains for the sale's son to come.» . It's going to be crazy. In the midst of the tumult of the state, every state will rise up to do what the calculus says. May God put his hand, the interests of the Great be such, that they may help us. Every little while we'll hear something new. We'll see the most incredible, the most absurd things happen. Only the events will go by. Ecumenism, a common religion, a great state, a religion in their measures. These are devil designs. The Zionists are preparing someone for the Messiah. This is why the Messiah is king, that is, he will rule over the Earth. The Gods and they look to a king on Earth. The Zionists will present it, and the Jews will accept it. They'll be " this is it." It's gonna be a lot of confusion. In the midst of this confusion, everyone will be asking for a messiah to save him. And then they will present someone who will say: "I am the Prophet, I am the fifth Buddha, I am the Christ Who The Christians are waiting for, I am the one who the Jews are waiting for, I am the Messiah of the Jews". Five " I " will have!..The Evangelist John, when he says in the first book "Children,... for the Christian Cometh, and the Christian Cometh many events...", not knowing that both the expected Christian will be like the persecutors Maximianus and Diocletian, but that the Christian will be the expected somehow incarnate devil, who will present himself to the Jewish people as Messiah and will deceive the world. Difficult years are coming; we will have great trials. . - They believe, Elder, the Zionists of the Christian world.; - They want to rule the whole world. They are used to achieve their purpose of Witchcraft and Satanism. Their satanolatry they see as a force that will help them in their plans. So they're going to rule the world with evil power. God doesn't put it in their account. They will be sworn by God.; Through this God will make much good. The other Satanic theories lasted at least fifteen years; these satanic theories will not last. - Elder, when I hear about the Christian, I feel fear inside me. - What are you afraid of?; Will he be more terrible than the devil? he's a human being. Because Santa Marina defeated the devil and Santa Justin destroyed so many demons. After all, we didn't come to make ourselves comfortable in this world.

Σάββατο 1 Μαΐου 2021

Gennady Zaridze = The Holy Light is the work of God's grace.

 Gennady Zaridze = The Holy Light is the work of God's grace.

 The temperature of the Holy Fire is around forty degrees Celsius for a few minutes after its defeat, so the faithful can freely take it in their hands and "wash" their faces in it during this period, because they do not burn  , Archbishop Gennady Zaridze, Orthodox Christian Scholar and Rector of the Church of the Mother of God in the Voronezh region said in an interview with RIA-Novosti.  "I used a pyrometer and recorded the temperature of the Holy Fire immediately after the descent: I immediately washed my face with this Fire (and I did not burn!) And I measured its temperature and it turned out that the average temperature of the Fire was what kept the  "The fire that my neighbors were holding was forty-two degrees Celsius. Fifteen minutes later I measured the temperature again and reached 320 ° C by that time," the high priest explored the miracles using natural science methods for many years a.  Fr.  Gennady Zaridze used a pyrometer, which with the help of a non-infrared thermometer measures the surface temperature of an object to measure the temperature of the Holy Fire.  A silver width of five millimeters wide and one millimeter thick was used as the object.  Since silver is one of the largest heat generating metals, when you place a plate on the fire, you will immediately get the temperature of the flame.  Fr.  Gennady Zarindze visited the Holy Land in April 2016 for Easter, at the invitation of the St. Joseph Foundation.  Andrew and with the blessing of Metropolitan Sergy Voronezh and Liski.  "I have no doubt that the Holy Fire is the work of God's grace, it is a kind of divine mercy to the sinful world designed to maintain and strengthen faith," the shepherd told RIA-Novosti.  that there were cases of healing miracles during the feasts of Agios Fotios.  that in 2008 Andrei Volkov, a scientist from the Russian Research Center of Russia (Kurchatov Institute), had come to Jerusalem before the conquest of the Holy Fire and brought with him an instrument that recorded various spectra of electromagnetic radiation.  That day he was the first person (even before the patriarch went to the faithful to fire) to learn that the Holy Fire had collapsed because the bodies showed very strong 

How I became Orthodox=The only truth

Ορθόδοξη είναι η μόνη αληθινή θρησκεία! I quote Orthodoxy clean and unchanged from the 7 ecumenical councils at the dawn of Christianity. The Catholics left us, and after children, the protesters separate from and moved away from the true essence of Christianity and then the Anglicans, Pentecostals, Baptists, etc ... .The universal is the appearance of markets all year heresies. Dissolution ... "They overcame" 1) The fall of Satan 2) The fall of Adam 3) The fall of the first Pope in 1054! Η Ορθοδοξία παραθέτω καθαρή και αμετάβλητη από τα 7 οικουμενικά συμβούλια στην αυγή του χριστιανισμού. Οι καθολικοί μας άφησαν, και μετά από παιδιά, οι διαδηλωτές χωριστή από από και απομακρύνθηκε από την αληθινή ουσία από Χριστιανισμού και μετά από τους αγγλικανούς, πεντικιστές, βαπτιστές, κλπ. ... Τώρα εμφανιστοντάδες ή και χιλιάδες διάθετες που απαιτούν "χριστιανικές υπηρεσίες" .Η καθολική είναι η εμφάνιση των αγορών όλων των ετών αιρέσεις. Ενδιάλυση ... « Υπέρξαν » » 1) Η πτώση του Σατανά 2) Η πτώση του Αδάμ 3) Η πτώση του πρώτου Πάπα το 1054! " But the Truth is only one, and is found in the only Church founded by the 12 apostols. The Orthodox Church. Orthodox =The Right Faith Ortho = Right,Unchanged Dox = Dogma,Faith Όλες οι χιλιάδες λεγόμενες χριστιανικές εκκλησίες που ξεκινούν με τον Καθολικισμό έχασαν την Αποστολική καταγωγή. Αναθεματίζονται, γιατί άλλαξαν την πίστη.=They are cursed, because they changed their faith.

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...