Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Σάββατο 2 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Η Εκκλησία όμως που ίδρυσε ο Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός, και παρέλαβαν οι Απόστολοι, και συνεχίζει να διατηρείται ανόθευτη μέχρι σήμερα μόνο στην Ορθοδοξία, δεν έγινε από ανθρώπινη προσπάθεια όπως αυτές της Δύσης, και δεν μπορούμε επομένως να προσθέσουμε ή να αφαιρέσουμε εμείς με διαλόγους κάτι από Αυτήν.

PREACHERS EXPOSED Satanism Pentecostalism New Age Tongues Demonic

Mone of the main falsehoods Pentecostal error and the predominantly external criterion by which the various Pentecostal groups believe someone as you saved it is the gift of speaking in tongues, which they perceive as personal fulfillment of each one with the Holy Spirit, to repeat the event of Pentecost, as happened to the holy Apostles. [www.Pentecost.gr/Greece/history keim.htm. H. D.Reimer. Pfingstbewegung, Munehen 1995, σελ. 961-962].

The called speaking in tongues is proof pursuant Pentecostals of their "baptism with the Holy Spirit" [A.-S. McPherson, symbol of Pisteos.The four Square Gospel. Sel.19-21. Lymperis Siologkas, Steps leading to the blessings of God. P.17] and guaranteed receipt of the Christ at the rapture of the church, before the advent of the Antichrist, according to another their falsehoods.

Taftochronos supposedly is certification criterion that someone belongs to the church and are living members, since according to the misled allegedly true church in the end times is true feature of speaking in tongues.

As proof of their claims rely crowd hagiographical passages related to the presence of the gift of tongues in the years of the Apostles. What relationship but are the villages mentioned in the gift of speaking in tongues, as it existed in the ancient Church, the phenomenon of speaking in tongues Pentecostals? Undoubtedly no. Moreover, not only are not related, because misinterpret and why the submissions and the tongues of Pentecostal experiences are radically opposed to the Bible.

As examples will highlight the following:

They cite the prophecy Joel 3.1-2considering as pouring of the Spirit in the last days the phenomena of the area. Last days But in this passage is considered the first advent of Christ why the Apostle. Peter in Acts. 2.16 states that the prophecy has already been fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost the Apostles speak foreign languages ​​existent, familiar, understandable (Πράξ. 2,4).

This is confirmed by dozens of people from different origins, who listened and understood the greatness of God everyone in the language of (Πράξ. 2, 6-8,11).

In contrast, in gatherings of Pentecostals who tongues gibber, say incomprehensible words, unknown, incomprehensible, asyntachtes sentences sometimes resemble delirium accompanied where appropriate and with spasms of the body.

When the apostle Paul may not have all the gift of speaking in tongues (I Kor.12,4-11, 30).

The opposite claim Pentecostals , Seen as the sine qua non proof filling of the believer with the Holy Spirit. When the apostle Paul, also the gift of speaking in tongues is placed last series of gifts (I Cor. 12.8 to 10, 28). Pentecostals here reverse the order and consider first, main and basic.

The Bible says that speaking in tongues was then given as a supernatural sign not for believers but for unbelievers, to motivate and to believe(I Cor. 14, 22).

The opposite teach Pentecostals, And consider it as the first point of salvation is certain.

Tha complete our observations with another label key referred to the character of the experience of speaking in tongues Pentecostals. While the gifts granted by God to the Church given freely and effortlessly to increase in Christ and unity of His Body (AKor.12), speaking in tongues Pentecostals is the fruit of various techniques, exhilarating events, emotional, and psychological submission pressures.

Nomizoume that is understood, as far as we mentioned, that the tongues of modern Pentecostal has nothing to do with the gift of speaking in tongues of the ancient Church. Are energies of the spirit of error, which being transformed into an angel of light presents them as somehow off - experience the filling with the Holy Spirit. This is confirmed by the fact that there are Pentecostal groups speaking in tongues but unitarian. In this case it is clear what spirit epidemic and there.

We will complete our reference to the issue of speaking in tongues Pentecostals quoting the views of two Greek Protestants. The importance and their importance is obvious, as is endoprotestantiki criticism, that criticism Protestant Protestant Pentecostals in the matter of speaking in tongues, sole guide the Bible.

According therefore to a Greek Protestant called "baptism with the Holy Spirit"Pentecostals whose fruit is speaking in tongues, is perception, false,"absolutely no support in the Bible (···) Look carefully the New Testament and nowhere will meet the baptism of the Holy Spirit as something separate from regeneration.» [G.A.Chatziantoniou. The Holy Spirit. The two phases of the project, the Voice of the gospel, 57 Febr. 1997. sel.62]

And another "speaking in tongues and miracles are two of the eminently effectively means the devil, imitating God, treats today for dark purposes» [Ger. Zervopoulos, Copyright. Greek Free Churches abroad sel.97] . Furthermore, believes that "speaking in to


"Is also transformed into an evil light"The Bible warns us that Satan "is transformed into an evil light" to deceive. The incidents in which Christians, even monks, are victims of scornful demonic impersonations are fully depicted in the case of Ἱ.M.Yassio Nikodimou "Gerontiko of Dreams and Dreams".We are also aware of the Holy Office, that even if "an angel of the world is proclaimed to be, even if we receive" a "refusal". That is why any proclaimed union that damages the saving Truth of the Church can not be accepted as a conspirator of confusion and sacrifice, as long as it is based on the breath of our cause, which seeks spectacles, not in the "Spirit of the Spirit" the glorious Fathers, but those of the pilgrims of the Christians, who proclaim the prophets themselves. by the great apostles

Aliens 👽

Nowadays, the dark forces of Satan are called Aliens,or something negative beings.They are entities OF SATAN,who like to mess your your mind.and they have done it in a very pretty way It is a sign of the spiritual crisis of today that modern humans, with all the proud "enlightenment" and "wisdom" them, are once again aware of such experiences - but no longer have the Christian infrastructure to interpret them with it . Modern UFO researchers, searching for an explanation for phenomena which have become very noticeable to the sight now, have been partners in today's psychic investigators in an effort to formulate a "unified field theory" that would include psychological as well as material phenomena . But such researchers still only approach the modern "enlightened" man and trust the scientific observations to give answers to a spiritual field that absolutely can not be accessed "objectively" but only by faith. The natural world is morally neutral and can become known relatively well in an objective observer; but the invisible spiritual realm includes good and evil beings, and "objective" observer has no means to distinguish from one another, except if it accepts the revelation that has done about these humans the invisible God. So, today's UFO researchers place the divine inspiration of the Bible on par with the satanic inspired automatic writing of spiritualism, and do not distinguish between the action of the angels and that of demons. Many recent studies of UFO by evangelical Protestants, collect all these items and reach the conclusion that the UFO phenomena is simply just demonic origin. * It is difficult to reach a different conclusion Orthodox Christian researcher. Some or many of the experiences might be the result of fraud or hallucinations; but it is simply impossible to dismiss one all the many thousands of UFO reports in this way. A large number of modern mediums and their spiritualistic phenomena are also deceptively; but mentioumistikos spiritualism, when is genuine, undoubtedly produces truly "paranormal" phenomena under the action of demons. The phenomena UFO, having the same source, is no less real. PAY ATTENTION HERE=There is both human,and devils manifest-manufacturer.The Stealth bomber is our most advanced technology that the American public is aware of and it was developed 30 years ago. What do you think they have now?

Κυριακή 27 Οκτωβρίου 2019


PROTESTANT TV shows are doing things like taking devils out of humans all the time while breaking the law of God. The Word tells us how anyone can cast out demons, but still not make it to heaven in Matthew 7:21-23, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Iniquity is known sin. What is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law/ten commandments. 1 John 3:4. Anyone can cast out demons in the name of Jesus. That is how powerful His name is! Casting demons out means nothing for salvation of anyone, or church or a people. Isaiah 8:20. Just the name of God cause the enemy to tremble.


Let us not be indifferent to the salvation of our souls. We are mortal here on earth. We do not know if we will live in the next hours. We have a good idea in mind, who are we going to meet? Are we ready to meet and see Jesus Christ? The opportunity we are giving you now, as long as we are living temporarily ... nothing changes after death. Let's think very well ...

Παρασκευή 25 Οκτωβρίου 2019


spiritual guide = demonic beings

Like most occultists, Albert Pick had a "spiritual guide" distributing "Divine Wisdom" and enlightened how to achieve the New World Order. A "spiritual guide" is a "being" that meets someone who has given more of himself in the practice of concealment. However, people who are professionals of New Age Religion do not see this as a bad thing. In fact, they would strongly support that they are filled with happiness and joy by interacting with their "spiritual guides".

Difficult to heal

On the right our demons are luring with spiritual passions, and rational thin and indiscriminate pride, arrogance, self-opinion, vanity, condemnation of others, rebellion, disobedience, selfishness, cults, cults, high thought, blasphemy, doubt, mistrust , dreams, visions, magic, etc. After the passions, it was the foundation of the pride of Lucifer that fell, and it is difficult to heal

100, 200 years?

Born Again Christians should learn to read Kings in the Bible, and read it properly as to why a Church must have Icons, and if they don't understand....stop watching and debasing our beliefs. We are the first Christians EVER who have Built, Prayed and Worshiped without change directly from Paul, and ALL the Apostles. Born Again have a history of what? 100, 200 years? If there is any other Creed older then ours, please tell? Orthodoxy is the true Christian to be.


After separation, the soul has its senses and consequently feels, perceives and generally exercises all the energies of the soul (Revelation 6: 9-10; 7:15; 1 Peter 3:19; Hebrews 12:23; Luke 16: 27-28). The word "sleep", in which death is characterized, refers not to the soul but to the body. In Matthew 27:52 we read that many saints who had fallen asleep found. The last decision will be made at the second coming of Jesus Christ, a strong faith of the Church is recorded in the symbol of faith that "He (Jesus Christ) will come again with glory to judge the fast and the dead." The time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is not known and, according to Revelation, he can in no way guess.

The doctrine of reincarnation in all its various forms contradicts the teaching of Scripture concerning the nature and purpose of man. This false religion has objective evidence in favor of and based on fantasy. However, it turns out the attractions both promise a kind of immortality of the soul (in primitive and pagan form) and, on the other hand, deny God's judgment and punishment of hell. It frees the sinner from fear and responsibility for inappropriate actions. The logical conclusion of the teaching is that even if the person committed many sins in this life to the next reincarnation may improve his position. After an endless cycle of reincarnations each person will eventually reach the same end, as everything else, mixing with the ultimate. The only difference is in the amount of cycles.

Τετάρτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Devil IS annoyed

Devil IS annoyed

Orthodoxy is beginning to attack ... because it is in the scriptures ... in fact it grows, but others have to attack because of the fact that they are falling ... God bless all my orthodox brothers and sisters ... read the Orthodox Bible Study Guide .. ALL ANSWERS IS IN ORTHODOXY! Amen DEVIL is irritated = WHY, more and more people are turning into orthodoxy today, the devil knows better, because he started attacking in different ways. Check out the YouTube channel and you will realize the hatred coming from the devil, using all the shepherd's contractions. .. attacking orthodoxy Do not make the mistake The devil has built a huge prophet on earth to speak in the name of Christ, to confuse and pull out of the Orthodox Church. and remove us from the weapons offered by ORTHODOXY The Holy Spirit will not work outside the Orthodox Church. You can say whatever you want, but on the day you die and you will be in front of the Lord's throne, than you will learn about the Truth and too late. READ ORTHODOX BOOKS, SEARCH THE TRUTH AND WILL SEE YOU
But the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ, received by the Apostles, and still preserved to this day only in Orthodoxy, was not made by human effort like those of the West, and therefore we cannot add or subtract from dialogue by anything That.

Τετάρτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2019



heritable does not mean inherited.

genetic research that is really serious locates and focuses on features that are directly inherited.

Hereditary feature means that it is "immediately designated by the genes' and can not be influenced by the environment. Such are physical characteristics such as the shape of the nails or eye color. Instead, minimum characteristics of human behavior is directly inherited.

The majority of reputable scientists now believe that homosexuality is due to a combination of psychological, social and biological factors.

Many scientists are of the view that sexual orientation is established in most people at an early age through complex interactions of biological, psychological and social factors

Τρίτη 22 Ιανουαρίου 2019

My notes 📝

When the Antichrist comes, that is, the Beast, he will seek all men to worship him, including the churches and various denominational groups. The stage is now being set. False prophets

The Bible warns
The Holy Bible warns of one who will sit in God's temple claiming the authority of God. That's what the Pope is doing by calling himself the head of the Catholic Church. Catholic Church means universal church.224 God, not the Pope, is the head of the universal church.

Satan's favorite methods
One of Satan's favorite methods of attack is through religion. Satan loves religion and infuses his religion with, devil inspired, man made rules.

in heaven
we do not go to paradise simply by admitting that we believe in Jesus. This is Pentecostal hallucinations. Devils also believe and admit the same. Wake up and learn the truth from Orthodox

This is Pentecostal heresy
when I hear people say, they are saved just because ... they admit that they believe in Jesus? .The Devils believe too

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism has so far a very special reverence, a piety limited to "sacred heart", affection, cleansing and applause, revealing various "mystics" and the like. and an observer orthodox observer can detect in such aspects of modern Latin spirituality the practical implications of the theological errors of Rome. Fundamentalist Protestantism also has its own approach to prayer, characteristic of hymns, its approach to religious "rebirth": all these can determine the application, the religious life of fundamentalist errors in Christian teaching

Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...